Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key Author Bush, Sarah E. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-31 4313 1 1 443 journal article 32249 10.11646/zootaxa.4313.1.1 d8cc2cd8-8410-49aa-a75d-7a41d9f52b26 1175-5326 883161 A5Fdfba5-F992-44A8-84C2-1756C943C19B Guimaraesiella papuana ( Giebel, 1879 ) ( Figs 354–360 ) Docophorus papuanus Giebel, 1874 : 475 . Docophorus subalbicans Piaget, 1885 : 6 . Docophorus subalbicans var. a Piaget, 1885 : 7 . Docophorus subalbicans var. b Piaget, 1885 : 7 . Philopterus papuanus ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Harrison, 1916 : 101 . Philopterus subalbicans ( Piaget, 1885 ) ; Harrison, 1916 : 105 . Guimaraesiella subalbicans ( Piaget, 1885 ) ; Eichler, 1949 : 11 . Guimaraesiella longiabdominalis Eichler, 1949 : 12 new synonymy . Guimaraesiella rotundifrontalis Eichler, 1949 : 12 new synonymy . Brueelia longiabdominalis ( Eichler, 1949 ) ; Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 57 . Brueelia papuana ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 60 . Brueelia rotundifrontalis ( Eichler, 1949 ) ; Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 61 . Brueelia subalbicans ( Piaget, 1885 ) ; Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 61 . Brueelia subalbicans var. a ( Piaget, 1885 ); Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 62 (as synonym of Br . rotundifrontalis ) new synonymy. Brueelia subalbicans var. b ( Piaget, 1885 ); Hopkins & Clay, 1952 : 62 (as synonym of Br . longiabdominalis ) new synonymy Brueelia subalbicans alpha ( Piaget, 1885 ) ; Price et al . 2003 : 158 (as synonym of Br . rotundifrontalis ). Brueelia subalbicans beta ( Piaget, 1885 ) ; Price et al . 2003 : 158 (as synonym of Br . longiabdominalis ). Type host. Paradisaea minor Shaw, 1809 —lesser bird-of-paradise. Type locality. “Südseeinseln”; New Guinea. Other hosts . Cicinnurus magnificus hunsteini (A.B. Meyer, 1885) —magnificent bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea apoda novaeguineae D’Albertis & Salvadori, 1879 —greater bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea minor finschi A.B. Meyer, 1885 —lesser bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea raggiana augustaevictoriae Cabanis, 1888 raggiana bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea raggiana raggiana P.L. Sclater, 1873 raggiana bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea raggiana salvadorii Mayr & Rand, 1935 raggiana bird-of-paradise new host record. Paradisaea rubra Daudin, 1800 —red bird-of-paradise new host record. Parotia sefilata (Forster, 1781) — western parotia new host record. Parotia lawesii E.P. Ramsay, 1885 —Lawes’ parotia new host record. Phonygammus keraudrenii purpureoviolaceus A.B. Meyer, 1885 —trumpet manucode new host record. Colluricincla ferruginea clara (A.B. Meyer, 1894) —rusty pitohui new host record. Ptiloris magnificus magnificus (Vieillot, 1819) —magnificent riflebird new host record. Description. Both sexes . Head shape, structure, and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 356 ; ads far posterior to avs3 . Dorsal preantennal suture not medianly continuous posterior to dorsal anterior plate. Preantennal nodi small, triangular. Coni short, not or barely reaching distal margin of scapes. Pre- and postocular nodi both slender, not much wider than marginal temporal carina; pos located on postocular nodi. Gular plate broad, short, with median point. Thoracic and abdominal segments as in Figs 354–355 . Proepimera and metepisterna both moderate, with blunt median ends. Meso- and metasterna weakly sclerotized, each with 1 seta on postero-lateral corners on each side. Pteronotum with 5 (rarely more) mms on each side in both sexes. Re-entrant heads of pleurites III-VI slender, translucent. All abdominal plates very pale. Male . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 354 . Subgenital plate with straight or concave lateral margins ( Fig. 354 ). Male genitalia typical for genus ( Fig. 357 ). Basal apodeme broader proximally. Proximal mesosome broad, blunt. Gonopore ( Fig. 358 ) broadly open distally. Mesosomal lobes absent; up to 4 ames sensilla on each side in continuous, distally diverging rows anterior and lateral to gonopore; 2 pmes microsetae on lateral margins of mesosome. Parameral heads ( Fig. 359 ) roughly quadratic. Parameral blades short, slender, pointed distally; pst1–2 as in genus description. Measurements ex Cicinnurus magnificus hunsteini (n = 9): TL = 1.20– 1.37; HL = 0.39–0.42; HW = 0.35–0.39; PRW = 0.22–0.24; PTW = 0.30–0.34; AW = 0.35–0.43. Ex Colluricincla ferruginea clara (n = 2 except n = 1 for TL): TL = 1.28; HL = 0.39–0.40; HW = 0.39–0.40; PRW = 0.22–0.23; PTW = 0.32–0.33; AW = 0.39–0.46. Ex Parotia lawesii (n = 11 except n = 8 for TL): TL = 1.23–1.38 (1.30); HL = 0.37–0.40 (0.39); HW = 0.35–0.38 (0.36); PRW = 0.21–0.23 (0.22); PTW = 0.30–0.32 (0.31); AW = 0.39–0.45 (0.42). Ex Paradisaea apoda novaeguineae (n = 4): TL = 1.28–1.41; HL = 0.41–0.44; HW = 0.39–0.41; PRW = 0.23–0.25; PTW = 0.31–0.34; AW = 0.40–0.47. Ex P . minor finschi (n = 9): TL = 1.35–1.60; HL = 0.41–0.46; HW = 0.37–0.43; PRW = 0.23–0.29; PTW = 0.31–0.37; AW = 0.41–0.52. Ex P . raggiana augustaevictoriae (n = 15): TL = 1.30–1.51 (1.37); HL = 0.40–0.45 (0.42); HW = 0.36–0.41 (0.39); PRW = 0.22–0.26 (0.24); PTW = 0.32– 0.36 (0.33); AW = 0.43–0.48 (0.45). Ex P . r . raggiana (n = 7): TL = 1.32–1.51; HL = 0.42–0.46; HW = 0.37–0.42; PRW = 0.24–0.26; PTW = 0.32–0.35; AW = 0.43–0.48. Ex P . r . salvodorii (n = 13): TL = 1.22–1.45 (1.37); HL = 0.38–0.45 (0.42); HW = 0.34–0.42 (0.39); PRW = 0.22–0.27 (0.24); PTW = 0.30–0.36 (0.34); AW = 0.36–0.46 (0.43). Ex P . rubra (n = 5): TL = 1.31–1.53; HL = 0.41–0.45; HW = 0.39–0.42; PRW = 0.23–0.24; PTW = 0.32– 0.35; AW = 0.41–0.46. Ex Ptiloris magnificus magnificus (n = 9): TL = 1.31–1.51; HL = 0.40–0.45; HW = 0.36– 0.42; PRW = 0.22–0.26; PTW = 0.32–0.36; AW = 0.39–0.47. FIGURES 354–355. Guimaraesiella papuana (Giebel, 1870) ex Paradisaea minor : 354, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 355, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views. FIGURES 356–360. Guimaraesiella papuana (Giebel, 1870) ex Paradisaea minor : 356, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 357, male genitalia, dorsal view. 358, male mesosome, ventral view. 359, male paramere, dorsal view. 360, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view. FIGURES 361–364. Variation of preantennal area in Guimaraesiella Eichler, 1949, dorsal views: 361, Guimaraesiella sueta Valim & Weckstein, 2011 n. comb. , ex Pharomachrus pavoninus : 362, Guimaraesiella sp. ex Turdus falcklandii . 363, Guimaraesiella sp. ex Rhipidura javanica . 364, Guimaraesiella antiqua (Ansari, 1956b) n. comb. ex Catharus guttatus nanus . FIGURES 365–369. Guimaraesiella male genitalia, ventral views: 365, Guimaraesiella cicchinoi Valim & Weckstein, 2011 n. comb. , ex Trogon collaris . 366, Guimaraesiella sp. ex Heterophasia melanoleuca . 367, Guimaraesiella sp. ex Dumetella carolinensis . 368, Guimaraesiella sp. ex Dicrurus hottentottus . 369, Guimaraesiella diaprepes (Kellogg & Chapman, 1902) n. comb. ex Ƒestiaria coccinea . Female . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 355 . Subgenital plate ( Fig. 360 ) broadly triangular, approaching vulval margin; in some specimens with lateral submarginal bulges, often only on one side, and absent entirely in many specimens. Vulval margin ( Fig. 360 ) gently rounded, with 3–5 short, slender vms on each side, and 9–12 short, thorn-like vss on each side; 5–8 long slender vos on each side; the 2 distal vos near or median to vss . Measurements ex Cicinnurus magnificus hunsteini (n = 14): TL = 1.50–1.73 (1.61); HL = 0.42–0.47 (0.44); HW = 0.39–0.44 (0.41); PRW = 0.24–0.27 (0.25); PTW = 0.34–0.42 (0.36); AW = 0.44–0.51 (0.50). Ex Colluricincla ferruginea clara (n = 4): TL = 1.48–1.62; HL = 0.41–0.43; HW = 0.40–0.41; PRW = 0.24–0.25; PTW = 0.34–0.35; AW = 0.45–0.50. Ex Parotia lawesii (n = 10): TL = 1.57–1.74 (1.65); HL = 0.42–0.44 (0.43); HW = 0.38–0.42 (0.40); PRW = 0.23–0.27 (0.25); PTW = 0.33–0.37 (0.35); AW = 0.48–0.55 (0.50). Ex Paradisaea apoda novaeguineae (n = 8): TL = 1.46–1.75; HL = 0.42–0.47; HW = 0.39–0.46; PRW = 0.24–0.26; PTW = 0.34–0.38; AW = 0.46–0.51. Ex P . minor finschi (n = 14): TL = 1.54–1.84 (1.70); HL = 0.42–0.50 (0.46); HW = 0.39–0.48 (0.44); PRW = 0.24–0.30 (0.37); PTW = 0.34–0.41 (0.38); AW = 0.48–0.59 (0.53). Ex P . raggiana augustaevictoriae (n = 15): TL = 1.47–1.74 (1.61); HL = 0.41–0.47 (0.44); HW = 0.39–0.44 (0.41); PRW = 0.23– 0.28 (0.25); PTW = 0.32–0.38 (0.35); AW = 0.44–0.57 (0.50). Ex P . r . raggiana (n = 7): TL = 1.64–1.83; HL = 0.45–0.50; HW = 0.40–0.46; PRW = 0.25–0.27; PTW = 0.34–0.38; AW = 0.48–0.52. Ex P . r . salvadorii (n = 13): TL = 1.51–1.78 (1.63); HL = 0.43–0.48 (0.45); HW = 0.38–0.44 (0.42); PRW = 0.23–0.27 (0.25); PTW = 0.34– 0.39 (0.36); AW = 0.46–0.58 (0.50). Ex P . rubra (n = 7): TL = 1.46–1.69; HL = 0.44–0.45; HW = 0.41–0.43; PRW = 0.24–0.26; PTW = 0.34–0.37; AW = 0.45–0.52. Ex Phonygammus keraudrenii purpureoviolaceus (n = 1): TL = 1.73; HL = 0.45; HW = 0.42; PRW = 0.26; PTW = 0.36; AW = 0.54. Ex Ptiloris magnificus magnificus (n = 5): TL = 1.54–1.77; HL = 0.42–0.46; HW = 0.40–0.43; PRW = 0.23–0.26; PTW = 0.34–0.38; AW = 0.48–0.55. Type material. Ex Paradisaea rubra : Syntypes of Gu . rotundofrontalis : 1♂, 5♀, Piaget Collection, 620, 621 (NHML). Ex Parotia sefilata : Syntypes of Gu . longiabdominalis : 1♂, 2♀, Piaget collection, 623 (NHML). Additional material examined (non-types) Ex Paradisaea minor finschi : 1♂ , 1♀ , Wanuma , Madang District, Papua New Guinea , 19 Feb. 1974 , 103774, 24292 on reverse ( OSUS ) ; 3♂ , 6♀ , Telefomin , elev. 4500 ft , West Sepik District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Sep. 1963 , P. Temple , BBM-NG-22962 ( BPBM ) . Ex Paradisaea minor minor [ as Paradisaea papuana ]: 3♂, Piaget Collection, 622, BM1928-325 (NHML). Ex Paradisaea apoda : 3♂ , 10♀ , “New Guinea ”, R. Meinertzhagen , 16200 ( NHML ). Ex Paradisaea raggiana raggiana : 1♂ , 1♀ , Mount Bosavi , Southern Highlands District, Papua New Guinea , 16 May 1973 , 103202 ( OSUS ) ; 4♂ , 4♀ , Mount Bosavi , Southern Highlands Province , Papua New Guinea , 18 May 1973 , 103225 ( OSUS ) ; 2♂ , 2♀ , Mount Bosavi , Southern Highlands Province , Papua New Guinea , 1 Jun. 1973 , 103267 ( OSUS ) . Ex Paradisaea raggiana salvadorii : 3♂ , 2♀ , Karimui , elev. 1100 m , Simbu District, Papua New Guinea , 9 Jul. 1963 , J.H. Sedlack , BBM-NG-20061 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Kuta , elev. 7000 ft , Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea , 2 Jul. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28276 ( BPBM ) ; 5♂ , 2♀ , Korgua , elev. 4900 ft , Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea , 21 Jun. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28166 ( BPBM ) ; 3♂ , 8♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 15 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29535 & BBM-NG- 29530 ( BPBM ) ; 5♂ , 10♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 20 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29613 ( BPBM ) ; 3♂ , 9♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 10 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29455 ( BPBM ) ; 1♀ , Korgua , elev. 5000 ft , Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea , 22 Jun. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28176 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 2♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 9 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29435 ( BPBM ) ; 6♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 4 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29392 ( BPBM ) . Ex Paradisaea raggiana augustaevictoriae : 5♀ , Mount Missim , elev. 3000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 17 Jan. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-20186 ( BPBM ) ; 3♀ , Coviak , elev. 4000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 25 Feb. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-20335 ( BPBM ) ; 2♂ , Watut Valley , elev. 800 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Mar. 1963 , J.H. Sedlack , BBM-NG-20215 ( BPBM ) ; 6♂ , 7♀ , Pindin , elev. 3000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 20 Apr. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-27723 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 2♀ , Bulolo River , elev. 3000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Jun. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-27889 ( BPBM ) ; 10♂ , 20♀ , Nakata Ridge, Wau, elev. 5000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 15 Jul. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM- NG-28553 and BBM-NG-29623 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , Vicinity of Lae , elev. 30 m , Singanwa River , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 14 Apr. 1966 , G. Lippert , BBM-NG-24805 ( BPBM ) ; 2♂ , 1♀ , Vicinity of Lae , elev. 30 m , Singanwa River , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 16 Apr. 1966 , O.R. Wilkes , BBM-NG-24815 ( BPBM ) ; 9♂ , 26♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 29 Jul. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG- 53631–2 ( BPBM ) [one slide contains one Neopsittaconirmus ] . 6♂ , 10♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Aug. 1967 , P.H. Colman , BBM-NG-51369 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Aug. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54107 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 6♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m . , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 8 Aug. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54144 ( BPBM ) ; 7♂ , 8♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 10 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-53935–6, BBM-NG-54051 ( BPBM ) ; 11♂ , 15♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 10 Aug. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54186–88, BBM-NG-54486 ( BPBM ) [one slide contains unidentified Picicola ] . 2♂ , 8♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 13 Aug. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54245–6 ( BPBM ) ; 2♂ , 1♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 14 Aug. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54253 ( BPBM ) [one slide contains unidentified Myrsidea ] . 1♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 16 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-53974 ( BPBM ) ; 4♂ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 18 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-54023 ( BPBM ) ; 39♂ , 38♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 19 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-54023, BBM-NG-54050, BBM-NG-54056, BBM-NG-54060, BBM-NG- 54081 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 21 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-54314 ( BPBM ) ; 3♂ , Kalolo , elev. 150 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 24 Aug. 1966 , O.R. Wilkes , BBM-NG-52920 ( BPBM ) ; 4♂ , 3♀ , Mount Missim , elev. 1070 m , 6 km NW of Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 9 Sep. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54485 ( BPBM ) [one slide contains unidentified Myrsidea ] . 3♂ , 1♀ , Mount Missim , elev. 1070 m , 6 km NW Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 10 Sep. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54470 ( BPBM ) ; 3♂ , Kalolo , elev. 150 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 24 Aug. 1966 , O.R. Wilkes , BBM-NG-52920 ( BPBM ) . Ex Paradisaea raggiana ssp.: 4♂ , 4♀ , Wandum Island , Papua New Guinea , H. Clissold , 20511 ( OSUS ). Ex Paradisaea raggiana ? [ uncertain host identifications ]: 3♀ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District, Papua New Guinea , 15 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29532 ( BPBM ) ; 17♂ , 25♀ , Mount Missim , elev. 1070 m , 6 km NW of Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 5 Sep. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-54008, BBM-NG- 50019, BBM-NG-54407–8 ( BPBM ) . Ex Parotia lawesii : 1♂ , Nakata Ridge , elev. 5000 ft , Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 16 Mar. 1985 , A. Engilis Jr. , BBM-NG-109576 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , Nakata Ridge , elev . 5000 ft , Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 27 Mar. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-27550 (PIpeR); 6♂ , 10♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev . 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 18 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG-54025 ( BPBM ); 1♂ , Nakata Ridge , elev . 5000 ft , Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 12 May 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-27796 ( BPBM ) [slide contains unidentified Myrsidea ]. 1♀ , Nakata Ridge , elev . 5000 ft , Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 16 Jul. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-28561 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , Wau Creek , elev. 5000 ft , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 17 Mar. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-20457 ( BPBM ) . Ex Parotia lawesii ? [ uncertain host identifications ]: 2♀, Nakata Ridge, eleb. 5000 ft , Wau, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 20 May 1963 , P.J. Shanahan, BBM-NG-27833–4 (BPBM) [one sldie contains unidentified Myrsidea ]. Ex Ptiloris magnificus magnificus : 3♂ , “New Guinea ”, R. Meinertzhagen , 16182 ( NHML ) ; 4♂ , 5♀ , Mount Missim , elev. 1070 m , 6 km NW of Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 12 Sep. 1967 , A.B. Mirza , BBM- NG-54488 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , Oransbari , elev. 10 ft , West Papua Province , Indonesia , 23 Dec. 1962 , A Pigai & L.P. Richards , BBM-NG-22212 ( BPBM ) . Ex Phonygammus keraudrenii purpureoviolaceus : 1♀ , Nakata Ridge , elev. 5000 ft , Wau , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 18 Jul. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-28570 ( BPBM ). Ex Cicinnurus magnificus hunsteini [ some as Diphyllodes magnificus ]: 5♂, 3♀, 10 km W of Bulolo, elev. 780, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 19 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler, BBM-NG-54043 (BPBM); 2♂, 9♀, Wau, elev. 1200 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 15 May 1963 , [J.H.] Sedlacek, BBM-NG-27806 (BPBM); 4♂, 1♀, Bulolo River, elev. 3000 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 13 Jun. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan, BBM-NG- 28438 (BPBM) [one slides contains an unidentified Columbicola nymph]. 3♂, 2♀, Wau, elev. 1200 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 28 Nov. 1961 , [J.H.] Sedlacek, BBM-NG-56116 (BPBM); 1♂, 2♀, 10 km W of Bulolo, elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 19 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler, BBM-NG-54043 (BPBM); 1♂, 2♀, Clear Water Base, Mount Missim, elev. 1070 m , 6 km NW Wau, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 5 Sep. 1967 , A.B. Mirza, BBM-NG-54402 (BPBM); 1♀, 10 km W of Bulolo, elev. 780, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 31 Jul. 1967 , P.H. Colman, BBM-NG-51252 (BPBM). Ex Colluricincla ferruginea clara : 1♂ , Sitium Village , elev. 100 ft , 12 m NE of Lae , Bupu River , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 17 Apr. 1970 , A.B. Mirza , BBM-NG-98625 ( BPBM ) ; 4♀ , Jumbora Plantation , elev. 200 ft , Popondetta , Northern District, Papua New Guinea , 24 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28855 ( BPBM ) ; 1♀ , 10 km W of Bulolo , elev. 780 m , Morobe District, Papua New Guinea , 18 Aug. 1967 , A.C. Ziegler , BBM-NG- 54037 ( BPBM ) . Remarks. Giebel's (1879) description of Docophorus papuanus is short and vague, preventing comparison with Piaget's (1885) description of Docophorus subalbicans . The two were synonymised by Harrison (1916: 105) and followed by Hopkins & Clay (1952: 61) , Price et al . (2003 : 158) and Mey & Marker (2014: 82) . Giebel’s type material is likely lost ( Clay & Hopkins 1955: 50 ), so no comparison can be made between type material of the two species. Nothing in Giebel's description of Do. papuanus contradicts the description of Do. subalbicans by Piaget (1885) . The original description of Do. subalbicans mentions an indented signature that gradually fades posteriorly, and the illustration is concordant with Guimaraesiella lice commonly found on Paradisaea spp. We therefore accept this synonymy. Guimaraesiella rotundifrontalis Eichler, 1949 and Guimaraesiella longiabdominalis Eichler, 1949 are new names given to Piaget’s (1885: 7) “var. α ” and “var. β ” of Do. subalbicans , respectively. The former is described as having a rounded head in front and a narrower clypeus, whereas the latter is apparently more distinct. Piaget (1885: 8) stated that Do. subalbicans var. β was probably the same as Do. papuana Giebel , but neither variety was illustrated. No further information on the morphology of these species was given by Eichler (1949) , and neither species has been redescribed since. As Piaget’s (1885) original descriptions are inadequate to separate Gu . rotundifrontalis and Gu . longiabdominalis from Gu . subalbicans , which is itself here considered a synonym of Gu . papuana , we hereby regard Gu . rotundifrontalis and Gu . longiabdominalis as junior synonyms with Gu . papuana . Material belonging to the Brueelia -complex from two species of birds-of-paradise were included in the phylogeny of Bush et al . (2016) and found to be genetically similar. Bush et al . (2016) included a single specimen of Guimaraesiella from Colluricincla ferruginea clara (Mayer, 1894) , which was nested inside the material from birds-of-paradise. Morphologically, this specimen is indistinguishable from other specimens of Guimaraesiella from the Paradisaeidae , and we have included Colluricincla ferruginea as a host of Gu . papuana . Material from several other birds-of-paradise examined are very similar to material from species of Paradisaea , but the majority of the samples are either only females or poorly preserved. Therefore, we have not included any material from other hosts as conspecific with Guimaraesiella papuana .