Two new species of Psephenops Grouvelle (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Psephenidae) from Panama Author Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo text Zootaxa 2017 2017-09-20 4323 1 109 118 journal article 32039 10.11646/zootaxa.4323.1.8 16e495f6-1e96-4e0a-af86-df00e3a1fdb5 1175-5326 897413 081A06F5-76A4-438A-85C8-959E1E183C73 Key to adult males of Psephenops from Mesoamerica (Modified from Arce- Pérez & Novelo-Gutiérrez 2013 ) 1 Pronotum with 3 small tuberculiform prominences; elytra with several longitudinal ridges on disc............... grouvellei - Pronotum without tuberculiform prominences, elytra without longitudinal ridges on disc............................. 2 2 Protibiae with a denticle................................................................................ 3 - Protibiae without a denticle........................................................................ prestone 3 Tarsal lobes enlarged ( Fig. 17 )........................................................................... 4 - Tarsal lobes short ( Fig. 18 )............................................................................. 5 4 Basal half of parameres, in dorsal view, separated by a deep cleft ( Fig. 5 )......................................... 7 - Basal half of parameres, in dorsal view, fused ( Fig. 13 )........................................................ 9 5 Parameres truncated ( Fig. 19 ); 4th maxillary palpomere at least twice as long as preceding palpomeres.............. s mithi - Parameres not truncated; 4th maxillary palpomere not as above.................................................. 6 6 Parameres strongly convergent on apical third, medial margin of each paramere separate each other by a narrow, drop-like cleft ( Fig. 20 )......................................................................................... lupita - Parameres more or less parallel on apical third, medial margin of each paramere separate each other by a wide, U-shaped cleft ( Fig. 21 )....................................................................................... shepardi 7 Apices of parameres, in dorsal view, spine-like, widely divergent ( Fig. 22 ).............................. spiniparameri - Apices of parameres, in dorsal view, convergent, not spine-like ( Figs 20, 21 )...................................... 8 8 Prosternal process flat, with apex lanceolate. Penis with a small, lateral tooth ( Fig. 23 )....................... mexicanus - Prosternal process subcylindrical, with apex bifid. Penis lacking lateral projections ( Fig. 5 )...................... bifidus 9 Small individuals, length less than 2.4 mm , antennae moniliform-serrate, parameres truncate, with apex straight ( Fig. 24 ).............................................................................................. panamaensis - Large individuals, length greater than 2.5 mm , antennae not serrate, parameres not truncate.......................... 10 10 Antennae long, filiform; fore- and middle legs with segments 1 and 2 lobulate, hind legs only with segment 1 lobulate (Haiti)............................................................................................. haitianus - Antennae short, moniliform; all legs with segments 1 and 2 lobulate............................................ 11 11 Elytra slightly striate. Parameres, in dorsal view abruptly widened on apical fifth, with apex rounded; penis digitiform and y slightly produced apically ( Fig. 25 ).............................................................. maculicollis - Elytra smooth. Parameres, in dorsal view, uniformly widened, apex subtriangular; penis digitiform, not produced apically, with a basal, lateral, subtriangular projection to each side ( Fig. 13 ).......................................... triangularis