The genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Diplommatinidae) in Nepal, with the description of seven new species Author Budha, Prem B. University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610, Antwerp, Belgium. & Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. & Corresponding author: prembudha @ yahoo. com Author Naggs, Fred Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK. & Email: f. naggs @ nhm. ac. uk Author Backeljau, Thierry University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610, Antwerp, Belgium. & Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, B- 1000, Brussels, Belgium. & Email: thierry. backeljau @ naturalsciences. be text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-07-21 337 1 30 journal article 22067 10.5852/ejt.2017.337 5a7f73c5-5646-446f-a72c-3ea18d8f634f 2118-9773 3832483 2669CB69-5064-4B5D-AC25-856680E3B9AA Diplommatina munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1892 Figs 5B , 9H Diplommatina munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1892: 518 . Diplommatina munipurensis Godwin-Austen 1897: 14 , pl. 66, fig. 6. — Gude 1921: 323 . Diplommatina ( Diplommatina ) munipurensis Kobelt 1902: 438 . — Budha et al. 2015: 7 . Diagnosis Measurements (n = 10): SH 2.5–2.6 mm , SW 1.3–1.4 mm , Wh 6.0–6.5. Dextral, well rounded, regularly increasing, penultimate and body whorls nearly equal in width, suture impressed. Constriction at the middle of the parietal wall ( Fig. 9H ). One parietalis, moderate ( Fig. 5B 3 ). One vertical palatalis, which runs along the constriction, but does not reach the lower half of the whorl. No horizontal palatalis ( Fig. 9H ). Columellaris close to the umbilicus. Columellar tooth weak. Protoconch smooth, Wh approx 2.0, with small pits distributed all over, no radial ribs ( Fig. 5B 1 ). Teleoconch with dense radial ribs; about 8–10 ribs/ 0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl; 10–14 ribs/ 0.5 mm on the body whorl towards the aperture ( Fig. 5B 2 , B 4 ). Fine spiral striation present. Umbilicus closed. Aperture circular, parietal wall thin and straight. Peristome with two close lips; angular edge of the peristome straight; outer palatal lip rounded; basal lip along the columellar margin slightly curved; inner lip thin. Operculum paucispiral, corneous, thin, transparent, slightly concave, outer surface smooth, inner surface with raised edge at the central portion. Fig. 5. Diplommatina Benson, 1849 of Nepal. A . D. miriensis Godwin-Austen, 1917 (CDZMTU036). B . D.munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1892 (CDZMTU039). C . D.oviformis Fulton, 1901 (CDZMTU042). Scale bar in images A2, A4, B2, B4, C2, C4 is 500 µm. Material examined NEPAL : 6 shells, Syabrubesi, above Lama Hotel, Langtang National Park, 2635 m , 28.197564 N , 85.455117 E , 13 May 2008 , P.B. Budha leg. ( CDZMTU 039); 5 shells, Syabru, Langtang National Park, 3277 m , 28.105855 N , 85.326567 E , 6 Jun. 2007 , P.B. Budha leg. ( CDZMTU 040); 7 shells, Phulchowki Hill, Lalitpur District, 2483 m , 27.57159 N , 85.401647 E , 4 May 2007 , P.B. Budha leg. ( CDZMTU 041). Remarks Godwin-Austen (1892) gave the type locality as “South of the Barak River, between the Mao villages and Munipur” and noted that “from the number of specimens found, this appears a very abundant species; I never got anything like it in the Khasi Hills to the west”.