Revision of the genus Reinmara Schaus, 1928 (Lepidoptera, Mimallonoidea, Mimallonidae) with the descriptions of four new species from South America Author Laurent, Ryan A. St Author Herbin, Daniel Author Mielke, Carlos G. C. text ZooKeys 2017 677 97 129 journal article 1313-2970-677-97 47DDCEE5B65C495D83DE0D2016A0F5D2 Reinmara andensis sp. n. Figs 9-11, 25, 36 Type material. Holotype, ♂. BOLIVIA: BOLIVIE, N. Yungas, 1000-1800 m, Oct,nov,Dec,2008, Leg. local collector for R. Marx, Coll. D. Herbin/ genitalia prep. D. Herbin ref H. 1134/ HOLOTYPE male Reinmara andensis St Laurent, Herbin, & C. Mielke, 2017 [handwritten red label]/ (MNHN). Type locality: Bolivia, northern Yungas [no specific locality provided on data label]. Paratypes. (9 ♂ total) BOLIVIA: 1 ♂, same data as for holotype (CDH). La Paz: 1 ♂, Nor [North] Yungas, Road Caranavi-Coroico, ca. 100 km NE La Paz, ca. 16.2°S , 67.6°W , 1000-1800 m: V-VI .2009, R. Brechlin & F. Meister leg. (MWM). 1 ♂, Rio Songo [recte Rio Zongo], 750 m: ex-Coll. Fassl, NHRS-TOBI 1951 (NHRS). PERU: Puno: 1 ♂, Santo Domingo, Carabaya, 6000 ft: I.1902, wet season, Ockenden [leg.], Rothschild Bequest, BM 1939-1, NHMUK01354562 (NHMUK). 1 ♂, Locality as for previous but: VI.1902, dry season, NHMUK 010318284 (NHMUK). 2 ♂, La Oroya [Oroya], Rio Inambari, 3100 ft: III.1905, XI-XII .1905, wet season, G. Ockenden [leg.], Rothschild Bequest, BM 1939-1, NHMUK010354561, St Laurent diss.: 11-1-16:9 (NHMUK). 2 ♂, Locality and collector as for previous but: 3000 ft, V.1905, Ex-Coll. Oberthuer , Brit. Mus. 1927-3, NHMUK010354560 (NHMUK). Specimens of uncertain identity hereby excluded from the type series . ECUADOR: Napo: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Wildsumaco Biol. Stat., E slope Andes Mtns, 0°40'17.2"S , 77°35'55.1"W , ~1400 m: 1-14.VIII.2016, Kawahara + Barber Labs et al. leg., DNA voucher numbers LEP-40632, 42829 (MGCL, molecular collection, barcoded). PERU: San Martin : 1 ♂, Mina de Sal, 1400 m: V.2007, Rainer Marx leg., Genitalia prep. No. 29.219 MWM (MWM). Huanuco : 1 ♂, Leoncio Prado, La Divisoria, 1600 m: 20.VI.1982, Charles F. Zeiger [leg.] (MGCL). Diagnosis. Reinmara andensis is similar to R. enthona but larger, with broader wings and broader submarginal areas, which are more uniformly light brown. Medially the light gray scaling is reduced in comparison with R. enthona . The genitalia are very similar to those of R. enthona , but are overall somewhat larger, the gnathos extensions are shorter and phallus more tubular with a more protruding ventral distal lip in comparison with R. enthona . The lower right diaphragm sac is larger and more ovoid in shape in R. andensis , in R. enthona it is smaller and more spherical. Description. Male.Head: As for genus, but light brown in color. Thorax: Coloration as for head. Legs: Coloration as for thorax, vestiture thick, long. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 18.5-20.0 mm, avg.: 19.2 mm, wingspan: 37-40 mm, n=5. Triangular, margin slightly concave below apex; tornus notched, apex hardly falcate. Ground color light orange-brown, very sparsely scattered with tiny, dark brown, petiolate scales. Ante- and medial areas appearing lighter brown than more uniformly orange-brown submarginal area due to suffusion of lighter gray scales medially, especially near costa and on inner side of postmedial line, in some specimens medial area may be very dark brown with less suffusion of grayish pink. Antemedial line almost nonexistent. Discal mark pale gray, ovoid, variously darkened at center. Fringe coloration lighter than wing margin with nearly white trailing edge. Forewing ventrum: Similar to dorsum but more homogenously brown overall due to reduction in paler gray shading. Antemedial line absent, postmedial line reduced to traces. Hindwing dorsum: Notch on anterior margin weak, patterning as for forewing dorsum, but antemedial line absent, discal mark and postmedial line weakly defined. Hindwing ventrum: Following same pattern as forewing ventrum but traces of postmedial line outwardly bent mesally. Abdomen: Coloration as for thorax. Genitalia: (Fig. 25) n=4. Typical of genus, very similar to that of R. enthona but overall larger structures, with shorter but more robust gnathos extensions and a more tubular phallus with more prominent ventral distal lip. Female. Unknown [putative female from Wildsumaco, Napo, Ecuador does not differ from female R. enthona ]. Distribution (Fig. 36). Reinmara andensis is an Andean species present in southeastern Peru in the Puno region, as well as northwestern Bolivia. Other records from north central Peru in San Martin and Huanuco as well as eastern Ecuador may represent this or additional cryptic Andean taxa. Etymology. This new species is named for its Andean distribution. Remarks. Additional material from MWM and MGCL from other localities in Peru besides those from the Puno region need verification due to the unreliability of the collector and/or unclear collecting data. We anticipate that this new species is more broadly distributed, but considering the close similarity to R. enthona and unavailability of recently collected Peruvian material, we restrict the type series of this species to include only those from northwestern Bolivia and adjacent southeast Peru. Although R. andensis is endemic to the eastern slopes of the Andes, it appears to be sympatric with R. enthona at the lower elevations in the inhabited range of R. andensis . Due to the barcoding results (Fig. 7) and biogeography placing an Ecuadorian specimen (Lep-40632) closer to R. andensis , we have included specimens from this location under additional examined material for R. andensis , though they are excluded from the type series pending additional information. Furthermore, these barcoding results are not clear in that R. wolfei (Bc-Her4822) is nested within the clade including R. andensis and the Ecuadorian R. cf andensis , with low bootstrap support. Morphology certainly suggests that R. enthona and R. andensis are more similar than the rather unique , R. wolfei . Additional molecular and morphological data will be required to fully elucidate the relationships within Reinmara . We do not consider single genes, particularly COI, to offer significant phylogenetic signal, especially considering recent work refuting species delimitation based on genetic evidence alone ( Sukumaran and Knowles 2017 ), thus we include the tree in Fig. 7 merely as additional evidence differentiating the Amazonian R. enthona from the externally similar Andean R. andensis . In the NHMUK, the Peruvian specimens were collected both during the "dry season" and "wet season" with those specimens from the dry season being smaller overall than those from the wet season. No significant genitalia differences were noted between these sets of specimens however. Reinmara andensis is generally larger than R. enthona but dry season R. andensis are much closer in size to those of R. enthona .