TYPE SPECIMENS OF BIRDS IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PART 5. PASSERIFORMES: ALAUDIDAE, HIRUNDINIDAE, MOTACILLIDAE, CAMPEPHAGIDAE, PYCNONOTIDAE, IRENIDAE, LANIIDAE, VANGIDAE, BOMBYCILLIDAE, DULIDAE, CINCLIDAE, TROGLODYTIDAE, AND MIMIDAE Author LeCROY, M. A. R. Y. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 2003-09-30 278 278 1 156 http://dx.doi.org/10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 0003-0090 Lalage tricolor indistincta Mathews Lalage tricolor indistincta Mathews, 1912a: 328 (North­West Australia (Wyndham)). Now Lalage tricolor (Swainson, 1825) . See Peters et al., 1960: 199 , Schodde and Mason, 1999: 590 , and Johnstone, 2001: 87 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 564206 , adult male, collected at Derby , 17°19′S , 123°38′E (Times Atlas), Western Australia , Australia , on 26 November 1910 , by John P. Rogers (no. 937). From the Mathews Collection (no. 6298) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS : The Mathews catalog number of the type was given in the original description, and the above specimen bears both Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Cataloged at the same time, all collected at Derby by Rogers, and thus paratypes , are AMNH 564207–564211. ‘‘Wyndham’’, cited in the original description as the type locality, is incorrect. In 1910, Rogers was collecting for Mathews in the Derby area, including Point Torment, King Sound, and the Fitzroy River ( Mathews, 1927: 103 ; Whittell, 1954: 623 ), but there is no mention of the Wyndham Range (north of Derby and east of King Sound) having been included in Rogers’ collecting localities. He had collected in the vicinity of the town of Wyndham ( 15°28′S , 128°06′ E , Johnstone and Storr, 1998: 422), northeastern Western Australia , in 1908–1909 ( Mathews, 1927: 103 ; Whittell, 1954: 623 ), and this area was included in the range of L. t. indistincta ; however, the holotype bearing Mathews catalog no. 6298 is from Derby, as are the other Rogers specimens cataloged by Mathews at the same time. No specimen of this taxon from Wyndham or the Wyndham Range came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.