Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae). Author Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa text 2001 Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln Leiden, Netherlands Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae 400 505 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.814704 887f4c2c-1812-4aa5-b994-58388f6a45c5 814704 Otacilia sinifera sp. n. ( figs 665-669 , map 34 ) Type locality.Thailand , Nakhon Ratchasima Province , Khao Yai National Park . Type material.— Holotype ♂ from the type locality, appr. 1000 m , in Eucalyptus leaf litter, 8.xi. l987 , C.L . and P.R. Deeleman ; paratypes : 3 ♂, 1 ♀ same data, Eucalyptus , bamboo and evergreen forest litter, xi. 1987 and xii .1988 . Other material .— C Thailand , Nakhon Nayok Province , 1 ♀, Sarika waterfalls, bamboo litter , 27.iv. 1982 , P.R. Deeleman . Diagnosis. — A species which is recognisable, also in the field, by the white spot dorsally in front of the spinnerets contrasting with the adjacent black semicircular ring. Close to O. lynx , it differs from that species by the abdominal pattern and in the male palp by the relatively smaller embolus, the presence of a small tegular apophysis and the upturned apophysis distally on the femur. In the vulva, the opening pouches, bursae and spermathecae are more approached to the middle than in lynx . Distinct from species in the arma ­ tissima complex by the absence of transverse bars on the abdomen, the higher number of spines on the anterior femora and tibiae and the smaller epigyne with different pathway of the insemination ducts. The male palp is of similar structure to that in the male type of Palaetyra luzonica , the latter lacks the ventral projection on the palpal femur and bears a larger palpal tibial apophysis. O. sinifera has relatively longer legs than other similarly sized species. Description .— MALE. Total length 3.20 mm . Carapace length 1.40 mm , width 1.20 mm , height above leg III 0.65 mm , head width 0.52 mm ; abdomen 1.60 mm long, 0.80 mm wide. Leg lengths: leg I 7.70 mm (1.80-2.80-1.80-1.30), leg II 6.45 mm (1.60-2.40-1.40- 1.05), leg III 5.15 mm (1.30-1.55-1.40-0.90), leg IV 8.20 mm (2.10-2.40-2.40-1.30), palp 0.60-0.25- 0.25-0.55 mm . Carapace ( fig. 665 ), mouthparts and legs orange, abdomen dark grey with dorsally a small orange scutum, posteriorly in front of the spinnerets a yellow area, sometimes iridescent, darkening rearwards and around scutum, leaving a white angular spot in front of the spinnerets. AME a little larger than ALE, PME the smallest, their d apart, juxtaposed to laterals. Clypeus equal to 1 eye diameter. Mouthparts fig. 666 , chelicerae with 3 widely spaced promarginal and 2-3 retromarginal teeth, close together, the largest proximalmost. Leg spination ( fig. 665 ): all femora with short dorsal spine proximally, femur I with row of 6pd spines, femur II with a row of 3pd distally, tibia I with 7­ 9 pairs of ventral spines, tibia II 7-8 pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus I 4 pairs, metatarsus II 3-4 pairs, posterior legs spineless. Abdomen ( fig. 665 ) dorsally with small scutum, ventrally a small bulge in front of anterior spinnerets covered with short stiff setae. Palp figs 667-668, femur with flat projection ventral-apically, sperm duct occupying 2 /3 of tegulum, clawlike curved embolus and small tegular apophysis apically. Figs 665-669. Otacilia sinifera sp. n. 665. Male, habitus: carapace, abdom en and right leg I. 666. Male, sternum, coxae and m outhparts, ventral. 667. Palp, ventral. 668. Retrolateral. 669. Vulva, dorsal. 670-672. Otacilia parva sp. n. 670. Male, habitus. 671. Male palp, retrolateral. 672. Ventral. FEMALE. Total length 4.40 mm . Carapace length 1.60 mm , width 1.40 mm , head width 0.70 mm , width eye region 0.50 mm ; abdomen 2.80 mm long, 1.80 mm wide. Leg lengths: leg I 8.15 mm (2.00-2.90-1.85-1.40), leg II 6.35 mm (1.60-2.25-1.45-1.05), leg III 5.55 mm (1.40-1.80-1.45-0.90), leg IV 8.35 mm (2.20-2.55-2.40-1.20), palp 0.60-0.28-0.44- 0.68 mm . Carapace, eyes, mouthparts and legs as in male. Clypeus less than 1 eye diameter. Abdomen lacking scutum. Epigyne appearing as a pair of S-shaped sclerotizations, the openings in large sclerotized pouches. Vulva ( fig. 669 ) anteriorly with a pair of large transparent bursae set between openings and spermathecae. Spermathecae thick-walled, numerous thorn-like specks appear all over their surface, further with 4 or more globules on filiform stems and a number of thorns. Data on behaviour. — The species was found in leaf litter of dry, secondary or exotic ( Eucalyptus ) leaf litter. One subadult male kept alive surrounded itself in a cell which was quite large in relation to the size of the spider. Distribution. — Only known from type locality. Etymology .— The Latin word sinifera means wearing a sinus (= pocket), referring to the large membranous sac in the vulva.