Description of the Female ofHologymnetis reyesiGasca and Deloya (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini), with New State Records for Mexico and a Bilingual Key to the Species ofHologymnetisMartínez Author Ratcliffe, Brett C. Author Gasca-Álvarez, Héctor Jaime Author Deloya, Cuauhtémoc text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2017 2017-03-31 71 1 143 151 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-71.1.143 1938-4394 5361960 Hologymnetis reyesi Gasca and Deloya, 2015 ( Figs. 1 7 , 9 , 16 ) Description. Female. Length 16.0 18.0 mm; width 9.0 10.0 mm. Color dark reddish brown ( Fig. 6 ) in specimens at hand, probably varies to smokey grey based upon color of the males. Abdominal sternites shiny dark reddish brown, sternites 1 5 with enamel-like, light brown (tan) color reduced to extreme lateral edges and with short, narrow, tan macula on anterior edge of sternites 2 5 either side of middle ( Fig. 7 ). Head: Surface with punctures moderate in size and density, setigerous; setae short, tawny. Clypeal apex broadly subtruncate, feebly emarginate at middle; apical margin narrowly reflexed. Eyes large, interocular width equals 4.5 transverse eye diameters as seen from above. Scape and eye canthus with numerous, tawny setae. Pronotum: Surface with punctures moderate in size, sparse. Lateral margin on basal half only with strong bead. Mesepimeron with punctures moderate in size and density, setigerous; setae long, dense, tawny. Elytra: Surface with punctures moderate in size and density, round to n-shaped, ocellate, minutely setigerous, some in incomplete rows on disc. Elevated sutural and discal costae absent. Pygidium: Surface with large, dense, crescentshaped and c-shaped, setigerous punctures; setae minute, dark. Venter: Metasternum with large, dense, confluent, setigerous punctures, setae sparser than in male but still long ( Fig. 7 ). Mesometasternal process short, extending anteriorly beyond mesocoxae but not reaching procoxae; ventral surface flat, in same plane as longitudinal axis of body; anterior surface with long, slender setae that curl around apex. In ventral view, sides of mesometasternal process taper to shiny, reddish brown, rounded apex. Abdominal sternites 1 5 with moderate to large, round to kidney-shaped, setigerous punctures on lateral fourths; setae minute, tawny. Legs: Protibia with 3 subequally spaced teeth. Male. The following characteristics vary from the female and expand the original description based on the male holotype . Length 17.0 18.0 mm; width across humeri 9.0 10.3 mm. Color dorsally opaque smokey grey to dark reddish brown ( Fig. 1 ). Pronotum of grey specimens with light brown, longitudinal line at center, reddish brown specimens lacking line. Elytra: Punctures small to large, moderately densely punctate, punctures round to kidneyshaped, u-shaped near apex. Elevated costae absent or sutural costa and 2 discal costae weakly elevated, discal costae terminating at apical umbone. Pygidium: Setae pale or dark. Venter: Color shiny, dark reddish brown overlain with enamel-like, grey or light to dark brown ( Fig. 2 ); abdominal sternites 1 5 completely smokey grey or light brown with moderate to large, round to kidney-shaped, setigerous punctures that extend across entire sternite; setae long, dense. Parameres: In caudal view, base broadly rounded and abruptly tapering to elongated shaft with laterally projecting tooth at apex. In lateral view, phallobase twice as long as parameres ( Figs. 3 5 , 9 ). Distribution. Hologymnetis reyesi was described from one specimen collected 18.2 km south of Colima , Colima , Mexico . The new specimens reported here are from Ixtapan del Oro, Estado de México , and Acahuizotla, Guerrero ( Fig. 16 ), which are new state records . This extends the known distribution of H. reyesi approximately 360 km to the east and 484 km to the southeast. Locality Records. MEXICO (6). COLIMA (1): Colima (probably the municipality of Ixtlahuacán) . GUERRERO (1): Acahuizotla. ESTADO DE MÉXICO (4): Ixtapan del Oro . Temporal Distribution. May (1), June (5). Diagnosis. Hologymnetis reyesi is distinguished by its velutinous, smokey grey to dark reddish brown color on the dorsum and enamel-like, light brown or grey color on the abdominal sternites (extensive in males, greatly reduced in females); meso- and metasternal areas of the mesometasternal process contiguously joined by shiny, dark reddish brown coloration; long, dense setae on the metasternum; and parameres broadly rounded at their bases and with a laterally projecting tooth at their apices ( Figs. 3 , 9 ). Hologymnetis reyesi is sympatric with H. cinerea and H. margaritis but is distinguished by the long, dense setae on the metasternum in H. reyesi (short and sparse in H. cinerea and H. margaritis ), and the parameres are different (compare Figs. 9, 10 , and 12). In addition, the abdominal sternites in both sexes of H. cinerea are completely shiny black, whereas they are light brown or grey in H. reyesi . Figs. 1–5. Hologymnetis reyesi , male. 1) Dorsal habitus; 2) Ventral habitus; Parameres: 3) Dorsal view; 4) Ventral view; 5) Lateral view. Photographs by Jiri Zidek. Figs. 6–7. Hologymnetis reyesi , female. 6) Dorsal habitus; 7) Ventral habitus. Photographs by Jiri Zidek. Natural History. The specimens from Ixtapan del Oro were all found dead in a water tank at an elevation of 1,800 m . The habitat of Ixtapan del Oro is montane tropical forest with pines, cedar, and oaks interspersed with farms, and that of Ixtlahuacán is tropical deciduous forest. The habitat of Acahuizotla is an ecotone composed of subdeciduous and deciduous tropical forest (600 1,000 m ) and oak forest ( 1,100 m ). Several new scarab species have been described from Acahuizotla during the last three decades, e.g. , Cotinis ibarrai Deloya and Ratcliffe, 1988 (Cetoniinae) , Onthophagus villanuevai Delgado and Deloya, 1990 (Scarabaeinae) , Iridisoma acahuizotlensis Delgado and Moron, 1991 (Cetoniinae) , and Chasmodia jamesonae Delgado, 1997 (Rutelinae) .