A review of gorgonian coral species (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) held in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History research collection: focus on species from Scleraxonia, Holaxonia, Calcaxonia - Part II: Species of Holaxonia, families Gorgoniidae and Plexauridae Author Horvath, Elizabeth Anne text ZooKeys 2019 860 67 182 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.860.33597 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.860.33597 1313-2970-860-67 128BC1830A6A423488931CBD2D2AF962 Genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958 Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958: 46; 1979: 1026-1027. Breedy and Guzman 2018 : 329. Type species. Adelogorgia phyllosclera Bayer, 1958. Diagnosis. Genus originally included in family Plexauridae ( Bayer 1958 ). Presence of moderately thick coenenchyme; polyps communicate directly with system of longitudinal canals. Exterior coenenchyme contains derivatives of short, stout capstans called double wheels/discs; large, leaf-like expansions (on one side) up to 0.15 mm long; spindles with tubercles in transverse rows, to 0.2 mm, some developed as leaf clubs. Interior layers of coenenchyme contain only spindles. Anthocodiae weakly to moderately armed with flat rods, 0.15-0.3 mm long. Etymology. Adelo- is Greek for unknown. When Bayer described this genus in 1958 it was a new, unknown gorgonian genus; however, Bayer did not discuss the derivation.