Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key Author Bush, Sarah E. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-31 4313 1 1 443 journal article 32249 10.11646/zootaxa.4313.1.1 d8cc2cd8-8410-49aa-a75d-7a41d9f52b26 1175-5326 883161 A5Fdfba5-F992-44A8-84C2-1756C943C19B Schizosairhynchus minovenator Gustafsson & Bush , new species ( Figs 470–476 ) Type host. Mino dumontii Lesson, 1827 —yellow-faced myna. Type locality. Popondetta, elev. 200 ft , Northern District, Papua New Guinea. Diagnosis. Schizosairhynchus minovenator n. sp. ( Figs 470–476 ) is most similar to Sc . philippensis and males of these two species share the following characters ( Fig. 474 ): distal mesosome very wide; pmes antero-lateral to rugose nodi; rugose nodi extensive; ventral sclerite extends distal to gonopore; paired nodi just distal to gonopore. Male Sc . minovenator can be told apart from male Sc . philippensis by the following genital characters: ventral sclerite extended towards rugose nodi in Sc . philippensis but not in Sc . minovenator ( Fig. 474 ); rugose nodi reach lateral margins of mesosome in Sc . philippensis but not in Sc . minovenator ( Fig. 474 ); distal thickening of mesosome with submedian triangular extensions in Sc . philippensis but not such extensions in Sc . minovenator ( Fig. 474 ). Most variation in setal characters in Sc . philippensis cannot presently be assessed, as too little material has been examined. However, some differences in the setae of the female genitalia are apparent: Sc . minovenator typically have 25–29 vss , whereas Sc . philippensis typically have 23–24 vss ; Schizosairhynchus minovenator have 13–16 vos ( Fig. 476 ), whereas Sc . philippensis have 7–8. Differences in vms are not diagnostic, as there is overlap between Sc. philippensis and Sc. minovenator . Description. Both sexes . Head shape, structure, and chaetotaxy as in genus description and Fig. 472 . Lateral margins of dorsal anterior plate strongly convex. Lateral bulge of preantennal area just anterior to conus prominent. Thoracic and abdominal segments as in genus description and Figs 470–471 . Tergopleural and sternal plates light brown; antero-lateral tergopleurites and pleurites darker. Male . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 470 . Sternal plates III–VI each with small accessory plate laterally ( Fig. 470 ); 2 accessory plates lateral to subgenital plate on each side. Basal apodeme rounded rectangular to trapezoidal ( Fig. 473 ). Proximal mesosome broadly rectangular, with convex, thickened anterior margin. Gonopore ventral ( Fig. 474 ), narrowly open distally, associated with pair of sublateral nodi just posterior to gonopore. Mesosomal lobes wide, fused distally, and with distal margin thickened. Ventral sclerite extends distal to gonopore, with thickened anterior margin. Rugose nodi extensive; 2 ames microsetae on each side antero-lateral to gonopore; 2 pmes microsetae on each side on lateral margin of mesosomal lobes antero-lateral to rugose nodi. Parameral heads wide, roughly rectangular. Parameral blades blunt distally ( Fig. 475 ); pst1–2 as in genus description. Measurements ex Mino dumontii (n = 17 except n = 15 for TL and AW): TL = 1.49–1.65 (1.56); HL = 0.54–0.59 (0.57); HW = 0.53–0.58 (0.56); PRW = 0.32–0.37 (0.34); PTW = 0.48–0.54 (0.50); AW = 0.66–0.79 (0.73). Female . Abdominal chaetotaxy as in Table 2 and Fig. 471 . Accessory sternal plates very small, not always visible, but present on segments III–VI and lateral to subgenital plate. Sternal plates not very wide ( Fig. 471 ). Subgenital plate roughly triangular ( Fig. 476 ), not flaring into cross-piece distally. Vulval margin gently rounded ( Fig. 476 ), with 8–11 slender vms on each side; median vms much shorter than lateral vms . 25–29 short, thorn-like vss on each side; 13–16 long, slender vos ; proximal 8–10 vos scattered on subgenital plate, distal 5–6 vos on distal margin of subgenital plate, median to vss . Measurements ex Mino dumontii (n = 19 except n = 18 for TL and n = 17 for AW): TL = 1.79–2.05 (1.93); HL = 0.58–0.65 (0.62); HW = 0.57–0.65 (0.62); PRW = 0.36–0.42 (0.38); PTW = 0.53–0.61 (0.56); AW = 0.83–1.06 (0.89). FIGURES 470–471. Schizosairhynchus minovenator n. gen. & n. sp. ex Mino dumontii : 470, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 471, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views. FIGURES 472–476. Schizosairhynchus minovenator n. gen. & n. sp. ex Mino dumontii : 472, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 473 male genitalia, dorsal view. 474, male mesosome, ventral view. 475, male paramere, dorsal view. 476, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view. Etymology. The s pecies epithet is formed by the genus name of the host, Mino Lesson, 1827 , combined with the Latin “ venator ” for “hunter”. Type material. Ex Mino dumontii : Holotype , vicinity of Popondetta , elev. 200 ft , Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 30 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29747 ( BPBM ) . Paratypes : 1♂ , 1♀ , same data as holotype ( BPBM ) ; 1♀ , Popondetta , elev. 200 m , Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 31 Aug. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM- NG-28671 ( BPBM ) ; 3♀ , Jumbora Plantation , elev. 200 ft , [ Popondetta ,] Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 14 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28739, 28752 ( BPBM ) ; 1♀ , same locality and collectior as previous, 15–16 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28745 ( BPBM ) ; 6♂ , 4♀ , same locality and collector as previous, 18 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28774, 28795–7, 28801, 28807 ( BPBM ) [some slides contain unidentified Philopterus s. lat. ] . 2♂ , 3♀ , same locality and collector as previous, 26 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-28739, 28748 (PIPeR) [one slide also contains unidentified Brueelia s. str. ] . 1♂ , Buka-Bara , sea level, Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 21 Sep. 1963 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-28815 ( BPBM ) ; 5♂ , 8♀ , Soputa River , elev. 200 ft , Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 29–30 Sep. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29916, 29730 ( BPBM ) ; 3♂ , 1♀ , Azarita , elev. 100 ft , Northern District , Papua New Guinea , 9 Oct. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29915 ( BPBM ) ; 2♂ , 2♀ , Ambunti , elev. 200 ft , West Sepik District , Papua New Guinea , 5 May 1963 , P. Temple , BBM-NG-22560 ( BPBM ) ; 2♀ , Finschhafen , elev. 100 ft , Morobe District , Papua New Guinea , 11 Apr. 1963 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-27647 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , vicinity of Lae , elev. 30 m , Singanwa River , Morobe District , Papua New Guinea , 15 Apr. 1966 , P.J. Shanahan , BBM-NG-24809 ( BPBM ) ; 1♀ , Balimo , elev. 30 ft , Western District , Papua New Guinea , 28 Mar. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-50391 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , Oriomo River , elev. 20 ft , Western District , Papua New Guinea , 9 Feb. 1964 , H. Clissold , BBM-NG-29442 ( BPBM ) ; 1♂ , same locality and collector as previous, 26 Feb. 1964 , BBM-NG-50035 ( BPBM ) .