Two new species of the genus Plusiodonta Guenée, 1852 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera, Erebidae: Calpinae)
Pellinen, M. J.
journal article
Plusiodonta pasi
PellInen & Kononenko
sp. n.
Figs 1, 2
Kononenko & Pinratana 2013
: 61, Pl. 6, fig. 37 (
sp. unidentified,
Type material.
Holotype: male, Thailand, Prov. Lampang, Phraya Chaye (99°33′18′′E, 18°17′51′′N),
300 m
, ex. larva on
Cyclea peltata
. Genitalia slide MJP 35 (coll. M. Pellinen). Paratypes: 2 females, same locality,
all ex. larva. Genitalia slide MJP 431 (coll. M. Pellinen).
The new species with golden colouration and reddish-brown pattern of the forewing is most close to Manchurian-pacific species
Plusiodonta casta
Butler, 1878
but differs by more rounded shape of forewing apex and more prominent and acute ventral extension of the wing; more contrast and distinct wing pattern formed by reddish-brown and grey lines and distinct golden spots on dark background. In male genitalia it differs from
P. casta
Figs 10 a–c
) by broader shape of valve, with more massive sacculus and ventral bar and longer ventralapical extension, shorter and less acute harpe, broader v-like juxta with rounded lateral lobes and by shape of aedeagus with weakly armed vesica (armed with small spine-like cornuti in
P. casta
). The female genitalia differ from
P. casta
Fig. 15
) by broader papillae anales, broad ostium, longer and relatively narrow ductus bursae and by shape of corpus bursae.
Description. Adult
Figs 1, 2
). Wingspan
28–29 mm
. Head and thorax covered with reddish-brown and yellow scales, tegulae bordered with whitish scales, patagia—with brown. Forewing moderate narrow, with rounded apex, prominent acute extension in medial part of tornal edge and cut from extension to tornal angle. Ground colour of forewing golden-yellow with shining golden spots, wing pattern resembling those in
P. casta
, contrast, formed by reddish-brown and whitish lines; basal field whitish with grey; subbasal field reddish-brown, with three large golden spots, medial spot with brownish dusting; antemedial fascia complex, formed with pale yellowish-brown inner line and thin white outer line, bordered with greyish-brown area dusting with brown and relatively wide pale yellowish line; medial field yellowish-brown; reniform distinct, formed with thin whitish border, in its bottom part reniform connected with antemedial line by thin pale streak; postmedial line oblique, follows from costal margin to extension on ventral margin of wing, thin white, with distinct dark-brown bordering; postmedial field wide, yellowish-brown, with whitish dash in costal area and two large golden spots bordered with brown in ventral part near ventral extension; subterminal area yellowish brown; terminal line in its costal part extended outward and deeply arched inward in medial part; subterminal field with broad brown triangular mark, bordered with broad whitish line inside and whitish terminal line; cilia twin, brownish yellow separated with pale line. Hindwing yellowish-grey, pale in basal part, gradually darker to terminal margin; cilia pale, yellowish-brown. Hindwing yellowish-grey, pale in basal part, gradually darker to terminal margin; cilia pale, yellowish-brown.
Male genitalia.
Figs 9 a–c
). Uncus, thin, rather week, longer than in
P. casta
; scaphium slightly sclerotised; tegumen 1.3 times longer than vinculum; valva rather broad, broader than in
P. casta
, extended distally, with prominent costal angle; sacculus long, broad rather massive (narrow in
P. casta
), with thumb-like, broad but short harpe (long and acute in
) and sclerotised bar, ended apically by extension, slightly asymmetrical on left and right valves (in
P. casta
it thinner, symmetrical and shorter); juxta v-like, broad basally, with broad setose, apically rounded branches (v-like, narrower, with long acute, strongly setose branches in
P. casta
. Aedeagus shorter than in
P. casta
, with sclerotised carina, bearing two ripples apically, vesica with light granulation (in
P. casta
carina short, with row of basal ripples, vesica bulbous, rounded, with small basal patch of needle-like cornuti and basal and medial patches of ripple-like cornuti extended to needle-like ones).
Female genitalia.
Fig. 13
). Papillae anales rather broad, slightly extended (quadrangular in
P. casta
), anterior apophyses moderate long, 1.5 times longer than posterior ones; antrum broad, with two lateral lobes; ductus bursae tubular, sclerotised, wrinkled, extended to corpus bursae as sclerotised bar; corpus bursae elongate, slightly scobinate and wrinkled in caudal part.
The species name is dedicated to Finnish lepidopterologist Dr. Pasi Sihvonen, who assisted us in photographing of the genitalia slides of the new species.
Distribution and bionomic.
The species is known only from the type-locality,
, Prov.
. The adults have been breaded from larvae collected in beginning of June in valley sparse forest along river. The larvae feed on
Cyclea peltata
. Adults emerged 17 and 18 of June.
The species was illustrated and referred by
Kononenko and Pinratana (2013)
as “
sp. unidentified,
Buller, 1878