Revision of Chinese Phorocardius species (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Cardiophorinae) Author Ruan, Yongying School of Applied Chemistry and Biological Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China Author Douglas, Hume B. Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada Author Qiu, Lu Institute of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Beibei, Chongqing 400716, China Author Chen, Xiaoqin School of Applied Chemistry and Biological Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China Author Jiang, Shihong School of Applied Chemistry and Biological Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China text ZooKeys 2020 993 47 120 journal article 1313-2970-993-47 C40989DB80634C9FA481E7AA82CA924B 2D7B2EB8CB285CBCA90A27064C6B1F17 4. Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 Figs 8 , 9 , 23D , 24D , 25D , 26D Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931: 310. Type locality: Vietnam (Hanoi). Lectotype designated here. Distribution. China (Yunnan, Hainan), Vietnam ( Fleutiaux 1931 ). Differential diagnosis. Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument entirely red-brown to brown throughout. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process gradually narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex narrowly rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with preapical lateral expansion and secondary lateral bulge present, apical mesal callus absent. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) tri-lobed, emarginate between middle and lateral lobes. Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 resembles P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) in body color and size. They can be separated by the following combination of characters: in P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, aedeagus robust in lateral view (more than 4 x thicker at mid-length than at apical 1/5 of parameres); in ventral view, paramere slightly narrowed from base to apical fourth, apical fourth abruptly narrowed to 1/4 width at mid-length, with hook-like preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1-2.5 x average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina straight in frontal view; while P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) has aedeagus slender in lateral view, in ventral view paramere slightly widened from base to mid-length, gradually narrowed from mid-length to apex, apex pointed and without preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.3-1 x average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina convex in frontal view. Description. (based on photographs of eight type specimens and four non-type specimens) Body robust. Color entirely red-brown to brown throughout, including legs and antennae; pronotum slightly darker than remainder. Integument matt, with yellow pubescence. Measurements. (based on lectotype and examined specimens) Male body length 9.5-12.0 mm, width 3.0-4.1 mm. Female body length 11.0-13.9 mm, width 3.9-4.5 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9-3.2. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.0-1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.90-0.97. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.5-2.7; elytron length to width ratio 3.9-4.1. Head . Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 0.3-1 x average puncture diameter (Fig. 9B ). Frontal carina in frontal view transversely straight (Fig. 9C ). Antenna with apex extending to posterior angle of pronotum. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 2.9-3.1. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.35-0.36, in female 0.32-0.33. Proportions of antennomere lengths (male): 100 (scape); 46-53; 57-63; 55-58; 50-55; 59-60; 59-65; 57-63; 60-63; 60-67; 80-87. Prothorax . Pronotum in dorsal view: robust, comparatively larger than other Chinese Phorocardius species, with sides evenly convex, widest near mid-length, straighter posterad; posterior angles with lateral sides straight to slightly convex, not bulged; surface with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1-2.5 x average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and gradually narrow from anterior to posterior end, with apex narrowly rounded. In lateral view, prosternal process with ventral surface curved slightly dorsad, posterior end somewhat concave (Fig. 24D , upper arrow). Procoxal cavities narrowly open. Pterothorax (Figs 24D , 25D ). Mesepisternum in ventral view with antero-mesal corner narrowly rounded (Fig. 25D , upper (green) arrow). Projections on posterior edge of mesosternum: in ventral view present (Fig. 25D , lower (red) arrow); in lateral view present, acute, strongly produced anteriorly (Fig. 24D , lower (red) arrow). Scutellar shield: width to length ratio 0.92-1.10; anterolateral edges slightly sinuate; posterior apex pointed. Elytra: upper edge of epipleura with very weak minute serrations (barely visible). Legs . Length ratio of metatarsomeres I-V (excluding claws): 100; 90-98; 70-79; 61-75; 145-152. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex. Abdomen . Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I-V with minute serrations. Male genitalia. Robust from ventral and lateral views (Fig. 8 ). Median lobe in ventral view gradually narrowing from base to apical third, parallel-sided near rounded apex. Median lobe in lateral view robust at base, curved ventrad and gradually narrowed from base to apical third, apical third slender, apex globose and recurved dorsad (Fig. 8G , indicated by arrow). Paramere in ventral view: robust, widest near mid-length (4-5 x wider than at apical fifth); width 1.5-2.5 x median lobe width (measured at mid-length part of paramere and median lobe respectively); apical fourth gradually narrowing towards apex, with a secondary lateral bulge present before apex (Fig. 8D-F , indicated by arrow); secondary lateral bulge turned and bent ventrad; preapical lateral expansion small, sharp, hook like; apical mesal callus absent. Paramere in lateral view: robust; parallel from base to mid-length, abruptly narrowed from mid-length to apical fourth, nearly parallel from apical fourth to apex; preapical ventral expansion absent, without hook-shaped structure. Figure 8. Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931. A lectotype, male, from Hanoi, Vietnam, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrow indicating specimen labels B paralectotype, female, from Vung Tau, Vietnam, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrow indicating specimen labels C the same female as B , ventral view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrows indicating specimen labels and last visible ventrite D aedeagus of lectotype, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrows indicating specimen labels and apex of paramere E aedeagus of non-type specimen, individual-1 (Yunnan, Xi-shuang-ban-na, Meng-zhe), dorsal view, arrow indicating apex of paramere F aedeagus of non-type specimen (Yunnan, Jing-dong, Dong-jia-feng), individual-2, dorsal view, arrow indicating apex of paramere G aedeagus, individual-2, lateral view, arrow indicating apex of paramere H aedeagus, individual-2, ventral view I distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix, non-type specimen. Female. Color like male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V tri-lobed; with shape of middle lobe semicircular to longitudinal with apex rounded; deeply to gently incised between middle and lateral lobes (Fig. 9D-G ). [In non-type specimens: proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix ovoid (Fig. 8I ), with shallow basal concavity; apex acute, each with 8-11 large spines on convex mesal edge, 15-17 smaller spines on disc.] Figure 9. Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931. A pronotum of lectotype, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) B head of paralectotype, frontal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) C head, frontal view, hand drawing, arrow indicating straight frontal carina D, E apex of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, ventral view, paralectotype (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) F apex of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, dorsal view, non-type specimen G a model of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, ventral view, hand drawing, arrow indicating tri-lobed apex H apex of last visible abdominal tergite (tergite VII) of female, dorsal view, non-type specimen I a model of last visible abdominal tergite (tergite VII) of female, dorsal view, hand drawing, arrow indicating concave apex. Type material. (all in MNHN) (photographs provided by Dr Antoine Mantilleri). Lectotype . ♂, labels: 1) Hanoi; 2) 3778; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9225; 7) Lectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2019. Paralectotypes. 1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Phorocardius magnus Fleut., type, Collection Fleutiaux; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9218; 7) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9219; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9220; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9221; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) type, ...... [characters illegible] Collection Fleutiaux; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) ex Coll Fleut., Phorocardius magnus . 5) Syntype [red label]; 6) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9222; 7) ♀ genitalia See slide Coll No. 105; 8) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Dap Cau, 1 au 9. 7. 06 [= 1 to 9 July, 1906]; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Phorocardius magnus Fleut., Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9223; 7) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), label: 1) Dap Cau, 1 au 9. 7. 06' [= 1 to 9 July, 1906]; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9224; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. Additional material. One female and two males. 1♀ (IZCAS), labels: 1) Hainan Prov., Na-da (那大), Beijing Natural History Museum, leg. Sikong Liu, 1964.V.14 [in Chinese]; 2) Phorocardius magnus Fleut. Det. Siqin Ge; 3) Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 Det. Ruan, 2018. • 1♂ (IZCAS), labels: 1) Yunnan , Xi-shuang-ban-na, Meng-zhe (勐遮), 1700 m, Chinese Academy of Sciences [in Chinese]; 2) 1958.IV.22, leg. Shuyong Wang [in Chinese]; 3) Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 Det. Ruan, 2018. • 1♂ (IZCAS), labels: 1) Yunnan , Jing-dong, Dong-jia-feng (董家坟), 1250 m, 1956.VI.2; 2) Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 Det. Ruan, 2018. Remarks. This species has the largest body size in Chinese Phorocardius species, with females up to 13.9 mm long and 4.5 mm wide. Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low to middle elevations (0-1700 m) in south China and throughout Vietnam. It inhabits mountainous areas with subtropical to tropical climates and much rainfall. One specimen was collected in or near to tropical rain forest ("Xi-shuang-ban-na tropical rain forest"). Known from the Oriental Region only.