Annotated catalogue of the Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) of the Malagasy subregion Author Madl, M. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2014 2014-12-19 46 2 933 1039 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5312608 0253-116X 5312608 Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL , 1907) Eparmatostethus madecassus n.sp. : KOHL 1907: 168 (fig. 1-3), 169 (typ. gen., descr., Madagascar ). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : ARNOLD 1927: 116 (tax.). Eparmostethus (!) madecassus KOHL, 1907 : PATE 1937b: 26 (cat. typ. gen.). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : ARNOLD 1945: 92 (tax., descr., figs 65, 65a, biol., Madagascar ). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : LECLERCQ 1960: 96 ( Madagascar ). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : BOHART & MENKE 1976: 254 (biol.), 256 (cat.). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : LECLERCQ 1990a: 115 ( Madagascar ). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : PULAWSKI 1995: 6 (tax.), 8 (tax.), 9 (tax.), 11 (tab. 1: tax.), 12 (fig. 5a: tax.), 13 (fig. 5b: tax.), 14 (tax.), 15 (biol.), 19 (key), 23 (key), 84 (figs 69a- j), 85 (descr., figs 70a-c, biol., Madagascar ), 86 (fig. 71: map). Gastrosericus madecassus ( KOHL, 1907 ) : PULAWSKI 2003: 796 (cat. Madagascar ). D i s t r i b u t i o n Madagascar : Prov. Mahajanga : Amborovy, Mahajanga – Prov. Fianarantsoa : Isalo Natural Park (Piscine Naturelle) Ranohira – Prov. Toliara : 22 km E Ampanihy, Behara, Bekily, Berenty Reserve, Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Fort Dauphin, Ifaty, Manombo, 5 km N Toliara , 10 km NE Toliara , 12 km SE Toliara . Endemic.