A catalogue of the species of ants found in southern India. Author Jerdon, T. C. text Madras Journal of Literature and Science 1851 17 103 127 http://antbase.org/ants/publications/4764/4764.pdf journal article 4764 17. Eciton minutum , N. S. Worker about l- 6 th of an inch long, black throughout, very slender; legs rather thick; palpi much exposed. I regret that I have not at present a specimen of this little Ant to describe from more fully. Its general structure however is exceedingly similar to that of its congeners, from which its small size sufficiently distin-guishes it. I have found it both in the Carnatic and in Malabar, almost always on trees, but do not know if it has its nest in holes of the wood or otherwise. Though scarce in individuals, it is by no means rare, and I hope to be able to describe it more fully hereafter.