A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) Author Werenkraut, Victoria Author Ramírez, Martín J. text Zootaxa 2009 2212 1 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275145 344a109d-a561-4054-97b7-e1850acc321f 1175-5326 275145 Coptoprepes recinto new species Figs. 19–21 , 22 f, 23m –o, 24m –o Type material: Holotype : male and female paratype from Chile , Región VIII (Biobío), Ñuble province, 19.5 km ESE Recinto , ca. 37º00’ S , 71º30’ W , 1250 m , site 647, window trap, Nothofagus forest, 10 December 19823 January 1983 , A. Newton & M. Thayer ( AMNH ; temporary preparations, male: MJR-01335, VIW-00011, female: MJR-01339, VIW-00010). Etymology: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis: Females are similar to C. nahuelbuta by having the epigynal median field hidden in the epigastric furrow, but can be distinguished by the notched posterior epigynal margin ( Figs. 21 g–h, 24m –n). Males are distinguished by the long and curved RTA, about twice as long as the palpal tibia, and the flat, rounded and projecting median apophysis ( Figs. 21 c–f, 23m –o). Description: Male ( holotype ): Prosoma length 1.92, width 1.34, anteriorly slightly narrower than in female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.24/1.14; II, 1.05/1.02; III, 0.81/0.99; IV, 1.18/1.45. Chelicerae less robust than in female, with five teeth on retromargin, four on promargin. Sternum length 1.08, width 0.84. Spines: leg I , femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2 -p1; metatarsus v 2 bas. II , femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1- p1, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v 2 bas. III , femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2 bas plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1- 1. IV , femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-p1 or p1-2-2, d r1bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2 -0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 2.22, spiracle–epigastrium 1.29, spiracle–spinnerets 0.11. Color in ethanol ( Fig. 19 ): Prosoma and legs dark brown, almost uniform, except coxae pale brown, and a pale apical patch ventrally on leg femora III and IV. Opisthosoma dark brown with paler pattern, dorsum with anterior lateral bands of white setae and posterior chevrons. Palp ( Fig. 21 ): Tibia width/length 1.42, RTA long, about twice as long as tibia, curved, compressed. Cymbial conductor wide, conspicuous. Tegulum basal/retrolateral in ventral view. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops on anterior-dorsal margin, small apical tegular sclerite with conical shape arising between both loops. Embolus long, thin, basal process ample, flattened, slightly projecting with rounded border. Median apophysis flat, concave, projecting anteriorly, with prolateral-dorsal acute projection. Primary conductor with canal, ending in acute sclerotized projection. Secondary conductor a small sclerotized cone, separated from anterior-dorsal sperm duct loop by membranous stripe. Paramedian apophysis reduced to sclerotized stripe connecting with base of median apophysis, with two rounded flat cusps ( Fig. 23 m–o). FIGURE 19. Coptoprepes recinto new species . a–d male holotype ( a dorsal habitus; b prosoma, dorsal view; c ventral habitus, ventral view; d prosoma, ventral view). FIGURE 20. Coptoprepes recinto new species . a–d female paratype ( a dorsal habitus; b prosoma, dorsal view; c ventral habitus, ventral view; d prosoma, ventral view). FIGURE 21. Coptoprepes recinto new species . a–f male, g–h female paratype ( a left palp, male holotype, prolateral view, b same, ventral view, c same, retrolateral view; d copulatory bulb, preparation MJR-01332, prolateral view, e same, apical view, f same, retrolateral view; g epigyne, ventral view; h vulva). Female ( paratype ): Prosoma length 2.05, width 1.37, wider between legs II–III. Tibia/metatarsus length: I, 1.65/0.89; II, 0.93/0.89; III, 0.8/0.97; IV, 1.22/1.47. Chelicerae with four teeth on promargin, six on retromargin. Sternum length 1.15, width 0.89. Spines: leg I , femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2 -0 or r1-2-0; metatarsus v 2 bas. II , femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2 bas. III , femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1 ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2 -0-0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1- 1. IV , femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1bas, p and r 1- d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2 -0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol ( Fig. 20 ): As in male, but in poor condition. Opisthosoma length 3.40, epigastrium–spiracle approximately 1.60, spiracle–spinnerets 0.33, in poor condition. Epigyne ( Fig. 21 g): Ventrally a single plate with a posterior notch, lateral lobes well separated in posterior-dorsal view, their limits with median field parallel. Copulatory ducts running in ectal arcs. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Spermathecae with convoluted chambers ( Fig. 21 h). Variability: Spines in males: III, tibia v p1-2-2. Spines in females: I, tibia v 2-2 -p1. Distribution: Known for Ñuble and Malleco provinces in Chile . Other material examined: CHILE : Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: same locality as holotype , 12 males , 4 females [plus 2 immature males and 2 immatures]; 22.7 km ESE Recinto, 1330 m , site 646, window trap, Nothofagus forest, 10 December 19823 January 1983 , A. Newton & M. Thayer, 1 male ( AMNH ; temporary preparation MJR-01332), 3 males ( AMNH ); 72 km SE Chillán, Trancas, nr. Termas, 1700 m , FIT, Nothofagus forest, 6 December 198419 February 1985 , S. & J. Peck, 3 males and 1 female ( AMNH ). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco province: 12 km E Malalcahuello, 1350 m , site 650, window trap, Nothofagus dombeyi / Araucaria forest, 13–31 December1982 , A. Newton & M. Thayer, 3 males ( AMNH ); 14 km E Malalcahuello, 1570 m , site 649, window trap, Nothofagus pumilio-Araucaria forest, 13–31 December 1982 , A. Newton & M. Thayer, 1 female ( AMNH ).