A Synopsis of the Scolytine Ambrosia Beetles of Thailand (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Beaver, R. A. rogerbeaver6@gmail.com Author Sittichaya, W. Author Liu, L-Y. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-10-21 3875 1 1 82 journal article 5279 10.11646/zootaxa.3875.1.1 fc3e4322-9765-42c9-9616-da49dd61cfed 1175-5326 5130589 66613335-DA8E-4EE7-A0A4-5FE405B15437 146. Xyleborus bidentatus (Motschulsky) Phloeotrogus bidentatus Motschulsky, 1863: 514 . Xyleborus bidentatus (Motschulsky) : Eichhoff, 1878b: 505 . Xyleborus subcostatus Eichhoff, 1869: 281 . Synonymy: Hulcr & Cognato, 2013: 150 . Thai distribution: (unspecified province) ( Eichhoff 1869 as Xyleborus subcostatus ); S: Ranong ( Murphy & Meepol 1990 as Progenius bidentatus ). No more recent records from Thailand . Other distribution: From India through Southeast Asia and Indonesia to New Guinea and the Pacific islands. Intercepted in Japan in timber imported from the region. Also recorded from EastAfrica and Madagascar . (4) Biology: Murphy and Meepol (1990) suggest an association with mangroves in southern Thailand , as do Maiti and Saha (2004) in the Sundarbans and Andaman Islands, but overall the species is polyphagous ( Schedl 1963 ). Beeson (1930 as Xyleborus riehli Eichhoff ) describes the gallery system. Numbers caught in light traps in Ranong are related to rainfall by Murphy and Meepol (1990) . Illustrations: P (Hulcr 2013); D ( Maiti & Saha 2004 ).