New species of Cheiracanthium (Araneae: Eutichuridae) from Madagascar and the Comoros Islands Author Lotz, L. N. text Zootaxa 2014 3857 3 301 332 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3857.3.1 7c112ae3-5a6b-4410-b413-95533e7166dd 1175-5326 225808 D2A7F86B-7E6C-464A-9935-625C0371E8BD Cheiracanthium foulpointense sp. nov. Figs 55–56 , 61–66 Type material from Madagascar : Holotype ♂, allotype ♀ and 2♀ paratypes : Tamatave, Foulpointe, 17º40’S , 49º31’E , VII.1995 , A. Pauly ( MRAC 206171). FIGURES 55–60. Digital photographs of habitus, dorsal view: 55 . Cheiracanthium foulpointense sp. nov. female; 56 . C. foulpointense sp. nov. male; 57 . C. griswoldi sp. nov. female; 58 . C. griswoldi sp. nov. male; 59 . C. joquei sp. nov. female; 60 . Cheiracanthium joquei sp. nov. male. FIGURES 61–66. Cheiracanthium foulpointense sp. nov. : 61 . Schematic line drawing of female cheliceral teeth; 62–63 . female genitalia, dorsal and ventral views; 64 . Schematic line drawing of male cheliceral teeth; 65–66 . male palp, retrolateral and ventral views. FIGURES 67–72. Cheiracanthium griswoldi sp. nov. : 67 . Schematic line drawing of female cheliceral teeth; 68–69 . female genitalia, dorsal and ventral views; 70 . Schematic line drawing of male cheliceral teeth; 71–72 . male palp, retrolateral and ventral views. Etymology. The name is derived from the type locality. Diagnosis. Females of C. foulpointense sp. nov. is differentiated by the short, laterally directed copulatory tubes and the shape of the spermathecae of the female, which have the two lobes nearly touching and not as clearly dumbbell-shaped as most of the new Madagascan species ( Fig. 63 ). Males are differentiated by the bulbous shape of the CA, though it is similar to most of the new Madagascan species in the CA being U-shaped ( Figs 65–66 ). Description. Female : (n = 3): TL = 5.80 (5.0–6.3); CL = 2.27 (2.2–2.3); CW = 1.83 (1.7–1.9); OAL = 0.38 (0.35–0.40); OAW = 1.13 (1.10–1.15); CLL = 0.10 (0.10–0.10). Chelicerae: robust with long fangs; cheliceral fang furrow with five teeth of unequal size, PMT:RMT = 3:2 ( Fig. 61 ). Measurements: AME–AME 0.15; AME–ALE 0.20; AME diameter 0.15; PME–PME 0.20; PME–PLE 0.25; PME diameter 0.15; MOQAW 0.45; MOQPW 0.50; CI (CL/CW) 1.21; LL:CL 4.61; STL 1.2; STW 1.0. Leg measurements: I—2.7+1.0+2.7+3.0+1.2 = 10.6; II—1.9+0.9+1.7+1.9+0.8 = 7.2; III—1.5+0.7+1.1+1.5+0.6 = 5.4; IV—2.3+0.9+1.8+2.5+0.8 = 8.3; palp—1.0+0.3+0.6+0.8 = 2.7. Leg spines: I 0-1p-1p, 2v-2v- 0, 2v-2 v1 p1r- 1v ; II 0-1p-1p, 1v-2 v1 p-0, 2v-2 v1 p1r- 1 v1 p1r; III 0-1p-1p1r, 0-1p1r-0, 2v- 1r-3 v1 p1r; IV 0-0-1p1r, 2v- 1p1r-0, 2v-1 v1 p1r-3 v1 p1r. Abdomen ( Fig. 55 ): yellowish-grey with a faint heart-mark. Epigynum ( Figs 62–63 ): a circular depression separated with a central longitudinal septum; copulatory openings situated in the anterior-laterad of the depression; internally copulatory ducts extend laterally in a slight S-shape to end medially in the two lobed spermathecae; fertilization ducts exit spermathecae posteromedially. Male : (n = 1): TL = 4.8; CL = 2.2; CW = 1.7; OAL = 0.4; OAW = 1.05; CLL = 0.1. Chelicerae: similar to female, except with PMT:RMT = 3:3 ( Fig. 64 ). Measurements: AME–AME 0.15; AME–ALE 0.15; AME diameter 0.15; PME–PME 0.20; PME–PLE 0.20; PME diameter 0.15; MOQAW 0.45; MOQPW 0.50; CI (CL/CW) 1.29; LL:CL 5.55; STL 1.1; STW 1.0. Leg measurements: I—3.0+0.9+3.4+3.6+1.3 = 12.2; II—2.1+0.8+2.1+2.3+0.9 = 8.2; III—1.8+0.7+1.2+1.8+0.7 = 6.2; IV—2.4+0.8+2.1+2.8+0.9 = 9.0; palp—1.15+0.4+0.6+1.0 = 3.15. Leg spines: I 0-1p-1p, 2v-2v- 0, 2v-2 v1 p1r- 1v ; II 0-1p-1p, 2v-2 v1 p-0, 2v-2 v1 p1r-1 v1 p1r; III 0-1p1r-1p1r, 0-0-1p1r, 2 v1 r-2 v1 p1r-3 v1 p1r; IV 0-1p1r-1p1r, 2v- 0-1p1r, 2 v1 r-2 v1 p1r-3 v1 p1r. Abdomen ( Fig. 56 ): similar to female. Palp ( Figs 65–66 ): patella with one dorsal and one prolateral distal setae; cymbium elongate, equal to patella plus tibia length, with a broad bulbous apophysis with a sharp, distally directed apex; RTA with beaked point at apex; TA unsclerotized, long, slightly S-shaped, and bent at apex; EM long, almost encircling tegulum, ending at CON apex; CON unsclerotised but distinct. Distribution. Only known from the type locality ( Fig. 50 ). Habitat. Collected in forests.