The Cynipoid Genus Paramblynotus: Revision, Phylogeny, And Historical Biogeography (Hymenoptera: Liopteridae)
Liu, Zhiwei
Ronquist, Fredrik
Nordlander, Göran
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
journal article
Paramblynotus robustus
new species
FEMALE: Length 6.0 mm. Body, antenna, and legs entirely black except eyes orange. Wings transparent. 1mt/2–5mt
Antenna 13-segmented, flagellum filiform, not widened apically. Vertex foveate-reticulate with pubescence. Eye extended laterally beyond outer margin of gena. Ocellar plate distinctly raised and foveate, with a row of large foveae along sides, and laterally not defined by carina. Median frontal carina weakly and very briefly present above antennal sockets. Upper face foveate-reticulate laterally; antennal scrobe distinctly depressed and densely punctate with pubescence, and not defined by carina laterally. Gena foveatereticulate with dense, appressed pubescence; lower face and clypeus foveate and densely punctate with dense, appressed pubescence; anterior tentorial pits small and distinct; clypeo-pleurostomal sulcus and epistomal sulcus form a superficial, smoothly curved arch. Lateral occipital carina not reaching vertex. Occiput longitudinally carinate medially and glabrous laterally.
Anterior flange of pronotum finely transversely striate; submedian pronotal depressions separated from each other medially. Anterior plate of pronotum glabrate and densely punctate with appressed pubescence. Pronotum raised dorsomedially; pronotal crest gradually raised medially into a peak slightly higher than mesoscutum. Lateral pronotal carinae distinct, not reaching pronotal crest dorsally. Lateral surface of pronotum very densely pubescent, foveatereticulate and densely punctate. Dorsal pronotal area glabrate, present along anterior third of posterior margin of pronotum. Mesoscutum flat dorsally and transversely costate with superficial foveae set in rows. Scutellar sulcus divided by a single median longitudinal carina. Axillar area with conspicuous pubescence. Mesoscutellum foveatereticulate; mesoscutellum broadly rounded posteriorly and slightly truncate apically in dorsal view; lateral dorsal process distinct. Mesopleural triangle conspicuously pubescent and well defined ventrally by a smoothly curved carina. Median mesopleural impression percurrent and glabrous with a few unevenly spaced transvers costae. Upper mesopleuron glabrous and with short pubescence anteriorly; lower mesopleuron glabrous and densely pubescent above and in ventral impression. Metepisternum areolate in upper part and conspicuously pubescent ventrally. Lateral propodeal carinae percurrent, strongly and abruptly curved laterally and strongly raised dorsally to form in the middle a triangular process with top bent laterad; upper side of the process coarsely punctate with sparse pubescence; median propodeal area glabrate with sparse pubescence; median longitudinal carina present anteriorly and two submedian longitudinal carinae present behind median transverse carina. Rs+M of forewing nebulous and brownish, arising from middle of basal vein. Marginal cell 2.9 times as long as wide and 1.4 times as long as submarginal cell. Bulla on Sc+R
Petiole 0.35 times as long as wide in lateral view. Tergum 8 completely covered by T7; relative size of abdominal T3–7: 2.1:1.0:1.2: 2.1:1.0; T3 glabrous, T4–5 densely punctate without pubescence; T6 densely and coarsely punctate with a broad median transverse band of sparse pubescence dorsolaterally; T7 very densely and coarsely punctate with conspicuous pubescence anteriorly and glabrous posteriorly. Apical teeth of metatibia distinctly slender and pointed apically. Apical protuberance of first metatarsomere reaching to middle of second metatarsomere.
MALE: Unknown.
This species is very similar to
P. grossus
, but it differs from the latter in (1) forewing without macula and (2) gena not expanded behind eye.
Ban Van Heue
20 km
east of
Native Collector
coll. (
ETYMOLOGY: From Latin,
, strong.