Five new species of Spartaeus Thorell, 1891 from China (Araneae: Salticidae) Author Yang, Su-Fang Author Liu, Wang Author Liu, Ping Author Peng, Xian-Jin text Zootaxa 2017 4303 3 379 394 journal article 32518 10.11646/zootaxa.4303.3.4 d6b4660a-91cb-47ba-bff8-cce8ed83084b 1175-5326 841231 BB5D52BA-A0FD-473E-9EBA-F4B4F9E449E8 Spartaeus triapiculus sp. nov. Figs 9–10 , 11 D Type material: Holotype : male, CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Shangpa Township , 26.8620°N , 98.8714°E , 1177 m , 19 August 2005 , Guo Tang (Tang-05-09H). Paratypes : CHINA , Yunnan : 2 females , same data as holotype (Tang-05-09PA) ; 2 males , Gongshan County , Cikai Township , Pula River , 27.7488°N , 98.6677°E , 1474 m , 23 October 2004 , Guo Tang (Tang-04-03PB) ; 2 females , Nujiang Prefecture, Lushui County, Sanjiang Township , Nu Jiang , 25.7296°N , 98.8718°E , 790 m , 26 June 2000 , D.H. Kavanaugh , C. Griswold & Heng-mei Yan (P-128) ; 2 males , 3 females , Nujiang Prefecture , Gongshan County , Gongshan Township , Dandang preserve, 27.7432°N , 98.6617°– 27.7418°N , 98.6591°E , 1500–1820 m , 29 June 2000 , D. Ubick & Heng-mei Yan (female P- 128, male P-226) ; 1 male, 2 females, Nujiang Prefecture, Gongshan County, Qiqi He, just above hydroelectric plant, 27.7575°N, 98.6607°E, 1500 m , 9, 20 July 2000 , Heng-mei Yan, D.H. Kavanaugh, C. Griswold, Hong-bin Liang, D. Ubick & Da-zhi Dong; 1 female , Nujiang Prefecture, Gongshan County, Nujiang State Nature Reserve, Qiqi He, 9.9 air km W of Gongshan , 27.7154°N , 98.5653°E , 2000 m , 9–14 July 2000 , Heng-mei Yan, D.H . Kavanaugh, C . Griswold , Hong-bin Liang , D. Ubick & Da-zhi Dong (P-128). Etymology. The specific name is the combination of the Latin “ apiculus ” (apex) and the prefix “ tri- ” (three), referring to the form of tibial apophyses; to be treated as a Latin adjective. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to S. platnicki Song, Chen & Gong, 1991 described from Hunan , China (see Peng & Li 2002 , figs 2A–G), but can be easily distinguished by: in ventral view, tegulum with a triangular apophysis ( Figs 9 B, 10A), while absent in S. platnicki ( Peng & Li 2002, fig. 2B ); tibia with 3 apophyses, retrolateral tibial apophysis spine-shaped and longest ( Figs 9 B, 10A), while with 4, retrolateral tibial apophysis oblong, shorter than intermediate tibial apophysis in S. platnicki ( Peng & Li 2002, figs 2B–C ); epigyne without band-like median guide ( Figs 9 E, 10D) found in S. platnicki ( Peng & Li 2002, fig. 2F ); copulatory openings transverse V-shaped ( Figs 9 E, 10D), while inconspicuous in S. platnicki ( Peng & Li 2002, fig. 2F ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length 6.52. Prosoma 2.81 long, 2.22 wide. Opisthosoma 3.48 long, 1.77 wide. Clypeus height 0.15. Carapace ( Fig. 9 A) blackish brown, marginal area covered with white hairs. Ocular area brown, eyes with black surroundings, with white long hair. Fovea dark and longitudinal; cervical grooves and radial groove distinct. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.75, ALE 0.45, PME 0.30, PLE 0.40, AERW 2.20, PERW1.90, EL 1.20. Chelicerae dark brown, with brown apex, clothed by long brown hairs, 4 promarginal teeth and 8 retromarginal denticles ( Fig. 10 C). Clypeus brown, covered with dense brown hairs, promargin with a row of long white hairs. Endites yellowish brown; labium grayish black, inner margin and terminal light brown, covered with dense grayish black hairs. Sternum racket-shaped, flat, yellowish brown, covered with thin brown and white hairs, marginal area reddish brown. Legs long and thin, light brown to dark brown, with black spots, bearing long and thin spines. Leg spinulation: tibiae I and II with 7 and 3 pairs of long ventral spines respectively, metatarsi I and II with 3 pairs of ventral spines. Measurements of legs: I 15.20 (4.30, 6.10, 3.30, 1.50), II 9.10 (2.80, 3.40, 2.00, 0.90), III 9.20 (2.60, 3.10, 2.40, 1.10), IV 11.50 (3.10, 4.00, 3.20, 1.20). Leg formula: I, IV, III, II. Abdomen bucket-shaped. Dorsum ( Fig. 9 A) dark brown; side area grayish black, with inclined black marks; median area lightly colored, with 3 pairs of muscular depressions and 2 indistinct arc-shaped patterns; venter median area with wide black longitudinal stripes, lateral area grayish white. Spinnerets dark brown, covered with yellow and brown hairs. Palp ( Figs 9 B–C, 10A–B): embolus long, apex thin, originating from the position of 11:00 o’clock; tegulum oval; tegular apophysis almost triangular in ventral view ( Figs 9 B, 10A); ventral tibial apophysis short and wide in ventral view; intermediate tibial apophysis lamellar, blade-shaped, with serrate posterior lateral margin in retrolateral view; retrolateral tibial apophysis long and thin, with sharp terminal in retrolateral view. FIGURE 9. Spartaeus triapiculus sp. nov. A male holotype, dorsal view; B left male palp, ventral view; C same, retrolateral view; D female paratype, dorsal view; E epigyne, ventral view; F vulva, dorsal view. Scale bars: A, D 0.50; B–C, E–F 0.10. FIGURE 10. Spartaeus triapiculus sp. nov. A left male palp, ventral view; B same, retrolateral view; C cheliceral teeth of male; D epigyne, ventral view; E vulva, dorsal view; F cheliceral teeth of female. Scale bars: A–F 0.10. Female ( paratype ): Total length 6.70. Prosoma 2.73 long, 2.00 wide. Opisthosoma 3.77 long, 2.18 wide, Clypeus height 0.10. Carapace ( Fig. 9 D) brown to dark brown. Fovea longitudinal and dark. Cervical and radial groove dark brown. Eyes surroundings black. Margin of ocular area covered with white hairs, central area of thorax with longitudinal bands formed by white hairs. Eye diameter and interdistances: AME 0.55, ALE 0.30, PME 0.25, PLE 0.30, AERW 1.80, PERW 1.60, EL 1.19. Clypeus dark brown, covered with dense dark brown hairs. Chelicerae dark brown, with long dark hairs, 6 promarginal teeth and 8 retromarginal denticles ( Fig. 10 F). Endite and labium dark brown, covered with dense brown fine hairs, terminal area yellowish brown. Sternum scutiform, yellowish brown, its edge dark brown, with one triangular black spot. Palp light brown, covered with dense dark brown hairs, terminal area dark brown. Legs yellowish brown, with black spots or annuli, spines long and strong. Leg spinulation: tibiae I and II with 6 and 8 pairs of long ventral spines, respectively, metatarsi I and II with 3 pairs of ventral long spines. Measurements of legs: I 12.90 (3.00, 6.50, 2.20, 1.20), II 9.30 (2.80, 3.50, 1.90, 1.10), III 10.20 (2.90, 3.50, 2.50, 1.30), IV 11.30 (3.30, 3.80, 2.80, 1.40). Leg formula: I, IV, III, II. Abdomen long cylindrical. Dorsum ( Fig. 9 D) yellowish brown; median area yellow; lateral area dark brown, with dark diagonal patterns; venter median area grayish black, lateral area yellowish brown. Spinnerets dark brown, covered with black and yellow hairs. Epigyne ( Figs 9 E–F, 10D–E): copulatory openings semicircular; copulatory ducts thick and short; spermathecae large, spherical; fertilization ducts short. Distribution. Known only from Yunnan , China ( Fig. 11 D).