Review of Lepidocyrtinus Börner, 1903 (Collembola, Entomobryidae, Seirinae): the African species Author Cipola, Nikolas Gioia Author Morais, José Wellington De 0000-0003-3801-7054 Author Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante 0000-0001-7881-9436 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-24 4898 1 1 110 journal article 9066 10.11646/zootaxa.4898.1.1 9e4030d6-1154-422f-bb13-afd31181028f 1175-5326 4392515 3F66CE1D-1036-4226-BC28-029F9961E069 Lepidocyrtinus betamponensis sp. nov. Cipola & Bellini Figs 55 , 72–76 , Tables 1 and 5 Type Material. Holotype female on slide (54128/ CAS ): Madagascar , Toamasina , Réserve Nationale Intégrale Betampona , 17°54’58”S , 049°12’07”E ( Fig. 55 ), Rainforest , 550 m , 24.iv-04.v.2008 , Malaise trap , BL Fisher coll. 67 paratypes : 1 male and 5 females on slides and 30 specimens in alcohol (54128/ CAS ); 1 male and 2 females on slides and 15 specimens in alcohol (54128/ CAS donated to INPA-CLL 000032 ), same data as holotype; 13 specimens in alcohol (54120, 54153-54, 56/ CAS ), same data as holotype , except 3-10.viii.2008 , 31.viii-07.ix.2008 , 28.ix-05- x.2008 , 21-28.xii.2008 . Diagnosis. Body with dark pigments on Ant II–IV and Th II laterally ( Fig. 72 ); head mac A0 , A2–3 , A5 , M1–2 , S0–3 and S5–6 present; prelabral chaetae smooth; labial papilla E with l.p. conical and not reaching the base of a.a.; basolateral and basomedian labial fields with chaetae R (smaller than the others) and L1–2 ciliated, e smooth ( Figs 73 B–E); Th II projected anteriorly and with 5–7 anterior, 8 median ( m1ip , m4–4p present, m4i mac absent) and 9–10 posterior mac ( p2ep absent, p3 as mac); Th III–Abd II with 8–10, 1–2, 3–4 central mac respectively; Abd IV with 12 central mac and 12–15 lateral mac ( Figs 74 , 75B ); unguis a.t. absent; unguiculus pe lamella smooth and with a small proximal tooth; collophore anteriorly with 9 spine-like chaetae and 5–6 ciliated chaetae apically acuminate, posteriorly with 8 spines, smooth chaeta present ( Fig. 76E ); manubrium ventrally with 0/4 subapical chaetae; manubrial plate with 2 blunt mac abruptly acuminate at the apex; dens with 5–9 blunt mac apically bullet-like abruptly acuminate at the apex ( Figs 76 F–G). FIGURE 72. Lepidocyrtinus betamponensis sp. nov. , habitus of a specimen fixed in alcohol (lateral view). Scale bars: 1 mm. Description. Total length (head + trunk) of specimens 3.03–3.70 (n=4), holotype 3.70 mm . Specimens pale white with dark blue pigment on Ant I–IV (darker on distal Ant II, proximal and distal Ant III and IV), lateral Th II–III, femur I–II with one distal band and III with proximal and distal bands, and tibiotarsus almost completely (except distally); eyepatches black ( Fig. 72 ). Scales present on Ant I to proximal one quarter of Ant IV, dorsal and ventral head, dorsal thorax and abdomen, legs (except empodia), anterior collophore, ventral and dorsal manubrium and dens ventrally. Head. Antennae subequal or smaller than trunk length ( Fig. 72 ); ratio antennae: trunk = 1: 1.10–1.21 (n=3), holotype 1: 1.21; antennal segments ratio as I: II: III: IV = 1: 1.28–1.48: 1.41–1.48: 2.83–3.00, holotype 1: 1.40: 1.48: 2.85. Ant IV annulated on distal three fourths, with apical bulb apically bilobed. Ant III not annulated, apical organ with 2 short rods, 3 spiny guard sens and s-blunt sens of different sizes. Ant I dorsally with 4–5 median mac and 3 smooth mic at the base, without spines. Eyes A and B larger, G and H smaller, others subequal, and with 5–6 ‘IO’ chaetae; head dorsal macrochaetotaxy with 10–13 An , 4 A , 3 M and 7 S mac ( Fig. 73D ). Clypeal formula with 4 ( l1–2 ), 7 ( ft ), 5 ( pf0–2 ) ciliated chaetae, l1–2 larger than the others, l1 apically acuminate, 1 ft smaller, others subequal ( Fig. 73A ). Prelabral chaetae smooth but sometimes with a small median filament, outer chaetae rarely with two median filaments ( Fig. 73B ). Labral p0 chaeta sometimes with median filament or rarely bifurcated, p1 larger than the others. Labral papillae with two inner rounded projections, outer papillae absent. Maxillary palp with smooth t.a. and b.c. weakly ciliated, thicker and 1.29 longer than the a.a. Labial papilla E with l.p. conical and not reaching the base of a.a. ( Fig. 73C ). Basolateral and basomedian labial fields with chaetae M1–2 , R (smaller than the others), L1–2 ciliated, e smooth ( Fig. 73E ). Ventral head with about 16 ciliated chaetae, postlabial formula with 4 ( G1–4 ), 3 ( H2–4 ), 4 ( J1–4 ) chaetae, and 3 larger chaetae, 2 b.c. surrounding the cephalic groove ( Fig. 73E ). Thorax chaetotaxy ( Fig. 74 A–B). Th II projected anteriorly, a , m and p series with 5–7, 8 and 9–10 mac, respectively, and about 11 secundary psp. Th III a , m and p series with 4–5, 1 and 7–8 mac, respectively, and about 6 secundary psp. Ratio Th II: III = 2.25–1.92: 1 (n=4), holotype 2.13: 1. Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 74 C–D, 75A–C). Abd I a , m and p series with 0, 1–2 and 0 mac, respectively, and at least 2 secundary psp. Abd II a , m and p series with 0–1, 4 and 0 mac, respectively, and at least 2 secundary psp. Abd III a , m and p series with 0, 3 and 1 mac, respectively, and about 8 secundary psp. Abd IV with 12 central mac on A–T series and 12–15 lateral mac on E– Fe series; about 9 secundary psp, at least 8 posterior sens ( ps type I, others type II) and 6 posterior mes. Abd V a , m and p series with 1, 4 and 6 mac, respectively. Ratio Abd III: IV = 1: 4.51–5.44 (n= 4), holotype 1: 4.53. Legs. Subcoxa I with 6 chaetae on a row, 2 anterior chaetae and 2 psp; subcoxa II with an anterior row of 12 chaetae, posterior row of 7 chaetae and 6 psp; subcoxa III with one row of 12 chaetae and 2 posterior psp ( Figs 76 A–C). Trochanteral organ with about 78 spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 76D ). Tibiotarsus III sometimes subdivided on distal two thirds, outer side with 4 proximal large chaetae apically acuminate, inner side with 7 mac weakly ciliated. Unguis with 3 inner teeth, b.t. subequal to m.t. in length, a.t. absent. Unguiculus with all lamellae smooth and acuminate, except pe with a small proximal tooth (as in Fig. 51E ); ratio unguis: unguiculus = 1: 0.63. Tibiotarsal smooth chaeta 1.18 larger than unguiculus and tenent hair 0.72 smaller than unguis outer edge. Collophore. Anterior side with 18–20 chaetae, 9 proximal spine-like chaetae, 1 thin and 1–2 normal ciliated chaetae, 5–6 ciliated chaetae apically acuminate and 2 mac distally; posterior side with 18–19 chaetae (2 unpaired), 8 spines, 9–10 thin ciliated chaetae widely distributed and 1 smooth chaeta distally; lateral flap with about 67 chaetae, 10 smooth and 57 ciliated ( Fig. 76E ). Furcula. Manubrium ventral formula with 0, 0, 0, 0/4 (subapical), 12–16 (apical) ciliated chaetae plus approximately 24 elongated apical scales per side ( Fig. 76F ); manubrial plate with 2 blunt mac ciliated abruptly acuminate at the apex, 12 ciliated chaetae of different sizes and 3 psp. Dens dorsally with one proximal row of 5–9 blunt mac weakly ciliated, 3 proximal apically bullet-like and up to 6 abruptly acuminate at the apex, holotype with 7+7 ( Fig. 76G ). Etymology. Refers to its type locality: Betampona Reserve, Madagascar . Remarks. Lepidocyrtinus betamponensis sp. nov. resembles others species from Madagascar ( Table 5 ). See the comparison among them in the remarks of L. iegoi sp. nov.