A Synopsis of the Scolytine Ambrosia Beetles of Thailand (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Beaver, R. A. rogerbeaver6@gmail.com Author Sittichaya, W. Author Liu, L-Y. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-10-21 3875 1 1 82 journal article 5279 10.11646/zootaxa.3875.1.1 fc3e4322-9765-42c9-9616-da49dd61cfed 1175-5326 5130589 66613335-DA8E-4EE7-A0A4-5FE405B15437 121. Schedlia sumatrana (Hagedorn) * Xyleborus sumatranus Hagedorn, 1908: 381 . Schedlia sumatrana (Hagedorn) : Browne, 1950: 642 . Thai distribution: N-E: Sakhon Nakhon . New to Thailand . New record: Sakhon Nakhon , Phu Phan NP , house at 1567 station, 16° 48.628' N , 103° 53.591' E , 522 m , dry evergreen forest, MT , 3–9.xii.2006 ( S. Kongnara ) (1) . Other distribution: Indonesia ( Sumatera ), Malaysia (E. & W.), Papua New Guinea , Vietnam . (3) Biology: The species is associated only with trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae ( Browne 1961a ) . The gallery system consists of an unbranched radial entrance tunnel leading to a single large, narrow brood chamber, elongated in the longitudinal plane. Browne (1961a) notes that broods tend to be small (from 8–18 individuals), and that the life cycle may be completed in 3–4 weeks. Illustrations: P (Hulcr 2013).