Annotated type catalogue of the Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London Author Breure, Abraham S. H. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, Leiden, the Netherlands Author Ablett, Jonathan D. Natural History Museum, Division of Higher Invertebrates, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK text ZooKeys 2014 2014-03-21 392 1 367 journal article 1313-2970-392-1 FFCF5A59FFB1FF93FFF10B43FFAFFFF5 578044 Helix thamnoica d'Orbigny , 1835 Figs 68A , L60ii Helix thamnoica d'Orbigny 1835 : 16. Bulimus thamnoicus d'Orbigny 1837 [1834-1847] : 290, pl. 37 figs 4-9 [5 June 1837; text 6 May 1838]. Scutalus thamnoicus ; Breure 1975b : 1144, pl. 4 fig. 1. Type locality. "Var. A. [Not given]. Var. B. [Not given]. Var. C. Cavari (republica Boliviana). Var. D. provincia Chuquisacensi (republica Boliviana)"; see remarks and Breure 1973 : 123. Label. "Var. A. Palca d'ayupaya Bolivia", "Var. B. Cochabamba, Bolivia", "Var. C. Cavari, Bolivia", "Var. D chuquisaca Bolivia", all in d'Orbigny's handwriting. Dimensions. "Longit. a 45 ad 80 millim.; latit. a 22 ad 39 millim.", corrected in d'Orbigny 1837 [1834-1847] to: "Long. ex 25 ad 65 millim.; lat. ex. 15 ad 35 millim."; figured specimen herein H 44.0, D 25.3, W 6.8. Type material. NHMUK 1854.12.4.111, five paralectotypes "var. A."; 1854.12.4.109, six paralectotypes "var. B."; 1854.12.4.107, four paralectotypes [var. B]; 1854.12.4.110, nine syntypes "var. C."; 1854.12.4.108, lectotype ( design. n. ) and four paralectotypes "var. D." (all material d'Orbigny coll.). Remarks. d'Orbigny's varieties have proven to belong to different species, already noticed by Pilsbry (1897 [1897-1898]) and Richardson (1995) , although they disagreed on the specific assignments of the four varieties. Breure (1975b) mentioned only material pertaining to the varieties A and B in the Paris museum; however, also material corresponding to variety D is available in this collection (Breure, unpublished data). The data presented in d'Orbigny 1837-1838 [1834-1847] , together with the material of both the NHMUK and MNHN collections, are used here to resolve this complicated issue. Var. A. " Magna , reticulata " (pl. 37 figs 4-5) is recorded from "pres de Palca, capitale de la province d'Ayupaya" [Dept. Cochabamba, Indepencia; see Breure 1973 : 133, fig. 6] and "Longueur, 45 millimetres" . The lectotype (MNHN 23258) has a shell height of 47.7 mm; the largest specimen in NHMUK labelled "var. A" has shell height 44 mm. The name thamnoica d'Orbigny is restricted to this variety. Var. B. " Magna , crassa , striata " (pl. 37 fig. 7) is listed from "environs de Capinata [Dept. La Paz]" and from "vallee de Cochabamba (...) principalement a Viloma. Longueur, 65 millimetres" ; see Breure 1973 : 133, figs 6-7. The largest specimen in lot NHMUK 1854.12.4.109 measures 52.7 mm in height ( Fig. 68B ); note that there is also material without variety designation (1854.12.4.107), of which the largest specimen has a shell height of 61.5 mm. This variety is considered to be identical with Bulimus alauda Hupe , 1857. Var. C. " Minor , fasciata " (pl. 37 fig. 8) has been found at "les coteaux du bourg de Cavari", near the top of the mountains; see Breure 1973 : 129, fig. 7. "Longueur, 25 millimetres" . The largest specimen in NHMUK has dimensions H 32.2, D 19.0, W 6.3. This variety was considered a synonym of Bulimus revinctus Hupe , 1857 by both Pilsbry (1897 [1897-1898]) and Richardson (1995) . We consider this variety as Bulimus gayi Pfeiffer, 1857. Var. D. " Marmorata " (pl. 37 fig. 9) was collected "aux environs de la ville de Chuquisaca"; see Breure 1973 : 130, fig. 4. No shell height was given by d'Orbigny . The largest NHMUK specimen, corresponding to d'Orbigny's figure, has dimensions H 40.8, D 23.1, W 6.2 ( Fig. 68C ). Three specimens are present in Paris (MNHN 23261), of which the largest one with dimensions H 45.3, D 23.9, W 6.7. Pilsbry (1897 [1897-1898]) regarded var. D as synonymous with Bulimus alauda Hupe , 1857; Richardson (1995) synonymyzed it with Bulimus revinctus Hupe , 1857. The types of both species have not been located, leaving only the possibility to check against Hupe's figures (1857: pl. 7 fig. 3 resp. pl. 7 fig. 2), in which case we concur with Pilsbry's view. Current systematic position. Bulimulidae , Kuschelenia (Kuschelenia) species. See under remarks.