Synopsis of Schizanthus Ruiz & Pav. (Solanaceae), a genus endemic to the southern Andes Author Morales-Fierro, Vanezza Independent researcher. Avenida Vicuna Mackenna Oriente 6640, Santiago, Chile Author Munoz-Schick, Melica Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 787, Santiago, Chile Author Moreira-Munoz, Andres Instituto de Geografia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Avenida Brasil 2241, Valparaiso, Chile text PhytoKeys 2020 154 57 102 journal article 1314-2003-154-57 3FD061C9330A5AADAAB6E037B9B0A8E9 1. Schizanthus parvulus Sudzuki, Agricultura Tecnica , Chile 5(1): 33. 1945 Fig. 1C-E Type. Chile. Coquimbo: Hacienda Illapel, Caren, frente a El Vato [Bato], ca. 900 m alt., 20-24 Oct 1941, C. Munoz & G.T. Johnson 2295 (holotype: SGO! [SGO000004532 acc. #143618]; isotype: SGO! [SGO000004534 acc. #148996]). Figure 1. Distribution of the genus Schizanthus A number of taxa of Schizanthus by cells of 0.5 degree and administrative units B distribution of the genus by macrobioclimates and administrative units C distribution of Schizanthus parvulus D, E examples of S. parvulus in Las Chinchillas National Reserve. Photos by A. Moreira-Munoz ( D, E ). Taxonomic notes. In the protologue, the author indicates the holotype as being held at the national herbarium of the National Museum of Natural History, Santiago (SGO). At the same time, she mentions a duplicate at the herbarium of the Departamento de Genetica y Fitotecnia del Ministerio de Agricultura. Today, both specimens can be found at SGO. In 2007, Melica Munoz identified one of the specimens as the holotype, as it has a label with the name of the species and the descriptor " S. parvulus nov. sp. Sudzuki.", while the second specimen lacks this information. Key characters. Easily recognisable as having the smallest flower of the genus (10-14 mm long, 10-12 mm wide) and its conspicuous bilobed and brilliant element at the base of the upper middle corolla lobe, that exudes nectar. Corolla mostly burgundy and whitish only at the end of each acute lobe. Distribution. Endemic to Chile, in the Region of Coquimbo (Province of Choapa, 31°20'-32°10' lat. S). 100-900 m a.s.l. Habitat. Schizanthus parvulus grows in coastal hills and interior valleys of semiarid xerophytic scrub, including small trees of Quillaja saponaria Molina ( Quillajaceae ), shrubs such as Spinoliva ilicifolia (Hook. & Arn.) G.Sancho ( Asteraceae ), Haplopappus pulchellus DC. ( Asteraceae ), Haplopappus velutinus J. Remy ( Asteraceae ), Pleocarphus revolutus D.Don ( Asteraceae ) and herbs such as Loasa illapelina Phil. ( Loasaceae ), Calceolaria collina Phil. ( Calceolariaceae ) and Chaetanthera limbata (D.Don) Less. ( Asteraceae ). Conservation. Chile. Coquimbo : Las Chinchillas National Reserve, Cerro Santa Ines Natural Sanctuary. Selected specimens examined. Chile. Coquimbo: [Choapa Province ] Quebrada El Cobre, Parque Nacional Las Chinchillas, Auco, 31°31'S , 71°6'W , 567 m a.s.l., 1 Oct 2002, L. Suarez s.n. (CONC); Illapel, 24 km cruce Carretera Panamericana a Illapel, orillas de linea ferrea , 21 Sep 1996, M. Munoz 3781 (SGO); Cuesta Guenchigualleco, a 60 km al Oeste de Illapel, ca. 100 m a.s.l., 20-24 Oct 1941, C. Munoz & G.T. Johnson 2273 (SGO); Vicinity of Illapel, 7 Oct 1914, J.N. Rose 19273 (US).