Some Ultrastructural Features of the Planktonic Freshwater Ciliate Limnostrombidium viride (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Oligotrichida) and Improved Diagnoses of Oligotrich Taxa Author Bardele, Christian F. Author Stockmann, Nicole Author Agatha, Sabine text Acta Protozoologica 2018 57 3 169 193 journal article 10.4467/16890027AP.18.014.10090 1689-0027 PMC6546604 31168162 12637482 Order Oligotrichida Bütschli, 1887 Improved diagnosis. Adoral zone of membranelles C-shaped with distinct ventral gap. Endoral membrane extends on inner wall of buccal lip, might secondarily be lost ( Cyrtostrombidiidae ). Peristome usually spoon-shaped to funnel-shaped, parallel to main cell axis. Mostly with acicular or rod-shaped extrusomes of trichite-type. Usually polysaccharidic cortical platelets in posterior cell portion. Somatic ciliature generally comprises two kineties, a curved girdle kinety and a usually longitudinal ventral kinety. Somatic kineties composed of dikinetids, each has associated a clearly recognisable cilium only with the (initially) anterior basal body; kinetodesmal fibril and postciliary microtubular ribbon at the (initially) posterior basal body; presence of transverse microtubular ribbon uncertain. Often mixotrophic owing to presence of sequestered plastids. Stomatogenesis in subsurface tube. Mainly marine plankton.