Description of Nasocoris lautereri sp. nov. from the Balkan peninsula, with a review of the genus Nasocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) Author Kment, Petr Author Bryja, Josef text Zootaxa 2007 1633 39 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179468 290aed88-9ae0-44a7-b092-57e68de0d9ef 1175-5326 179468 Nasocoris platycranoides Montandon, 1890 ( Fig. 8 ) Syntypes . Algeria : ‘ Oran (L. Moisson)’ (MGAB, MZHF, NHMW – see Kerzhner & Josifov (1999)) . Kerzhner & Matocq (1994) listed also syntypes in collection of MNHN. Nasocoris platycranoides sp. nov. : Montandon (1890) : 179 –180. Description, faunistics ( Algeria ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Puton (1899) : 71 . Catalogue, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Reuter (1902) : 103 . Differential diagnosis, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Oshanin (1909) : 855 . Catalogue, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Oshanin (1912) : 77 . Catalogue, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Vidal (1937) : 205 . Faunistics ( Morocco ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Lindberg (1939) : 18 –19. Key, figure, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Lindberg (1940) : 46 –47. Bionomics, host plant, ecology, faunistics ( Morocco ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Lindberg (1951) : 26 . List of types in Reuter’s collection. Nasocoris platycranoides : Stichel (1956) : 210 (partim). Diagnosis, key, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Carvalho (1958) : 78 . Catalogue. Nasocoris platycranoides : Stichel (1958) : 800 (partim). Distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Wagner (1958) : 76 . Bionomics, faunistics ( Morocco ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Sienkiewicz (1964) : 22 . Faunistics ( Algeria ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Linnavuori (1968) : 201 , 203–204. Redescription, key, bionomics, host plant, faunistics ( Morocco ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Wagner (1968) : 299 –301. Key, figures, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Wagner (1974) : 402 , 405. Redescription, key, host plant, distribution. Nasocoris platycranoides : Ribes and Goula (1986) : 277 . Catalogue of Wagner’s collection. Nasocoris platycranoides : Kerzhner and Matocq (1994): 64 . List of types . Nasocoris platycranoides : Faraci and Rizzotti Vlach (1995) : 25 . List, distribution ( Italy : Sardinia – error!). Nasocoris platycranoides : Schuh (1995) : 360 . Catalogue. Nasocoris platycranoides : Carapezza (1997) : 109 . Bionomics, host plant, distribution, faunistics ( Tunisia ). Nasocoris platycranoides : Kerzhner and Josifov (1999) : 376 . Catalogue, type depository, distribution ( Spain – marked as first record). Distribution. Italy (Sicily) ( Carapezza 1997, without an exact locality ), Spain ( Kerzhner and Josifov 1999, without an exact locality; confirmed in this paper ), Algeria ( Montandon 1890 , Sienkiewicz 1964 ), Morocco ( Vidal 1937 , Lindberg 1940 , Wagner 1958 ), Tunisia ( Carapezza 1997 ). The records from Sardinia ( Servadei 1952 , 1967 ; Stichel 1956 , 1958 ) refer to N. psyche . Wagner (1968) mentioned in the key its occurrence in Sardinia (not Sicily), but he mentioned it from Sicily (but not from Sardinia) in the discussion; thus Wagner’s record from Sicily probably is a mistake. Host plant. Ephedra cossonii ( Morocco ) ( Lindberg 1940 ), E. fragilis ( Morocco , Tunisia ) ( Carapezza 1997, this paper ). Bionomics. Adults were collected in April ( Wagner 1958, this paper ), May ( Lindberg 1940 , Linnavuori 1968 , Carapezza 1997 , this paper), June ( Lindberg 1940 , Linnavuori 1968 , this paper), July ( Carapezza 1997 ), October (this paper), and November ( Lindberg 1940 ). Larvae of 5th instar were collected in May (this paper). Ecology. Collected on the banks of the Reraïa river in the High Atlas Mts. ( 1250 m a.s.l.) in Morocco , together with Hyoidea horvathi ( Lindberg 1940 ) .