A new combination in Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) of Florae Fluminensis Author De Menezes, Helen F. 0000-0001-9467-6957 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Algas e Plantas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040 - 900, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil & helmenezes @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9467 - 6957 helmenezes@hotmail.com Author Pastore, José Floriano B. 0000-0003-4134-7345 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Curitibanos, Caixa Postal 101, Rod. Ulysses Gaboardi, km 3, 89520 - 000, Curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brasil & jfpastore @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4134 - 7345 jfpastore@hotmail.com text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-09-26 616 2 195 199 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.616.2.10 journal article 270786 10.11646/phytotaxa.616.2.10 ca9fe7de-bbbc-40a9-bf7e-7b8600b90b14 1179-3163 8389511 Mucuna pungens (Vell.) H.F.Menezes & J.F.B.Pastore , comb. nov. Dolichos pungens Vell. Flora Fluminensis 1829 [1825]): 301. Protologue:—“Habitat silvis maritimis Pharmacopolitanis”. Lectotype designated here : [icon ined.] “Diadelph. Decand. DOLICHOS pungens Tab. 157)” (Seção de Manuscritos, Bibliot. Nac., Rio de Janeiro No. I‐17, 04, 001; mss1198656_161) ( Fig.1.C ) = Mucuna japira A.M.G. Azevedo, K. Agostini & Sazima (2005: 452) , syn. nov. Type : protologue:— Brazil , S„ o Paulo, Mun. Ubatuba ( 23°20’ S , 44°52’ W ), 5 Jun 2002 , Agostini 1 ( UEC 126881 ) . Lianas ; Leaf trifoliolate; stipels absent; petiole 7.5−9 cm ; leaflet laminas densely sericeous on the abaxial surface, appressed and sparse on the adaxial surface, lateral leaflets asymmetrical, 8.2−12 × 3−5.8 cm , rounded to truncate at base, cuspidate at apex, that of the terminal leaflet elliptic, 8.5−13 × 2.9−5 cm , acute at base, cuspidate at apex. Inflorescence an axillary pseudoraceme; peduncle 10.5−16 cm long; bracts and bracteoles caducous; pedicels 1 cm long. Flowers 5.7−7 cm long; calyx campanulate, 1.7−3.2 cm long, with a dense covering of irritating hairs; corolla deep yellow or yellow with reddish spots on the margins, the standard 4.3−5.3 × 2−3.2 cm , attenuate at base, rounded at apex, base with the claw and auricle region fleshy, wing petals 6−6.6 × 1. 1 −1.5 cm , oblong, obtuse at apex, base with auricle, keel petal 6−7.2 × 2−2.4 cm , attenuate at base, acute at apex, base fleshy and apex curved; stamen filaments cream-colored, 7−8 cm long, glabrous; style 6.5−7.6 cm long; ovary 0.8−1.3 cm . Fruit 10−20 × 4 cm , oblong, acute at base and apex, with a dense covering of irritating hairs ferrugineous-hirsute, pericarp with transverse ridges and appearing wrinkled. Seed 1−5, globose. (Adapted from Tozzi et al. (2005)). Comments: Tozzi et al. (2005) observed significant morphological differences between the specimens collected in southeastern Brazil identified as Mucuna sloanei Fawc. & Rendle compared to the Colombian specimens. Consequently, the Brazilian specimens were treated as a new species, M. japi ra A.M.G. Azevedo, K. Agostini & Sazima. However, these authors seemingly overlooked an earlier name, Dolichos pungens (1829: tab.157), described by Vellozo in Florae Fluminensis . Vellozo’s illustration and description provide essential characteristics for species identification, including a voluble stem ( Fig.1.B ), trifoliolate leaves ( Fig.1.D ), and pseudo-racemose inflorescence with large yellow flowers ( Fig.1.A ). Notably, M. pungens [ M. japira ] is the only species with yellow flowers known to occur in the Rio de Janeiro state ( Mucuna analuciana T.M. Moura, V.F. Mansano & A.M.G. Azevedo has creamy-yellow or greenish flowers). The closest species morphologically are Mucuna rostrata Benth. , but it has orange to red flowers, and occurs only in Amazonian Forest, and M. sloanei , which has an umbellate inflorescence (pseudo-umbellate in Moura et al. (2013)) and smaller flowers than those of M. pungens , with a standard measuring 1/2 the size of the keel ( vs 3/ 4 in M. pungens ) and the abaxial surface of the leaflets densely silvery sericeous ( vs abaxial surface of the leaflets densely golden sericeous in M. pungens ) and doesn’t occur in Rio de Janeiro state . In addition to the morphological characters presented, the geographical distribution is relevant, since the typical localities of Florae Fluminensis are restricted to the state of Rio de Janeiro and the municipality of Cunha - SP (see Pastore et al. 2021 and Menezes et al. 2023 ). Therefore, we recognize the priority of the name Dolichos pungens Vell. over Mucuna japira A.M.G. Azevedo, K. Agostini & Sazima. Habitat, distribution, and phenology : This species is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of the states of Rio de Janeiro and S„o Paulo (BFG 2023) ( Fig.2 ). Based on data recorded on specimen labels, M. pungens flowers from May to December. Fruits have been collected in March to September. FIGURE 1. A. Inflorescence of Mucuna pungens (Vell.) H.F.Menezes & J.F.B.Pastore. B. General overview of the habit of Mucuna pungens . C. Lectotype of Dolichos pungens Vell. [= Mucuna pungens (Vell.) H.F.Menezes & J.F.B.Pastore ], from Vellozo’s Fl. Flumin. (Icones) 7: t. 157 (1829). D. Leaf of Mucuna pungens . (A, B, D by M. Nascimento). FIGURE 2. Map of the geographical distribution of Mucuna pungens . (Map: H.F.Menezes). Material examined :— BRAZIL : S „o Paulo : S „o Sebasti„o, Baraqueçaba , [ 23°45’36.001”S , 45°24’35.99”W ], 17 June 1985 , Taroda , N ; Semir , J ; Yamamoto , K 17672 ( UEC ); Ubatuba , [ 23°25'48.001"S , 45° 4' 11.999”W ], 03 March 2010 , Moura , T . M ; Silva , J . S ; Martins , M . V 884 ( UEC ); Ubatuba , Picinguaba , Estrada da Casa da Farinha , 03 December 1988 , Garcia, FCP ; et al. 229 ( UEC ); Ubatuba , Picinguaba , Praia da Fazenda , [ 23°25’48.001”S , 45°4'11.999"W ], 10 June 1994 , Sazima , M ; Araújo , AC ; Fischer , EA ; Sazima I 31731 ( UEC ); Ubatuba , Picinguaba , [ 23°25’48.001”S , 45° 4’ 11.999”W ], 12 November 1989 , Furlan , A . ( HRCB ); 969 Praia de Ubatumirim , km 15 BR 101 , 02 June 2008 , Teixeira, SP ; Alves , JPB 33 ( UEC ); Rio de Janeiro : Paraty , Boa Vista , loteamento, Frade Pousada , APA do Cairuçu , 10 November 1991 , V . L . Gomes-Klein 1191 ( RB ); 3 km antes de Parati , no sentido RJ/ Santos , [ 23°43’31.001”S , 44°43’57.00”W ], Nunes , T . S . 1757 ( HUEFS ); Beira da estrada para o Corisco , a 2 km da Rodovia Rio-Santos ( BR 101 ), 29 November 1994 , LC. Giordano et al. 18 27 ( RB ); Estrada Paraty-Cunha , km 1 após Paraty , s.d ., R Cesar 514 ( RB ); Paraty , Rodovia Governador Mario Covas , [ 23°11'51.000"S , 44°43'41.002" W ], 10 May 2023 , Menezes , H . F . & Nascimento , M . 630 ( CTBS ); Parati-mirim , Faz. de Parati-mirim , prop. da Flumitur , s.d ., C . de Almeida 277 ( RB ) .