Feather mites of the genus Trouessartia Canestrini (Acariformes: Trouessartiidae) from swallows (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae) in Canada Author Mironov, Sergey V. Author Galloway, Terry D. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-03-19 4568 1 1 39 journal article 28338 10.11646/zootaxa.4568.1.1 7408c18a-72d9-4302-a3a6-45a971320d2f 1175-5326 2599119 462B1CE9-6F85-44D4-80D1-F41E26ECDF4B Trouessartia ampulicaudata Mironov and Galloway , sp. n. ( Figs. 1–3 ) Type material . Holotype male ( CNC758972 ), 10 male and 10 female paratypes from Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot, 1817) ( Passeriformes : Hirundinidae ), CANADA , Manitoba , Starbuck , La Salle River , 21 June 2001 , coll. T.D. Galloway. Depositories . Holotype , 4 male and 4 female paratypes—CNC, remaining paratypes—BMOC, WRME and ZISP . Description . MALE ( holotype , ranges for 10 paratypes in parentheses) ( Figs. 1 , 3 A–F). Length of idiosoma from anterior end to lobar apices excluding lamellae 555 (485–555), width of idiosoma at level of humeral shields 245 (200–245). Length of hysterosoma from level of sejugal furrow to lobar apices 380 (325–380). Prodorsal shield: length along midline 165 (145–165), greatest width posterior to level of scapular setae 180 (160–180), anterior part at level of trochanters II not narrowed, antero-lateral extensions not fused with bases of epimerites Ia between legs I and II, lateral margins not fused with scapular shields, posterior margin straight, surface without ornamentation. Internal scapular setae si spiculiform, 35 (32–38) long, separated by 62 (60–65); external scapular setae se separated by 115 (110–115). Setae c2 spiculiform, 50 (45–55) long, situated in antero-median angle of humeral shields. Setae c3 narrowly lanceolate, with acute apex, 27 (20–28) long. Hysteronotal shield completely separated into prohysteronotal and lobar parts, total length from anterior margin to lobar apices excluding lamellae 380 (330–380). Prohysteronotal shield: length along midline 235 (215–235), width at anterior margin 200 (170– 200), lateral margins shallowly concave at level of trochanters III, dorsal hysterosomal apertures (DHA) present, central area with poorly distinct network patterns. Dorsal setae d1, d2, e2 present. Setae f2 absent. Length of lobar shield excluding terminal lamellae 135 (115–140). Apical parts of opisthosomal lobes approximate, separated by narrow parallel-sided terminal cleft; length of cleft from anterior end to lobar apices (seta h3 bases) 40 (32–40); length from anterior end to apices of terminal lamellae 75 (60–75), width in anterior part about 30 (25–30). Terminal lamellae semi-ovate, with noticeably attenuate and slightly divergent apices (fin-shaped), with smooth margins, length from bases of setae h3 to lamellar apices 47 (37–47), greatest width 30 (25–30). Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 92 (82-97), d2:e2 105 (105– 115), e2:h2 110 (100–110), h2:h3 37 (27–37), h2:h2 52 (45–52), h3:h3 40 (35–40), d1:d2 65 (40–65), e1: e2 48 (47–50), h1:h2 15 (10–15), ps1:h3 15 (8–15). Epimerites I free. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa large, roughly semi-ovate. Genital apparatus situated between levels of trochanters III and IV, length excluding basal sclerite 65 (54–65), greatest width 37 (28–38), all its sclerites strongly sclerotized. Epiandrum (pregenital sclerite) present. Latigenital sclerites present. Distal ends of parameres bidentate. Anterior and posterior genital papillae equal in size, anterior papillae slightly more distant from midline than posterior ones. Setae g long, filiform, with bases well separated. Genital shield absent. Adanal apodemes heavily sclerotized, without apophyses. Lateral margins of opisthosoma with barely distinct lateral membranes in posterior part. Translobar apodeme present. Adanal shields represented by sclerotized areas around bases of setae ps3 . Anal suckers 15 (13–15) in diameter. Inner ends of epimerites IIIa with apices extending distinctly beyond level of setae 4b , and without extensions on inner margins. Epimerites IVa long and wide, with anterior ends almost reaching level of basal sclerite of genital apparatus. Setae 4b situated slightly anterior to level of setae 3a ; setae g at level of setae 4a or slightly anterior. Distance between ventral setae: 4b:g 87 (80–88), g:ps3 98 (83–95), ps3: h3 125 (105-125). Setae cG , mG of genua I, II filiform. Genual solenidia σ 1 I and σ II situated at midlength of corresponding genu ( Fig. 3A, B ). Trochanteral setae sR III narrowly lanceolate, with acute apex, 18 (17–19) long ( Fig. 3F ). Legs IV with ambulacral disc extending to midlevel between setae h2 and h3 . Tarsus IV 40 (38–40) long; modified setae d barrel-shaped, with discoid cap, situated in distal one third of this segment; modified setae e button-like, without cap, situated apically ( Fig. 3D ). Length of solenidia: σ 1 I 57 (45–55), σ II 13 (10–13), σ III 23 (22–24), φ IV 38 (33– 45). FIGURE 1 . Trouessartia ampulicaudata sp. n. , male. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FEMALE (range for 10 paratypes ) ( Figs. 2 , 3 G–I). Length of idiosoma from anterior end to apices of hyaline lobar processes 550–620, width at level of humeral shields 200–215. Length of hysterosoma from level of sejugal furrow to apices of lobar processes 390–425. Prodorsal shield: shaped as in male, 150–160 long, 160–175 wide, surface without ornamentation. Setae si thin spiculiform, 33–43 long, separated by 60–62; setae se separated by 110–115. Setae c2 spiculiform, 42–50 long, situated in antero-medial angle of humeral shields. Setae c3 narrowly lanceolate, with acute apex, 22–28 long. Hysteronotal shield: length from anterior margin to bases of setae h3 375– 415, width at anterior margin 165–185, lateral margins shallowly concave at level of trochanters III, DHA present, median area from level of setae cp to setae h2 with numerous ovate lacunae. Dorsal setae d1, d2, e2 present. Setae f2 present. Setae h1 narrowly lanceolate, 32–38 long, situated antero-mesal to bases of setae h2 , 18–23 from corresponding lateral margins of hysteronotal shield. Width of opisthosoma at level of setae h2 98–110. Setae psl situated dorsal, slightly closer to outer margins of opisthosomal lobes. Supranal concavity open posteriorly into terminal cleft. Length of terminal cleft from anterior margin to lobar apices 155–175, length from free margin of interlobar membrane to apices 105–120, width of cleft at level of setae h3 37–45. Interlobar membrane occupying anterior 1/8th of terminal cleft. External copulatory tube situated on free margin of interlobar membrane, ampuliform, distinctly sclerotized, 23–32 long. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 87–90, d2:e2 92–100, e2:h2 85–95, h2:h3 80–90, h2:h2 77–85, h3:h3 60–64, d1:d2 48–62, e1: e2 36–40, h1:h 2 17–22, h1:h1 46–50, ps1:h 3 12–15. Epimerites I free. Epigynum 36–40 long, 86–98 wide ( Fig. 2B ). Head of spermatheca without collar, proximal part of primary spermaduct with enlargement, secondary spermaducts 25–30 long ( Fig. 3H ). Inner margins of epimerites IIIa with narrow finger-like extension, in some specimens these extensions separated from sclerotized areas around epimerites. Epimerites IVa long. Anal opening with small adanal sclerites. FIGURE 2 . Trouessartia ampulicaudata sp. n. , female. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FIGURE 3 . Trouessartia ampulicaudata sp. n. , details. A, B—genu, tibia and tarsus I and II of male, respectively, C, D—tibia and tarsus III and IV of male, respectively, E—genital apparatus and opisthosoma of male, ventral view, F—setae si, c2, c3 and sR III of male, G—tibia and tarsus IV of female, H—spermatheca and spermaducts, I—external copulatory tube of female, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ad—adanal apodeme, ae—tip of aedeagus, bs—basal sclerite, co—copulatory opening, eaepiandrum, epIVa—epimerite IVa, hs—head of spermatheca, is—intermedial sclerite, lg—latigenital sclerite, pd—primary spermaduct, pm—paramere, sd—secondary spermaduct, tl—terminal lamella. Legs I, II as in males ( Fig. 3A, B ). Trochanteral setae sR III narrowly lanceolate, acute apically, 17–20 long. Legs IV with ambulacral disc extending slightly beyond level of setae h2 . Length of solenidia: σ 1 I 40–60, σ II 10– 12 , σ III 20–30. Differential diagnosis . The new species, Trouessartia ampulicaudata sp. n. , belongs to the appendiculata species group ( Gaud & Atyeo 1986 ), and is closest to T. appendiculata (Berlese, 1886) in having, in males, setae g situated at level of setae 4a , long setae h3 with a filiform apex, the terminal lamellae with attenuate apices, and in females, narrowly lanceolate setae h1 , and a distinctly sclerotized external copulatory tube. Trouessartia ampulicaudata differs from T. appendiculata by the following features: in both sexes, setae c2 are longer (45–55 µm), in males, the bases of setae g are distinctly separated from each other, the rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa are roughly semi-ovate, and in females, the external copulatory tube is ampuliform and relatively short (23–32 µm), the head of the spermatheca has rounded spines and lacks a collar, and the proximal part of the primary spermaduct is enlarged toward the head of the spermatheca. In both sexes of T. appendiculata , setae c2 are 38–42 µm long, in males, the bases of setae g are almost touching, the rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa have an attenuate posterior extension (shaped as an inverted teardrop); in females, the external copulatory tube is finger-shaped, slightly curved, and about 30–40 µm long, the head of the spermatheca has acute spines and a short collar, and the proximal part of the primary spermaduct does not have any enlargements. Etymology . The specific epithet refers to the ampule-shaped external copulatory tube in females.