Updating the taxonomy of the bee genus Megalopta (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Augochlorini) including revision of the Brazilian species Author Santos, L. M. Author Melo, G. A. R. text Journal of Natural History 2014 2014-04-30 49 11 575 674 journal article 21076 10.1080/00222933.2014.946106 b5128e41-1646-4893-ba03-2d83c37cffbd 1464-5262 4004455 Megalopta aeneicollis Friese, 1926 ( Figures 1A , 2C , 6A, 6D , 14A ) Megalopta aeineicollis Friese, 1926:132 . Lectotype female, Brazil : Amazonas , Barcelos (ZMB, examined). Additional examined material ( 38♀ , 5♂ ). See Appendix 2. Diagnosis The female differs from that of M. nitidicollis by the evenly strongly impressed longitudinal rugulosities along entire surface of the basal area of metapostnotum ( Figure 2C ); from M. aegis and M. sulciventris by the basal area of metapostnotum often orangish, entirely finely rugulose, stronger rugulosities rectilinear and long along entire surface ( Figure 2C ). The male is distinguished from that of M. sulciventris by the F6–F11 basally with glabrous area levelled to remainder of flagellomere surface, metanotum with very dense pilosity covering entire disc, obscuring the integument in dorsal view, and by basal area of metapostnotum light orangish brown ( Figure 6D ); from M. aegis and M. sulciventris by the basal area of metapostnotum entirely finely rugulose, and with its posterior margin slightly raised ( Figure 6D ). Description Female. (1) Mandible bidentate and with supplementary teeth. (2) Labral elevation with lateral surface slightly raised in relation to central portion. (3) Clypeus with the surface between punctures on basal and central area smooth. (4) Central portion of supraclypeal area with sparse punctation, punctures separated by 1 pd. (5) Antennae reddish brown. (6) Upper frons conspicuously convex, strongly declivous toward sulcus around median ocellus. (7) Ocellocular distance smaller than the F1 length. (8) Mesoscutum adjacent to parapsidial line densely punctured, punctures contiguous, punctation becoming sparser towards mesoscutal lip (<1 pd). (9) Scutellum with posterior margin raised in relation to anterior margin of metanotum. (10) Metanotum with integument, in oblique view, hidden by dense short plumose pilosity ( Figure 2C ). (11) Basal area of metapostnotum orangish, without metallic reflections, its length at least 0.8× that of metanotum; surface entirely finely rugulose, stronger rugulosities rectilinear and long along entire surface ( Figure 2C ). (12) Mesepisternum with contiguous punctation. (13) Metepisternum with sparse pilosity, integument visible through pilosity, posterior upper margin modified into a conspicuously large process covered with velvety pilosity, its diameter at least 0.5× tegula length ( Figure 1A ). (14) T1 with dorsal surface of disc densely punctured (<1 pd), posterior marginal zone smooth between punctures. Male. (15) Scape with diameter gradually enlarging toward the apex. (16) Flagellum reddish brown, F1–F11 not differing in diameter; F2 about as long as F3; F6–F11, in anterior view, with the anterior and posterior margins depressed, in posterior view with basal glabrous area at same level of remaining surface. (17) Metanotum with integument, in dorsal view, hidden by dense short plumose pilosity ( Figure 6D ). (18) Basal area of metapostnotum orangish, its length half of that of metanotum, medially with longer longitudinal rugulosities, laterally with microreticulated surface ( Figure 6D ). (19) Metepisternum as in the female. (20) 1st and 2nd tarsomeres of foreleg with longest simple setae longer than summed length of the three apical tarsomeres. (21) S3 with longitudinal sulcus, posterolateral margin notched. (22) S4 with medial protruding process, profile of process triangular in lateral view; basal portion glabrous; posterolateral margin notched, notch not extending to basal half of sclerite. Measurements Approximate body length: (12.9–14.0); maximum width of head: (3.5–4.3); intertegular distance: (3.6–4.3); forewing length with the tegula: (10.9–11.8). Distribution BRAZIL . Amazonas: Barcelos, Japurá, Manaus, Novo Airão, Novo Aripuanã, Presidente Figueiredo, Tabatinga. Roraima : Mucajaí ( Figure 14A ).