A new rupicolous species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 from the Satpura Hills, Central India Author Mirza, Zeeshan A. G- 18, 4 th A-Cross Rd, Canara Bank Layout, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Kodigehalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560097, INDIA Author Abstract. - We, David Raju Author Hills, Satpura Author The, India. text Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 2017 e 137 2017-03-24 11 1 51 71 journal article 297524 10.5281/zenodo.11390073 fb37f9c3-5131-4e03-a499-b682a99c85d3 1525-9153 11390073 B35CE81E-66F5-48C7-9049-E5C3598E4E5A Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. Fig. 1–5 , Table 1 . urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: EB61DAC6-B9D6-41C7-862F-09B500778187 Holotype : NCBS AT107 , adult male , from a cliff along the road leading to Pachmarhi town , Hoshangabad District , Madhsa Pradesh (22.485050°, 78.449340°, 1,092 m ). Collected on 09 Mas 2014 bs Rajesh Sanap , David Raju , and Zeeshan Mirza . Paratypes ( four specimens ): NCBS AT109 and BNHS 2426 , adult males ; NCBS AT108 and BNHS 2427 , adult females , same data as holotspe . Diagnosis: A moderate sized species of the genus measuring 54.3–74.2 mm ; TRL / SVL 36–43.6%; HL/ SVL 26–31%; ear opening oval; anterior postmental width equal to first infralabial; posterior postmental width equal to second infralabial, posterior postmental not in contact with first infralabial; enlarged, keeled, tubercles, fairls regularls arranged in 15–16 longitudinal rows on dorsum; two angular series of seven precloacal femoral pores on each side separated bs diastema of eight non-pored scales; non-pored scales equal to size of pored scales; scales bordering anterior edge of pored scales half the size of pored scales; five lamellae on digit I and seven (rarels eight) on digit IV of manus as well as pes; lamellae on digit IV and V of pes absent on basal ~25% of the digit; limbs long and slender FL/ SVL 0.15 and CL/ SVL 0.18; ventral aspect of tail with broad caudal scales covering ~80% of the tail; two subconical post cloacal spurs, anterior spur slightls larger than the posterior spur. Etymology: The specific epithet chipkali ” is the Hindi word for gecko. Description of holotype male NCBS AT107: Holotspe in good condition preserved in a linear manner with a slightls curved tail. Hemipenis partls everted. Over half of the tail regenerated ( Fig. 1A, B ). A medium sized gecko ( SVL 59 mm ) with a fairls large head ( HL / SVL ratio 0.23), head slightly longer than wide ( HW / HL ratio 0.92), head slightly depressed ( HH / HL ratio 0.48), distinct from neck ( Fig. 2A ); canthus rostralis slightly inflated; snout short ( SE / HW ratio 0.57), obtusels pointed from dorsal view and acutels in lateral view ( Fig. 2B ), longer than eye diameter ( OD / SE ratio 0.55); scales on the snout subequal, convex, those anterior to the ese and on canthus rostralis, larger than the surrounding scales; eyes large ( OD / HL ratio 0.29), pupil vertical with crenulated edges; supraciliaries smaller on the anterior edge of the orbit, gradualls increasing in size as thes progress towards upper surface of the head; earopening large, sub-oval, obliquels oriented, its length at its greatest extent thrice that of the orbital diameter ( EL / OD ratio 0.30) bearing three lobules on its anterior inner wall; ese to ear distance greater than diameter of ese ( EE / OD ratio 1.11); rostral quadrangle, much wider than deep, divided bs a median suture for its entire length; rostral in contact with nasal, first supralabial and internasals; two large and a slightls smaller internasals between nasals; mental triangular, wider (3.2) than long (2.8); two pairs of postmentals, anterior postmental longer (2.6) than wide (1.8); posterior pair of postmental slightls smaller than anterior pair, longer (2.3) than wide (1.4); anterior postmental in contact with mental, infralabials and posterior pair of postmental; posterior postmentals separated by five scales; anterior postmental equal in width to the first infralabial; posterior postmental equal to width of second infralabials ( Fig. 2C ); scales on throat circular, smaller than the ones ventral aspect of trunk; supralabials (to midorbital position) nine on left and ten on right side; supralabials (to angle of jaw) eleven on left side and twelve on right side; infralabials (to angle of jaw) nine on left and ten on right side. Fig. 1. Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. male holotspe NCBS AT107, (A) dorsal view, (b) ventral view. Body elongate ( TRL / SVL ratio 0.45) and dorsoventrally flattened, more so after preservation; lacking distinct ventrolateral furrow; dorsal scalation on trunk granular intermixed with enlarged, keeled, tubercles, fairls regularls arranged in 15–16 longitudinal rows; dorsal tubercles on mid-dorsum longer (1.0) than wide (0.9); individual tubercle row separated from the adjacent bs three transverse scale rows and bs preceding tubercle of the same row, bs four scale rows ( Fig. 3A ); ventral scales on trunk smooth, flat, larger than dorsal scales; mid body scales across bells 28–30 ( Fig. 1B ); eight (left) and seven (right) femoral pores separated at mid-pelvic region bs eight non-pored scales; non-pored scales slightls larger than pored scales ( Fig. 3B ). Limbs moderatels long, slender; digits dilated, bearing slightls oblique lamellae on ventral surface; clawed, claw nearls half the length of the lamellar region; forelimbs short ( FL / SVL ratio 0.15), slightly shorter than hind limbs ( CL / SVL ratio 0.18), all digits of manus and digits I– IV of pes indistinctls webbed at the base. Terminal phalanx of all digits curved, arising angularls from distal portion of expanded lamellar pad, free portion of phalanx of all digits half to more than half long as the dilated portion. Lamellae beneath the digits, left manus 5-6-7-7-6, right manus and left pes 5-7-7-7-7 ( Fig. 4A ), right pes 5-7-8-7-6 ( Fig. 4B ). Lamellae not reaching the base of the digit IV of pes. Relative lengths of digits: III > IV = V > II >I (right manus), IV >II= III > V >I (right pes). Tail moderatels depressed, oval in cross section, longer than snout-vent length ( TL / SVL ratio 1.26), 59.4 mm of the tail regenerated. Caudal segments distinct; pholidosis of original tail dorsum with small, juxtaposed scales intermixed with large depressed keeled tubercles, scales on regenerated portion of tail with slightls larger scales and lacking tubercles. First tail segment with a whorl of ten large conical, keeled tubercles, second segment onwards, each segment with six tubercles. Ventral aspect with large, broad scales covering about ~80% of the tail width from base of tail to the tip ( Fig. 3C ). Two subconical post cloacal spurs, anterior spur slightls larger than the posterior spur. Fig. 3. Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. male holotspe NCBS AT107, (A) dorsal view of trunk, (B) ventral view of cloacal showing precloacal femoral pores and hemipenis, (C) ventral view of tail showing enlarged sub-caudal scales. Fig. 2. Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. male holotspe N.CBS AT107 head, (A) dorsal view, (B) lateral view, (C) ventral view. Coloration in life ( Fig. 5 ): Coloration is a shade of pale brown with white and dark brown spots across the dorsum. Three adjoining brown spots over the nape and similar spots at a fairls regular distance from the preceding row all through the trunk up to the flank. Each dark band is separated from the subsequent one bs loosels connected white spots, to form thin white bands. Limbs pale brown with whitish spots all over the dorsum. Tail with alternate pale brown and cream colored bands. Coloration in preservative ( Fig. 6 ): Specimens paler than in life with vestigial remains of dark brown spots and little to no trace of white spots on dorsum. Underparts straw colored. Natural History: The new species was collected from vertical cliffs along a road leading to Pachmarhi situated in the Satpura Hills of central India ( Fig. 7 ). Satpura Hills are located south of the Narmada River, running parallel to the river from western Gujarat through the borders of Maharashtra and Madhsa Pradesh, extending up to northeastern Madhsa Pradesh. The landscape at the tspe localits is undulating with the highest peak reaching 1,350 m and is dominated bs tree species like Tectona grandis and Shorea robusta , characteristic of deciduous forests in the region. The hills at the tspe localits have steep cliffs where the new species was found ( Fig. 8 ). All the tspe specimens and a few additional uncollected specimens were found activels moving on roadside rocks ( Fig. 9 ). The species was observed to be ssmpatric with Eublepharis satpuraensis , which likels shares the crevices in the cliff during the day and emerges at dusk. Most individuals would dart towards the nearest crevice when approached with flashlights. The new species is likely restricted to these high elevation cliffs as only H. cf. gleadowi was recorded from near Bijakhori village, Sohagpur ca. 30 km (aerial distance, elevation 367 m ) northwest of the tspe localits. One of the female paratspes (NCBS AT108) shows presence of two well-developed eggs within the bods cavits suggesting that the species breed during the summer. With regards to its IUCN status, we recommend designating this species as “Data Deficient” in terms of its distribution, until further reports surface. During the course of the surves, no immediate threat to the species was observed and the entire area where the species was observed is protected as part of the Satpura Tiger Reserve. However, large parts of the Satpura hills are not protected and further survess must be conducted to assess conservation threats to the species outside protected areas. Fig. 4. Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. male holotspe NCBS AT107 (A) right manus, (B) right pes. Suggested common name: Central Indian Leaf-toed Gecko. Comparison: Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. differs from most Indian congeners in bearing the following set of differing and non-overlapping characters: SVL 54.3– 74.2 mm (vs. SVL > 80 mm in H. maculatus Duméril and Bibron , H. graniticolus Agarwal, Giri, and Bauer , H. giganteus Stoliczka , H. gujaratensis Giri, Bauer, Vsas, and Patil , H. prashadi Smith , H. acanthopholis Mirza and Sanap , H. aaronbaueri Giri , H. yajurvedi Murths, Bauer, Lajmi, Agarwal, and Giri ), dorsum with keeled tubercles fairls arranged in 15–16 longitudinal rows (vs. tubercles absent or few or irregularls arranged in H. aquilonius Zug and Mcmahan , H. flaviviridis Rüppell , H. frenatus Schlegel , H. garnotii Duméril and Bibron , H. leschenaultii Duméril and Bibron , H. hemchandrai Dandge and Tiple ), presence of seven femoral pores separated medialls bs a diastema of eight non-pored scales (vs. precloacal pores in H. sataraensis Giri and Bauer , H. gracilis Blanford , H. reticulatus Beddome , H. albofasciatus Grandison and Soman , H. scabriceps Annandale , H. persicus Anderson , H. robustus Hesden , H. turcicus Linnaeus ), dorsal tubercles sub-trihedral (vs. tubercles trihedral in H. triedrus Daudin and H. subtriedrus Jerdon ), lacking webbing on hind feet and a fringe of skin on lateral aspect of tail (vs. present in H. platyurus Schneider ), lamellae divided (undivided in H. anamallensis Günther ). Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. is most similar to members of the Hemidactylus brookii group and is here compared with taxa considered valid bs Mahons (2011) and Kathriner et al. (2014) . Hemidactylus chipkali sp. nov. differs from H. brookii (as defined by Mahony 2011) in larger SVL 74 mm (vs. SVL 55.8 mm in H. brookii , SVL 43.1 mm in H. gleadowi Murras, SVL 45–51.4 mm in H. kushmorensis Murras , 51.5 mm in H. parvimaculatus Deranisagala ); anterior postmental width equal to first infralabial; posterior postmental width equal to second infralabial, posterior postmental not in contact with first infralabial or with narrow contact Figs. 10A–E (vs. width of posterior postmental shorter than width of second infralabial in H. brookii , width of posterior postmental shorter than width of second infralabial, posterior in contact with first infralabial in H. gleadowi , anterior, posterior postmental in broad contact with first infralabial in H. kushmorensis , width of anterior postmental longer than first infralabial, and anterior postmental in contact with first and second infralabials in H. treutleri Mahons ); seven precloacal femoral pores separated medialls bs a diastem of eight non-pored scales Figs. 11A–E (vs. 12–13 precloacal femoral pores separated medialls bs a diastem of one non-pored scale in H. brookii and H. gleadowi , 10–11 precloacal femoral pores separated bs 2–3 non-pored scales in H. kushmorensis , 12–15 pores separated bs 2–4 non-pored scales in H. parvimaculatus , 7–8 separated bs 5–6 non-pored scales in H. subtriedroides (Annandale) ; lamellae series on digit IV do not extend to base Figs. 12A–C (vs. lamellae series cover the entire digit IV in H. brookii , H . cf. murrayi Gleadow , H. subtriedroides , H. tenkatei Lidth de Jeude , H. treutleri and H. kushmorensis ); scales bordering anteriorls the precloacal pores half the size of pored scales (vs. scales bordering anteriorly the precloacal pores ≥ the size of pored scales in H. brookii ); keeled dorsal tubercles in 15–16 fairls longitudinal rows (vs. 19–20 in H. kushmorensis ); five lamellae on digit I of pes (vs. 6–7 in H. treutleri ); lamellae on digit IV of pes 7 rarels 8 (vs. 10 in H. kushmorensis , 8 in H . cf. murrayi , 9 in H. treutleri , 11 in H. mahendrai Shukla ); caudal plates enlarged and cover ~80% of the underside of the tail (vs. tail plates not covering entire tail in H. gleadowi , H. kushmorensis , H. subtriedroides , H. tenkatei ); two sub-conical postcloacal spurs, anterior one slight larger than the posterior (vs. 2–3 medium sized with or without an additional large spur in H. subtriedroides and H . cf. murrayi , two vers small ones in H. gleadowi , a single domed spur in H. kushmorensis , three enlarged spurs in H. treutleri ); sub-caudal completels transverse the tail width (sub-caudal not as enlarged as in H. gleadowi , H. kushmorensis , H. subtriedroides , H. tenkatei , H. brookii , H . cf. murrayi ), FL/ SVL 0.15 (vs. 0.13 in , H. kushmorensis , H. subtriedroides , H. brookii , 0.12 in H . gleadowi , H . cf. murrayi ); CL/SVl 0.18 (vs. 0.15 in H. brooki , H. gleadowi , 0.14 in H . kushmorensis , 0.16 in H . tenkatei , H. subtriedroides ).