Addenda to the insect fauna of Al-Baha Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with zoogeographical notes Author El-Hawagry, Magdi S. Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt; & Survey and Classification of Agricultural and Medical Insects in Al-Baha Province, Al-Baha University, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia Author Sharaf, Mostafa R. Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Author Al Dhafer, Hathal M. Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Author Fadl, Hassan H. Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Author Aldawood, Abdulrahman S. Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; text Journal of Natural History 2015 2015-09-30 50 1209 1236 journal article 21279 10.1080/00222933.2015.1103913 bc73ac48-fb45-413e-94af-84c188ec1850 1464-5262 3990247 Cletus binotulatus obtusulus Linnavuori Amadan (Al-Mandaq) 20.144656° N, 41.281698° E, Baljurashi City (Baljurashi) 19.877804° N, 41.571622° E, Ghabet Raghdan ( Al-Baha City ) 20.00575° N, 41.26974° E: May 2010 . Dhee Ain ( Al-Mekhwa ) 19.55459° N , 41.26302° E : January October 2012 . Figures 3–8. 3, Platypleura arabica Myers ; 4, Cletomorpha sp.; 5, Gonocerus juniperi Herrich-Schäffer ; 6, Coranus lateritius (Stål) ; 7, Rhynocoris bipustulatus (Fieber) ; 8, Cantacader iranicus Lis. Ghabet Raghdan ( Al-Baha City ) 20.00581° N , 41.26811° E : October 2010 . Gonocerus juniperi Herrich-Schäffer ( Figure 5 ) Ghabet Raghdan ( Al-Baha City ) 20.00575° N , 41.26974° E : October 2010 . [First record in KSA ]. Family CYDNIDAE Subfamily CYDNINAE Tribe Geotomini Aethus hispidulus (Klug) Al-Mekhwa City (Al-Mekhwa) 19.770576° N , 41.434293° E : April 2011 . Aethus ostiolatus Signoret Al-Mekhwa City (Al-Mekhwa) 19.770576° N , 41.434293° E : April 2012 . Dhee Ain (Al-Mekhwa) 19.55459° N , 41.26302° E : May 2012 . Alonips intrusus (Wagner) Al-Mekhwa City (Al-Mekhwa) 19.770576° N , 41.434293° E : April 2012 . Geotomus sp. Dhee Ain (Al-Mekhwa) 19.55459° N , 41.26302° E : May 2011 . Macroscytus brunneus (Fabricius) Al-Baha (Downtown) 20.018129° N , 41.470771° E : June 2012 . Family HEBRIDAE Subfamily HEBRINAE Hebrus pusillus arabicus Linnavouri Wadi Turabet Zahran (Al-Mandaq) 20.12397° N , 41.17176° E : March 2012 . Madhas Dam (Al-Mandaq) 20.222058° N , 41.274117° E : March 2012 . Family MESOVELIIDAE Mesovelia vittigera Horvath Wadi Turabet Zahran (Al-Mandaq) 20.12397° N , 41.17176° E : October 2010 . Family NAUCORIDAE