New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe Author Marchioro, Matteo Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy Author Faccoli, Massimo Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy Author Dal Cortivo, Marialuisa Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversita, Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversita Belluno, Belluno, Italy Author Branco, Manuela Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal Author Roques, Alain INRA, UR 633 Zoologie Forestiere, Orleans, France Author Garcia, Andre Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal Author Ruzzier, Enrico Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy text Biodiversity Data Journal 2022 2022-10-21 10 93995 93995 journal article 1314-2828-10-e93995 EA411361BEB35E4C90711A1D5B067827 Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894) Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 4CE4DA07-954B-587E-AF1B-62BAC602173B ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.718138 ; decimalLongitude: -9.188019 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-05-03 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: DF1F8EC3-4D68-5C9D-A963-EDB25B89373F ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.719125 ; decimalLongitude: -9.175109 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-05-03 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 9D88B2D3-9227-5696-A507-61C444001FAB ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.717577 ; decimalLongitude: -9.180666 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-05-24 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: FDDD0DF0-A97F-5D12-A9F0-F4264DF6FFAF ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.703966 ; decimalLongitude: -9.184431 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-08-16 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 34666E9D-E862-55AB-B1D7-47492880CBC1 ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.704480 ; decimalLongitude: -9.162623 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-08-16 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 619CA317-0C4C-5553-B77A-45C4F3B9E116 ; Taxon : scientificName: Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Portugal ; countryCode: PT; county: Lisbon ; municipality: Lisbon metropolitan area; decimalLatitude: 38.711845 ; decimalLongitude: -9.185894 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Massimo Faccoli ; Event : eventDate: 2019-09-30 ; Record Level: collectionID: EDUP Distribution Species native of the Oriental Region and Eastern Palearctic ( Smith et al. 2020 ), introduced and widely established in Europe and North America ( Galko et al. 2018 , Gomez et al. 2018 ). The data provided here represent the first record of the species in Portugal (Fig. 8 ). This represents the westernmost location in Europe. Notes All specimens were collected using black multi-funnel traps set up at 5 m above the ground and baited with a multi-lure blend of longhorn beetle pheromones ( Fan et al. 2019 ), ethanol and alpha-pinene. Hosts Extremely polyphagous species, with hundreds of host plants recorded. The most represented families are: Anacardiaceae (11 species), Betulaceae (17 species), Fabaceae (7 species), Fagaceae (26 species), Juglandaceae (9 species), Lauraceae (18 species), Rosaceae (20 species), Sapindaceae (15 species) and Ulmaceae (7 species) ( Murayama 1953 , Weber and McPherson 1983 , Dole and Cognato 2010 ).