Preliminary notices of deep-sea fishes collected during the voyage of the H. M. S. “ Challenger ”
Günther, Albert C. L. G.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History
journal article
Coryphaenoides aequalis
Snout conically projecting beyond the mouth, with rather obtuse upper edge; the cleft of the mouth extends nearly to below the centre of the eye. The teeth of the outer series are visibly stronger than the remainder. Barbel slender, but not so long as the eye. The interorbital space is flat, its width being considerably less than the diameter of the eye. The scales are equally rough over the whole of their surface, the spinelets being subequal in size, densely packed, but arranged in from 8 to 12 series, the middle series not being more prominent than the others (as is the case in
Macrurus sclerorhynchus
). The entire margin of the scale is spinous. There are eight scales in a transverse series between the first dorsal and the lateral line. Second dorsal spine somewhat produced, armed along its anterior edge with barbs pointing upwards and rather closely set. The second dorsal fin commences at a distance from the first which is less than the length of the head.
Deep-sea, south of Portugal, 600 fathoms.