Resurrection of Pareas yunnanensis (Vogt, 1922) with description of a new species of Pareas from Yunnan Province, China (Squamata, Pareidae) Author Liu, Shuo 84A37AC1-E7EA-4E47-9BE4-65EC4C96B6C4 Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China. & Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650201, China. Author Zhang, Dongru E8F2FC4E-069F-4657-95F3-1356C1A73A42 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650201, China. Author Poyarkov, Nikolay A. 39C4DC5F-374F-486E-9DFB-22420286CEE6 Faculty of Biology, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskiye Gory 1 / 12, Moscow 119234, Russia. & Laboratory of Tropical Ecology, Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technological Center, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam. Author Hou, Mian 26774FFD-255C-40E6-ABFD-8021DC2B6714&E27890C7-34C5-4546-91E6-BE097AF9C257 College of Continuing (Online) Education, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610066, China. & Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Kunming Yunnan 650201, China. Author Wu, Li E27890C7-34C5-4546-91E6-BE097AF9C257 Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Kunming Yunnan 650201, China. Author Rao, Dingqi AEB67455-CBA4-418B-9EBF-626F7DAD5299 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650201, China. Author Nguyen, Tan Van B13846C0-32AC-4EEC-A9E5-C28F910CA62C Institute for Research and Training in Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam. Author Vogel, Gernot 26C84E11-E43F-4076-B268-28C32E9FD2D0 Society for Southeast Asian Herpetology, Im Sand 3, Heidelberg D- 69115, Germany. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-02-15 860 1 1 26 journal article 55044 10.5852/ejt.2023.860.2045 5177db24-e558-4aea-bf3e-4ae656d6c216 2118-9773 7651005 D489D635-D4C1-46A3-B535-7882386EFF06 Pareas ( Eberhardtia ) yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) Figs 2–4 ; Tables 3–4 Amblycephalus yunnanensis Vogt, 1922: 142 . Amblycephalus yunnanensis Mell 1922 . — Pope 1935 . — Ding et al . 2020 . Amblycephalus monticola yunnanensis Mell 1931 . Pareas yunnanensis Rao & Yang 1992 . — Guo et al . 2020 Wang et al . 2020 . — Liu & Rao 2021 . Pareas chinensis (in part) — Zhao & Adler 1993 . — Zhao 2006 . — Yang & Rao 2008 . — Wallach et al . 2014 . Pareas cf. yunnanensis Poyarkov et al . 2022 . Revised diagnosis This species differs from Pareas geminatus by having fewer subcaudals, relatively more rows of keeled mid-dorsal scales, relatively fewer ventral scales, solid black dorsal surface of head, and no distinct large black spots or stripe on each side of head; it differs from P. xuelinensis Liu & Rao, 2021 by infralabials not fused with chin-shields, vertebral scales enlarged, having fewer ventral scales, fewer subcaudals, relatively more rows of keeled mid-dorsal scales, and solid black dorsal surface of head. SVL 387–482 mm in adults, TL 94–110 mm in adults, TL/SVL 0.22–0.25; preoculars mostly single, rarely two; postoculars and suboculars mostly fused, rarely separated; loreal bordering orbit in most individuals; prefrontal bordering orbit; supralabials 6–8, infralabials 6–8; infralabials not fused with chin-shields; dorsal scales in 15 rows throughout the body; vertebral scales enlarged; 5–7 rows of middorsal scales keeled on the middle part of the body; precloacal plate undivided; ventral scales 169–175; subcaudals 59–65, all paired. Dorsal surface of head black; no or 1–2 indistinct large black spots on each side of head, no stripe on each side of head; two wide black stripes pass from parietals to the vertical black bars on neck; dark nuchal band absent; vertical black bars distinct on trunk and indistinct on tail; iris brownish-yellow or brownish-orange. Etymology The specific epithet is a toponymic adjective given in reference to Yunnan Province , China . We propose “ Yunnan slug-eating snake” for the common English name and “ṙ南钝±蛇” (Yún Nán Dùn Tóu Shé) for the common Chinese name of this species. Type material Syntypes CHINA2 ♀♀ (adults); Dali Prefecture , Yunnan Province ; ZMB 27660 , 65431 . Additional material examined CHINA Yunnan Province 2 ♀♀ adults; Dali Prefecture , Dali City , Xiaguan Town ; 25°36′17″ N , 100°11′33″ E ; elev. 2250 m ; 12 Jun. 2022 ; S. Liu leg.; KIZ 2022033 , 2022034 1 ♀ adult; Dali Prefecture , Dali City , Dali Town ; 25°41′56″ N , 100°8′2″ E ; elev. 2230 m ; 13 Jun. 2022 ; S. Liu leg.; KIZ 2022035 1 juv. ; Dali Prefecture , Dali City , Xiaguan Town ; 25°37′52″ N , 100°11′44″ E ; elev. 2140 m ; 15 Jun. 2022 ; S. Liu leg.; KIZ 2022036 . Fig. 2. Pareas yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) , syntypes in preservative. A–D . ZMB 27660. A . Dorsal view. B . Ventral view. C–D . Close up views of the head. E–H . ZMB 65431. E . Dorsal view. F . Ventral view. G–H . Close up views of the head. Photos by G. Vogel. Table 3. Morphological characters of Pareas yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) . For abbreviations, see Material and methods section. Measurements in mm, paired meristic characters given as left/right, “?” = not available, data in parentheses from Vogt (1922) .
ZMB 27660 Syntype ZMB 65431 Syntype KIZ 2022033 KIZ 2022034 KIZ 2022035 KIZ 2022036
SEX Juvenile
SVL 387 (385) 405 (410) 482 395 445 163
TL ? (95) ? (100) 105 94 110 39
TL/SVL ? (0.25) ? (0.24) 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.24
PrFBO Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes
PreO 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 2/1 1/1
PosO Fused Fused Fused Fused 2/2 Fused
SubO Fused Fused Fused Fused 1/1 Fused
SPOF Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
ATem 2/2 2/2 1/1 1/1 2/2 1/1
PTem 3/2 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/3 2/2
SupL ? 7/6 7/8 7/7 7/7 6/6
InfL ? 7/7 7/8 8/6 8/8 7/6
LoBO Yes/Yes No/Yes Yes/No No/No Yes/Yes Yes/Yes
Vs 172 175 173 174 169 173
Prec Single Single Single Single Single Single
Sc 65 64 59 60 64 61
Ds 15-15-15 15-15-15 15-15-15 15-15-15 15-15-15 15-15-15
NED 1 1 1 1 1 1
NKD 7 5 7 7 7 5
Max ? ? 4/4 5/5 4/4 5/4
DNB Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Distribution This species is currently known only from Dali City and its adjacent areas, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province , China ( Fig. 8 ). Fig. 3. Pareas yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) , specimens from its type locality in preservative. A . Dorsal views. B . Ventral views. Photos by S. Liu. Fig. 4. Pareas yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) , specimens from its type locality in life. A–C . ♀, KIZ 2022033. D–F . ♀, KIZ 2022034. G–I . ♀, KIZ 2022035. Photos by S. Liu. Table 4. Comparisons of morphometric and scalation data for Pareas yunnanensis ( Vogt, 1922 ) and P. chinensis (Barbour, 1912) . Measurements in mm, data for P. chinensis (restricted to Sichuan Province, China) from Poyarkov et al . (2022) .
Pareas yunnanensis Pareas chinensis
SVL 385–482 309–427
TL 95–110 99–128
TL/SVL 0.22–0.25 0.26–0.33
PrFBO Yes Yes
PreO 1–2 1–2
PosO Fused or 2 Fused or 1
SubO Fused or 1 Fused or 1
SPOF Yes or No Yes or No
ATem 1–2 2
PTem 2–3 3–4
SupL 6–8 6–8
InfL 6–8 7–9
LoBO Yes or No No
Vs 169–175 169–178
Sc 59–65 69–76
Ds 15-15-15 15-15-15
NED 1 0 or 3
NKD 5–7 0 or 5
Max 4–5 5–6
DNB Absent Absent
Phylogenetic position Pareas yunnanensis belongs to the subgenus Eberhardtia and is a member of the P. hamptoni ( Boulenger, 1905 ) species group ( Poyarkov et al . 2022 ). Phylogenetically it is reconstructed as a sister species of P. geminatus (see Fig. 1 ).