A survey of East Palaearctic Gnaphosidae (Araneae). 8. New data on Berlandina and Gnaphosa from Mongolia Author Fomichev, Alexander A. Author Marusik, Yuri M. text Zootaxa 2017 4258 1 69 80 journal article 33163 10.11646/zootaxa.4258.1.5 bdf2db84-05b5-4c94-bfa7-7cf9274fda9b 1175-5326 569169 D1095E5E-2C9F-40C6-BA10-EADBEA56681C Berlandina litvinovi sp. n. Figs 9‒19 , 35 Types . MONGOLIA : Khovd Aimag: holotype ( ISEA ) and paratypes 2♂ 1♀ ( ISEA ) 1♂ 1♀ ( ZMMU ) 36 km SW from Altai Village , Bodonchiyn-Gol River Valley , 45°46’N , 92°12’E , tugay (gallery forest), night, attracted by light, 1280 m , 17‒ 18.05.2015 (AF) ; 1♀ ( ISEA ), same locality, 45°46’N , 92°10’E , 7–8.05.2012 (AF) ; 1♀ ( ISEA ) Arshantyn-Nuruu Mt. Range , 46°21’N , 91°13’E , mountain stony steppe with rocks, 1700‒2000 m , 16.05.2012 (AF). Etymology. The specific name is a patronym in honour of Anton N. Litvinov (Terekty, Kazakhstan ), the friend of AF, who helped a lot in spider collecting and organization of field trips. Diagnosis. Males of the new species differ from those of the similar species B. koponeni by tegulum bulged prolaterally ( Bu ), by less curved (as viewed from above) median apophysis, absence of the ridge in embolic division and much longer tibial apophysis (cf. Figs 11‒16 and figs 30‒36 in Marusik et al. 2014a ). Females of B. litvinovi sp. n. are similar to these of B. ubsunurica Marusik & Logunov, 1995 and B. nenilini Ponomarev & Tsvetkov, 2006 . They differ from two aforementioned species by wide fovea, less pronounced anterior protrusion on the edge of fovea and by less protruding outgrowths of lateral pockets (cf. Figs 17‒19 and figs 10‒15 in Marusik et al. 2014a ). Both male and female of the new species can be distinguished from the closest species B. koponeni by dark coloration (cf. Figs 1 , 9‒10 and fig. 37 in Marusik et al. 2014a ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length 5.4. Carapace: 2.25 long, 1.8 wide. Carapace brown with black margins, spots and radial stripes. Chelicerae and labium dark-brown. Maxillae light-brown. Sternum brown. Legs: femora, patellae and tibiae gray-brown with yellow spots and stripes, metatarsi and tarsi dirty-yellow. Palps yellow-gray. Abdomen gray dorsally with light longitudinal stripe, venter yellow. Spinnerets yellow-gray. FIGURES 9‒19. Habitus and copulatory organs of Berlandina litvinovi sp. n. 9‒10 female and male habitus, dorsal; 11‒13 male palp, prolateral, ventral and retrolateral respectively; 14‒16 bulb, anterior, ventral and retrolateral; 17 intact epigyne, ventral; 18‒19 macerated epigyne, ventral and dorsal. Scale = 0.2 mm if not otherwise indicated. Abbreviations. Bu tegular bulge, Cf cymbial furrow. Leg measurements: Fe Pt Ti Mt Ta Total I 1.7 0.9 1.25 1.1 0.9 5.85 II 1.55 0.85 1.05 1.05 1.0 5.5 III 1.45 0.75 0.9 1.35 0.9 5.35 IV 2.15 1.0 1.5 2.25 1.1 8.0 Leg spination: Fe Pt Ti Mt I d1-1-0 v2-1 - 2 v 0-2-2 II d1-1-0 p0-0-1 p0-0- 1 v 1-1- 2 v 0-2-2 III d1-1-1 p0-1-1 r0-1-1 p1-0 r1-0 d0-1-0 p1-1-1 r0-1- 1 v 2-2-2 d0-1-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v0-2- 2 IV d1-1-0 p0-0-1 r0-0-1 r1-0 d1-0-1 p1-1-1 r1-1- 1 v 2-2-2 d1-2-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v0-2-2 Palp as in Figs 11‒16 ; tibial apophysis large, sharply pointed, equal in length to tibia; cymbium with slanting prolateral furrow ( Cf ) against anterior edge of tibial apophysis; tegulum bulged ( Bu ) prolaterally; median apophysis longer than embolus; embolus with bifid tip. Female. Total length 7.4. Carapace: 2.4 long, 1.95 wide. Coloration as in male. Leg measurements: Fe Pt Ti Mt Ta Total I 1.8 0.95 1.2 1.1 0.95 6.0 II 1.55 0.85 1.05 1.05 0.9 5.4 III 1.45 0.8 0.9 1.3 0.9 5.35 IV 2.15 1.05 1.55 2.15 1.15 8.05 Leg spination: Fe Pt Ti Mt I d1-1-0 p0-0- 1 v 2-1- 2 v 0-2-2 II d1-1-0 p0-0- 1 v 1-1- 2 v 2-0-2 III d1-1-1 p0-1-1 r0-1-1 p1-0 r1-0 d1-0-0 p1-1-1 r0-1- 1 v 2-2-2 d0-1-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2 -0- 2 IV d1-1-0 p0-0-1 r0-0-1 r1-0 d1-0-1 p1-1-1 r1-1- 1 v 2-2-2 d1-2-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v0-2-2 Epigyne as in Figs 17‒19 ; atrium oval shaped with weakly developed septum, twice wider than high; receptacles round, located posteriorly from atrium, spaced by less than one diameter. Size variations. Males vary from 5.0 to 5.4 in the body length, carapace 2.05–2.25 long and 1.65–1.9 wide (n=4). Females vary from 5.0 to 7.4 in the body length, carapace 2.0–2.4 long and 1.6–1.95 wide (n=3). Distribution. Known from the type locality only. Comments. Unlike most of Berlandina species, which inhabit arid habitats (steppe and various types of deserts), the new species is found also in the wet riparian forest subject to periodic flooding.