Checklist of Dermestidae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea) of the United States Author Háva, Jiří Forestry and Game Management Research Institute Strnady 136, CZ- 156 00 Praha 5 - Zbraslav, Czech Republic Author Herrmann, Andreas Bremervörder Strasse 123, 21682 Stade, Germany text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-06-25 2021 871 1 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10089073 1942-1354 10089073 CBB09355-C9A6-400A-A1AF-E1FD0631D3E7 21. Megatoma Herbs, 1791 The Holarctic genus currently comprises 27 species in 2 subgenera ( Háva 2015a , 2020 ). Megatoma (s. str.) Megatomaampla (Casey, 1900) ...................... CAORWA Megatomabelfragei (LeConte, 1874) .................. TX Megatomacylindrica (Kirby, 1837) ................... ALAKAZCOIDMTNMORUTWAWY Megatoma dolia Beal, 1967 .......................... CA Megatoma giffardi (Blaisdell, 1927) ................... AL AK CA ID MT OR WA Megatomaleucochlidon Beal, 1967 .................... CAORWA Megatoma polia Beal, 1967 .......................... CA Megatomapubescens (Zetterstedt, 1828) ............... ALCA ID; HOL Megatomavariegata (Horn, 1875) .................... CACOID ME* NVORUTVTWA Megatoma ( Pseudohadrotoma Kalík, 1951) Megatomafalsa (Horn, 1875) ........................ CAIDOR Megatomagraeseri (Reitter, 1887) .................... NYWI; HOL Megatomakaliki (Beal, 1967) ........................ COIDMT Megatoma perversa (Fall, 1926) ...................... AK CA CO MT Megatoma trichorhopalum (Beal, 1967) ............... CA Megatomatrogodermoides (Beal, 1967) ................ CANVOR Unrecognized species Megatoma angularis (Mannerheim, 1853) ............. AK