A new species of Zethus (Zethoides) Fox, 1899 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from South America Author Lopes, Rogério Botion text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2022 Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo 2022-09-01 62 1 5 http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/1807-0205/2022.62.051 journal article 10.11606/1807-0205/2022.62.051 1807-0205 7177816 82D8605F-1FA0-463B-B8E2-16F79CF7C2D0 Zethus (Zethoides) latipetiolatus Lopes , sp. nov. Diagnosis: The first metasomal tergum ( Fig. 2 ) with extremely expanded posterior flaps is unique in the subgenus. The last male falgellomere slender and apically rounded, male clypeus with deep trapezoid concavity, male mandible with quadrate incision between teeth II and III, tubercle of discoid puncture rising gradually and apical propodeal lamella oblique and close to the valvula also help to separate it from Z. lunaris . Description: Male: Coloration: Black, with yellow markings as follows: ventral surface of scape; pair of spots above antennal sockets; band following base of pronotal carina; pronotal lobe; medial section of posterior margin of pronotum; spot on posterior portion of tegula; parategula; pair of spots on scutellum; pair of spots on metanotum; stripe on outer surface of hindtibia; strong subapical bands on T1 – 3 and S2 – 3, weak ones on T4 – 5 and S4 – 5.Testaceous: antennae except dorsal surface of scape; tibiae; tarsi; tegula. Structure: Apicalflagellomere slender and digitiform. Clypeal apex with deep, trapezoid concavity. Mandible with a deep quadrate incision between teeth II and III. Genal margin slightly sinuous. Pronotum with humeri rounded, but with distinct dorsal and lateral surfaces. Subhumeral area very narrow. Tegula posteriorly angulated, with outer margin nearly transversal on posterior end. Parategula digitiform. Scutellum flat. Propodeum with rounded angles and posterior and lateral surfaces well separated by lateral carina. Apical propodeal lamella subquadrate, obliquely oriented on insertion and ending right above valvula.T1 convex in profile, with large and wide posterior flap-like extensions ventro-laterally projected. Stem of T2 very short. Apical lamella of T2 wider laterally. Sculpture: Clypeus, vertex and gena with moderately macropunctation intercalated by dense micropunctation. Frons with shallow coalescent macropunctures with cariniform interspaces. Admedial lines present. Pronotum with moderate macropunctation, a few coalescent. Mesoscutum and scutellum with sparse macropunctation intercalated by dense micropunctation. Discoid puncture present, on a low and gradually raised tubercle. Notauli absent. Mesepisternum with macropunctures and smooth interspaces. Metanotum with overall coarse irregular punctures and with lateral carina not curved inwards, restricted to sides of sclerite. Propodeum with strong and complete submedian and lateral carinas, with the later lamellar. Transverse/oblique striae on posterior propodeal surface and on lateral surface but only adjacent to lateral carina. T1 – 2 with sparse, small and weak macropunctures intercalated by dense micropunctation. S2-3 with moderate macropunctation and smooth interspaces.Subapical bands of T1 – 3 and S2 – 3 smooth. Pilosity: Overall very dense, short, golden tomentum. Long, thick, outstanding bristles on: clypeus, frons and metanotum; sparse on pronotum; thin on mesepisternum, propodeum and S1; short and sparse on base of T1; absent elsewhere. Fore wing length: 11,1 mm. Figure 2.Petioles of Zethus latipetiolatus Lopes , sp.nov. (A,B) and Z.lunaris cooperi Bohart &Stange,1965 (C,D)in profile(A,C)and dorsal view(B,D).Scales:1,0 mm. Female: as in male, except: Coloration: antennae and legs without yellow markings. Structure: Clypeal apex slightly convex with subapical ridge. Sculpture: overall punctation slightly weaker and sparser. Lateral carina not lamellar. Pilosity: similar to that of male. Fore wing length: 13,4 mm and 14.4 mm . Table 1. Diagnostic characters for differentiating Zethus latipetiolatus Lopes , sp.nov. from Z.lunaris Zavattari.1912 .
Character Z.latipetiolatus Species Z.lunaris
T1,expansion more gradual in profile,becoming much wider apically;larger apical flaps more abrupt in profile,apical width not much greater than at middle of directed outwards (Fig.2A,B) expansion;small apical flaps,directed downwards (Fig.2C,D)
T1,punctation smooth with sparse micropunctation (Fig.2A,B) macropunctate (Fig.2C,D)
T1,pilosity Only tomentum;bristles absent (Fig.2A,B) Tomentum absent;long erect thick bristles (Fig.2C,D)
Occipital carina shorter,straightly raised (Fig.3A) higher,reflexed (Fig.3B)
Last male flagellomere slender,apically rounded (Fig.3C) wider,apically truncate (Fig.3D)
Male clypeus,apex Trapezoid concavity (Fig.3E) Semicircular concavity (Fig.3F)
Male mandible,incision between teeth II and III Smaller,quadrate (Fig.3E) Larger,rounded (Fig.3F)
Tubercle of discoid punture only slightly and gradually raised (Fig.3G) evidently and abruptly raised (Fig.3H)
Apical propodeal lamella. Oblique,ending right above valvula (Fig.3I) Horizontal,well-spaced from valvula (Fig.3J)
Etymology: The epithet makes reference to the greatly expanded and broad T1, a unique trait in the subgenus so far. Examined material: HOLOTYPE : Brasil , RO, Itapuà do Oeste , Flona do Jamari ,/ 9.145°S , 63.011°W ,/ 70m , 7-15. vi.2013 / Bueno , Luz & Williams [ , DZUP ] . PARATYPES : Satipo , Peru / 2.xii.’37, 750alt/ Deskandahl [ , NBCN ] ; BOLIVIA , iii.95/ Chapare-Sajito/Ariagada [ , AMNH ] ; BOLIVIA , Buena Vista / Depto. Santa Cruz / 10.i.1991 / Carpenter & Wenzel [ , AMNH ] .” Additional material : Z. lunaris cooperi Bohart & Stange, 1965 . Barro Colorado / CZ, Panamá / N Banks [ PARATYPE , , AMNH ]. Z. lunaris lunaris Zavattari, 1912 . Columbien , Cauca , Rahde [ LECTOTYPE , , ZMHB ]. Same data as lectotype [LECTOPARATYPE, , ZMHB ]. Same data as lectotype [label “type”, , ZMHB ]. PANAMÁ : Canal Zone Area / Pipeline Road / 13.xii.1990 / Carpenter & Wenzel [ , AMNH ]. Canal Zone , Pan. / Barro Colorado I. / ix.17.1978/ RB & LS Kimsey [ , AMNH ] ; same data, ix.25.1978 [ , AMNH ] . Figure 3. Diagnostic characters for differentiating Zethus latipetiolatus Lopes , sp.nov. (A,C,E,G,I)from Z.lunaris Zavattari.1912 (B,D,F,H, J).(A,B) Zoom of vertex and occiput of head, lateral view; arrow indicates occipital carina. (C, D) Lateral view of the apex of male flagellum. (E, F) Oblique view of the apex of the clypeus (cl) and mandibles; arrow indicates mandibular incision. (G, H) Zoom of lateral portion of mesoscutum adjacent to tegula (tg); arrow indicates discoid puncture. (I, J) Lateral view of propodeal apex;arrow indicates apical propodeal lamella.Scales:0,5mm. Observations: The new species is undoubtedly closely related to Z. lunaris , with very similar clypeus in females, most of the mesosoma, except the propodeum and the T1. Nevertheless, features in the male mandible, male F11, occipital carina, discoid puncture, apical propodeal lamella and T1 readily separate the new species from Z. lunaris ( Table 1 , Fig. 3 ).