Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key Author Bush, Sarah E. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-31 4313 1 1 443 journal article 32249 10.11646/zootaxa.4313.1.1 d8cc2cd8-8410-49aa-a75d-7a41d9f52b26 1175-5326 883161 A5Fdfba5-F992-44A8-84C2-1756C943C19B Meropoecus balisong Gustafsson & Bush , new species ( Figs 492–496 ) Type host. Merops americanus Muller, 1776 —rufous-crowned bee-eater. Type locality. Balisong , Mindanao , Philippines . Diagnosis. Male Meropoecus balisong n. sp. keys to couplet 3 in the key of Emerson & Elbel (1958), placing them near Mo . caprai and Mo . debeauxi . Meropoecus balisong ( Fig. 492 ) has 6–7 short setae on each side of tergopleurite XI, placing it closer to Mo . debeauxi , which has 7–8 setae on each side, rather than to Mo . caprai , which has 9–10 setae on each side. The male genitalia of all three species are similar in that the distal section of the mesosome is much narrower than the proximal part ( Fig. 495 ), and the parameres are similarly shaped in all three species. However, the anterior mesosome of Mo . balisong ( Fig. 495 ) is rounded trapezoidal, unlike the heartshaped mesosome of Mo . caprai ( Emerson & Elbel 1956: fig. 4 ) or the transversally oval mesosome of Mo . debeauxi ( Emerson & Elbel 1956: fig. 6 ). The shape of the basal apodeme in Mo . balisong ( Fig. 495 ) is also trapezoidal, and unlike the more egg-shaped basal apodemes of Mo . caprai and Mo . debeauxi . Females key to couplet 3 in the same key, placing them near Mo . meropis and Mo . debeauxi . The vulval margin of Mo . balisong ( Fig. 496 ) has less than 26 long setae in total, as in these two species; Mo. balisong has 7–8 long setae on the lateral tubercules on each side ( Fig. 493 ), which is more setae than either Mo . meropis or Mo . debeauxi have on the lateral tubercules ( Emerson & Elbel 1956 ). Description. Both sexes . Head shape, structure, and chaetotaxy as in genus description, and Fig. 494 ; pos lateral, immediately posterior to eye; mts 2 more than twice as long as mts 1 . Some specimens with narrow thickening of anterior margin of dorsal anterior plate, as in Fig. 494 . Preantennal nodi short, rounded. Postantennal head much broader than preantennal head. Postantennal suture narrow, occasionally as in Fig. 494 , but always present as clearly defined, medianly continuous, line ( Figs 492–493 ). Thoracic and abdominal segments as in genus description and Figs 492–493 . Male . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 492 . Male genitalia distinct ( Fig. 495 ). Basal apodeme trapezoidal. Anterior mesosome roughly quadratic; narrow median section extended distally. Distal margin of extension flat or slightly convex. Anterior end of mesosome with distinct, papillate ridge; ridge extends medianly into slender, very rugose finger; 2 ames microsetae on each side lateral to rugose ridge; 2–3 pmes sensilla on each side near distal margin of mesosome. Parameres curved, very stout, with small distal translucent section. Parameral heads very large; 3–4 pst sensilla near median margin of each paramere. Measurements ex Merops americanus (n = 6 except n = 4 for TL): TL = 1.78–1.86; HL = 0.55–0.62; HW = 0.77–0.82; PRW = 0.36–0.46; PTW = 0.53–0.64; AW = 0.72–0.83. Female . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 493 . Median extension of subgenital plate narrow, pointed distally ( Fig. 496 ). Vulval margin convergent ( Fig. 496 ), with distinct median bulge. Bulge with 5–6 short, slender vms and 3–4 short, thorn-like vss on each side. Lateral to bulge 12–13 long, stout vms on each side and 9– 11 short, thorn-like vss on each side; 8–9 short, slender vos on each side; distal vos near vss . Measurements ex Merops americanus (n = 5 except n = 3 for TL and n = 2 for AW): TL = 2.08–2.12; HL = 0.60–0.64; HW = 0.84– 0.88; PRW = 0.38–0.40; PTW = 0.61–0.64; AW = 0.84–0.88. Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the type locality. In addition, a “ balisong ” is a form of Philippine knife in which the blade is hidden between two revolving handles, which is reminiscent of the shape of the male genitalia ( Fig. 495 ). Type material. Ex Merops americanus : Holotype , Balisong, Mindanao, Philippines , N. Wilson , SUBBM- 1231 ( NHML ). Paratypes : 8♂ , 7♀ , same data as holotype (PIPeR) [several slides contain unidentified menoponids].