Ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) of the Vitoria-Trindade Chain, Southwestern Atlantic Author Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da 0000-0001-5426-2450 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências / Paleontologia, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil. ncarvalho. luz @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5426 - 2450 & Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia, 66077 - 830, Belém-PA, Brasil. ncarvalho.luz@gmail.com Author Coimbra, João Carlos 0000-0002-8980-6531 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia, Caixa Postal 15001, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil. joao. coimbra @ ufrgs. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 8980 - 6531 joao.coimbra@ufrgs.br text Zootaxa 2022 2022-09-20 5188 4 301 329 journal article 148091 10.11646/zootaxa.5188.4.1 a393c65c-bd62-4f10-b6a6-d37eba7b9400 1175-5326 7095512 764AFF3F-2C0A-44C3-A398-31D66535C5AC Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper, 1985 Fig. 5 : 20–21 1985 Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper , p. 314, pl. 2–6. 1992 Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper. Coimbra et al . , pl. 2, fig. 10, tabs. 1–4. 1999a Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper. Coimbra et al . , p. 374, pl. 3, fig. 8; p. 372, tab. 1. 2004 Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper. Coimbra et al . , p. 115, pl. 2, figs. 9–10. 2020 Puriana variabilis Chukewiski & Purper. Machado et al . , p. 10, fig. 7M; p. 16, tab. 1. FIGURE 5. 1–2: Auradilus convolutus . 1) MP-O-2849, RV; 2) MP-O-2850, LV. 3–4: Caudites exmouthensis . 3) MP-O-2851, RV; 4) MP-O-2851, LV. 5–6: Caudites obliquecostatus . 5) MP-O-2852, RV; 6) MP-O-2853, LV. 7–8: Caudites seminudus . 7) MP-O-2854, RV; 8) MP-O-2855, LV. 9) Coquimba cf. C. punctata , MP-O-2858, RV. 10–11: Cornucoquimba decorata . 10) MP-O-2856, RV; 11) MP-O-2856, LV. 12–13: Cornucoquimba nana . 12) MP-O-2857, RV; 13) MP-O-2857, LV. 14– 15: Neocaudites subimpressus . 14) MP-O-2859, carapace, juvenile, RV; 15) MP-O-2859, carapace, juvenile, LV. 16–17: Neohornibrookella trindadensis . 16) MP-O-2860, RV; 17) MP-O-2861, LV. 18–19: Australimoosella polypleuron . 18) MP-O- 2862, carapace, A-1, RV; 19) MP-O-2863, A-1, LV. 20–21: Puriana variabilis . 20) MP-O-2864, RV; 21) MP-O-2865, LV. 22) Polycope sp. 1 , MP-O-2866, juvenile, RV. 23) Polycope sp. 2 , MP-O-2867, juvenile, LV. Scale bar: 100 µm. PRÍINCIPE TABLE 3. Occurrence of species in samples from Trindade Island. The presence of the species is indicated by the symbol “•”.
SPECIES MO 200 MO 207 MO 208 MO 205 MO 206 M 17028 N MO 202 M 18013 N M 17024 N M 17053 N M 18017 N M 17020 N M 17050 N M 17022 N M 18002 N M 17027 N M 17056 N M 18006 N M 17023 N M 17052 N M 17026 N M 17032 N M 17033 N M 17021 N MO201 M 17029 N M 17025 N
Hemicytherura bradyi
Hemicytherura trindadensis
Semicytherura sp.
Callistocythere cranekeyensis
Loxoconhca foveata
Kotoracythere inconspicua
Paracytheridea tschoppi
Auradilus convolutus
Caudites exmouthensis
Caudites obliquecostatus
Caudites seminudus
Cornucoquimba decorata
Neocaudites subimpressus
Neohornibrookella trindadensis
Australimoosella polypleuron
Puriana variabilis
Figured specimens. MP-O-2864, RV , length: 0.521 mm , height: 0.276 mm ; MP-O-2865, LV, length: 0.529 mm , height: 0.280 mm . Locality. Trindade Island , site Lixo Bay , Sample M17022 N. Material. Dead assemblage: 7 RV , 9 LV, 42 C, and 2 juveniles . Living assemblage: 4 adults . Stratigraphic range. Holocene. Occurrence and distribution. In the study area, the species occurs in Trindade Island in the following localities: Príncipe Beach, Lixo Bay, Racha Island, Orelhas Bay, North Tip, and Andradas Beach ( Tab. 3 ). It also occurs in other Brazilian territorial waters in the Northern, Northeastern and Eastern shelves, and Tamandaré Bay (see references in the synonymy list).