New records of Ichneumonidae from Northwestern Sakartvelo (Georgia), with additions to the fauna of Lagodekhi reserve Author Riedel, Matthias Author Japoshvili, George text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2021 53 1 241 288 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13154240 0253-116X 13154240 Ichneumon sakartveloi nov.sp. ( figs 14-17 ) H o l o t y p e: ( ) " Georgia , Tsageri, Dogurashi, 1470 m alt., 42.678315°N , 42.810138°E , 5- 12.VI.2020 , Malaise trap, leg. G. Japoshvili" ( Tbilisi ). D e s c r i p t i o n: : Body length 11.0 mm. Flagellum slightly lanceolate, with 38 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere 1.5× longer than wide, 4 th flagellomere square, widest flagellomeres 1.5× wider than long; preapical flagellomere 0.90× as long as wide. Head covered with short brownish hairs. Temple slightly and roundly narrowed behind eyes, dorsally 0.65× as long as eye. Distance between lateral ocellus and eye 1.7× ocellar diameter. Frons coarsely rugose-punctate. Face punctate, with transverse rugae paramedially. Clypeus slightly convex, with scattered punctures. Gena 1.3× as wide as eye, with scattered punctures ventrally. Mandible not modified, lower tooth smaller than upper tooth. Malar space 1.2× as long as width of mandibular base and 1.1× as long as 1 st flagellomere. Genal carina complete, reaching hypostomal carina far from mandibular base; both carinae low. Mesosoma covered with short brownish hairs. Mesoscutum densely punctate, smooth and shining between punctures. Mesopleuron and metapleuron coarsely and densely rugose-punctate and striate; juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum almost flat, 1.2× wider than long, with fine scattered punctures, without lateral carina. Propodeum rugose. Area superomedia almost rectangular, 1.1× wider than long; anterior transversal carina (costula) absent. Hind coxa densely punctate, without scopa, internal-ventrally with blunt longitudinal edge. Hind femur 3.8× longer than wide, with scattered punctures in ventral third. Tarsi slightly widened, 3 rd mid tarsomere 1.4× longer than wide. Metasoma strongly oxypygous, hypopygium short. Postpetiolus moderately widened, lateral field with irregular striae, 0.5× as wide as median field; median field with irregular rugae and striae. 2 nd tergite 0.60× as long as wide. Gastrocoelus impressed, with few ridges. Thyridium slightly oblique, 0.7× as wide as the interval. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites finely and densely rugose-punctate, 2 nd tergite longitudinally rugose antero-medially. Ovipositor sheath slightly extending behind metasomal apex. Color: black. Spot on scape and flagellomeres 1-12 reddish, flagellomeres 7-12 ivory dorsally; following flagellomeres black. Mandible with reddish spot. Facial and frontal orbits up to vertex red. Spot on collar, hind edge of pronotum and tegula red. Stripe on subtegular ridge and scutellum entirely ivory. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites reddish-yellow, with reddish margins; 5 th tergite with small triangular ivory spot medially; 6 th and 7 th tergites with larger transverse ivory spots. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs otherwise mainly red; mid femur in basal 2/3 and hind femur entirely black; fore and mid tibiae with frontal yellowish stripes; hind tibia narrowly reddish basally, yellow subbasally, narrowly red subapically, black in apical 0.2; hind tarsomeres red with black tips; distal hind tarsomere black. Wings slightly infuscate; pterostigma reddish. unknown. R e m a r k: This new species belongs to the Ichneumon group G1 sensu HILPERT (1992) and runs to Ichneumon melanotis HOLMGREN and I. pseudocaloscelis HEINRICH in his key ( HILPERT 1992: 337 ). It differs by its shorter basal flagellomeres, slenderer preapical flagellomere, scattered punctation of ventral third of hind femur and reddish coloration of scape and basal flagellomeres.