Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. V. Ponerinae, tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini, and Aenictogitini.
Brown, W. L.
Search: Agriculture; Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
journal article
Worker: Size small; TL only 2.4 - 4.2 mm.
Antennal insertions very close together and situated far forward on a platelike extension of the anterior part of the head, consisting of the shortened clypeus fused with the surrounds of the antennal insertions and the completely eclipsed frontal area. Separating the antennal insertions is a thin, rounded vertical plate representing the raised and fused frontal lobes. The clypeo-frontal structure covers the small curved mandibles, which are modified-triangular, each with a short masticatory border carrying an acute apical tooth and a few small, serially crowded teeth or denticles basad. No basidorsal mandibular groove. Palpal formula, so far as known, 4, 2.
Compound eyes usually absent in worker; present and rather small in one species, and even in this case, the specimen could be an ergatoid queen. Ocelli absent.
Antennal scapes fail to reach posterior border of head by a considerable margin. Trunk completely fused into one structure; without dorsal sutures. Middle and hind tibiae each with a single spur; tarsal claws simple. Full adult color yellowish brown to red brown.
Queen: Much like worker in size and form, but winged when virgin. Ocelli present and fairly well developed. Flight sclerites developed. Venation greatly reduced; in fore wing, consisting only of R + Sc, Stigma, M + CuA, and basal vein (with closed CuA continuing free to hind margin) forming a single closed (" median ") cell, and a floating radiapex (= 2 r continued into the apical free abscissa of Rs, which does not reach margin). In the narrow hind wing, only a single vein persists (R) in the basal half of the wing near the anterior margin, and there are 3 submedian hamuli; anal lobe absent. Compound eyes moderately well developed. Color as in worker.
Male: Size nearly that of corresponding workers and queens. Head subglobular, including large eyes, slightly broader than long. Mandibles short, subtriangular, opposable, mostly covered by the projecting clypeofrontal plate with its fused vertical frontal lobes. Antennal insertions on the clypeofrontal plate, at the very anterior margin of the head. The plate itself is not as strongly projecting as in the workers and queens. Notauli lacking. Metanotum forms a blunt median tooth. Wings as in queen. Middle and hind legs each with a single tibial spur. Tarsal claws simple. Petiolar node rounded above, and rounded into posterior face without margin, teeth, or angles. Genitalia, according to Taylor, with all primitive parts. Pygidium with rounded apex. Cerci absent (or vestigial?).