A Synopsis of the Scolytine Ambrosia Beetles of Thailand (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Beaver, R. A. rogerbeaver6@gmail.com Author Sittichaya, W. Author Liu, L-Y. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-10-21 3875 1 1 82 journal article 5279 10.11646/zootaxa.3875.1.1 fc3e4322-9765-42c9-9616-da49dd61cfed 1175-5326 5130589 66613335-DA8E-4EE7-A0A4-5FE405B15437 41. Arixyleborus malayensis (Schedl) Xyleboricus malayensis Schedl, 1954a: 150 . Arixyleborus malayensis (Schedl) : 1958: 145. Thai distribution: (unspecified province) ( Hutacharern et al. 2007 ); (unspecified southern province) ( Sittichaya et al. 2012 as Arixyleborus malayanensis [ sic ]); C: Kanchanaburi , Nakhon Nayok , Rayong ( Sittichaya & Beaver 2009 ); N: Chiang Mai ; S: Chumphon , Surat Thani . New records: Chiang Mai , Doi Pui , ex hard wood, 11.vii.2002 ( A. Cognato ) (1) ; Chumphon , Thung Tako Distict , 10° 26' 28.3'' N , 99° 04' 13.8'' E , 70 m , durian plantation, EtOH trap , 1.i., 1.xii.2010 (W. Sittichaya ) (2); as previous except: Sawi distr. , 10° 17' 56.5'' N , 99° 01' 52.7'' E , 95 m , durian plantation, EtOH trap , 1.iii., 1.xi.2010 ( W. Sittichaya ) (4) ; Kanchanaburi , 50km NW Erawan waterfall, 27.i.1995 (A. Weigel ) (1) ; Nakhon Nayok , Khao Yai NP , Office , 14° 24.619' N , 101° 22.778' E , pan trap , 10.vii.2006 ( P. Sandao ) (1) ; Surat Thani , Bhan Nasan Distr. , 08° 46' 47.2'' N , 99° 22' 46.2'' E , 96 m , durian plantation, EtOH trap , 1.i., 1.v.2010 ( W. Sittichaya ) (2) . Other distribution: China ( Fujian , Sichuan , Xizang ), India ( Assam , W. Bengal), Indonesia ( Java , Sumatera ), Japan , Malaysia (W.), Sri Lanka , Vietnam . (4) Biology: Polyphagous (Beaver et al . 2008). The gallery system is typical of the genus. One gallery excavated by Kalshoven (1959) contained 47 offspring. Illustrations: D ( Maiti & Saha 2004 ).