Review of Lepidocyrtinus Börner, 1903 (Collembola, Entomobryidae, Seirinae): the African species Author Cipola, Nikolas Gioia Author Morais, José Wellington De 0000-0003-3801-7054 Author Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante 0000-0001-7881-9436 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-24 4898 1 1 110 journal article 9066 10.11646/zootaxa.4898.1.1 9e4030d6-1154-422f-bb13-afd31181028f 1175-5326 4392515 3F66CE1D-1036-4226-BC28-029F9961E069 Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. Cipola & Bellini Figs 55 , 61–66 , Tables 1 and 5 Type Material. Holotype female on slide (54085/ CAS ): Madagascar , Toamasina , Ankerana municipality, 18°24’23”S , 048°48’09”E ( Fig. 55 ), Montane forest , 1108 m , 19-24.i.2012 , Malaise trap , BL Fisher coll. 15 paratypes : 3 males , 4 females and 1 juvenile on slides and 5 specimens in alcohol (54085/ CAS ); 1 male and 1 female on slides (54085/ CAS donated to INPA-CLL 000030 ), same data as holotype. Diagnosis. Body with dark blue pigments all over Ant I–IV, Th II laterally and femur I–III ( Fig. 61 ); head mac A0 , A2–3 , A5 , M1–2 , S0–3 and S5–6 present; prelabral chaetae smooth; labial papilla E with l.p. conical and reduced ( Figs 62 D–F); basolateral and basomedian labial fields with chaetae R (smaller than the others), L1–2 ciliated and e smooth; Th II projected anteriorly and with 6–7 anterior, 8 median ( m1ip , m4–4p present, m4i mac absent) and 9–11 posterior mac ( p2ep absent, p3 as mac); Th III–Abd II with 9–10, 2–4, 3–4 central mac respectively; Abd IV with 10–12 central mac and 14–16 lateral mac ( Figs 63 , 64B ); unguis a.t. absent; unguiculus pe lamella smooth and with a small proximal tooth ( Fig. 65E ); collophore anteriorly with 9 spine-like chaetae and 4 ciliated chaetae apically acuminate, posteriorly with 10 spines, smooth chaeta present ( Fig. 66A ); manubrium ventrally with 0/4 subapical chaetae; manubrial plate with 2 blunt mac abruptly acuminate at the apex; dens with 1–12 blunt mac, 3 apically bullet-like and up to 9 abruptly acuminate at the apex ( Figs 66 B–C). Description. Total length (head + trunk) of specimens 3.97–5.10 (n=4), holotype 5.10 mm . Specimens pale white with dark blue pigment on Ant I–IV, lateral Th II, anterior coxa III, trochanter and femur completely, lighter on tibiotarsus; eyepatches black ( Fig. 61 ). Scales present on Ant I to proximal one quarter of Ant IV, dorsal and ven-tral head, dorsal thorax and abdomen, legs (except empodia), anterior and posterior collophore, ventral and dorsal manubrium and dens ventrally. Head. Antennae subequal to trunk length ( Fig. 61 ); ratio antennae: trunk = 1: 0.96–1.14 (n=4), holotype 1: 0.98; antennal segments ratio as I: II: III: IV = 1: 1.21–1.37: 1.18–1.47: 2.77–3.48, holotype 1: 1.23: 1.18: 2.77. Ant IV annulated on distal three fourths, with apical bulb apically unilobed, bilobed or trilobed.Ant III not annulated, apical organ with 2 elongated rods, 3 spiny guard sens, s-blunt sens of different sizes and ciliated chaetae ( Fig. 62A ). Ant I dorsally with 4 median mac surrounded by ciliated guard mic and 13 smooth mic at the base, without spines ( Fig. 62B ). Eyes A and B larger, G and H smaller, others subequal, and with 5 ‘IO’ chaetae; head dorsal macrochaetotaxy with 15–16 An , 4 A , 3 M , 7 S and 1 Ps mac ( Fig. 62F ). Clypeal formula with 6 ( l12 , l1–2 ), 15 ( ft ), 2 ( pf1 ) ciliated chaetae, l1 larger than the others and apically acuminate, pf0 absent, others subequal ( Fig. 62C ). Prelabral chaetae smooth, sometimes bifurcated. Labral p0 chaeta sometimes with median filament, p1 larger than the others ( Fig. 62D ). Labral papillae with two rounded projections, outer papillae absent. Maxillary palp with smooth t.a. and b.c. weakly ciliated, thicker and 1.39 longer than the t.a. Labial papilla E with l.p. conical and reduced ( Fig. 62E ). Basolateral and basomedian labial fields with chaetae M1–2 , R (smaller than the others), L1–2 ciliated, e smooth. Ventral head with about 13 ciliated chaetae, postlabial formula with 4 ( G1–4 ), 3 ( H2–4 ), 4 ( J1–4 ) chaetae, H3 sometimes thin and smaller, and 1 b.c. larger than the others surrounding the cephalic groove ( Fig. 62G ). FIGURE 61. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. , habitus of a specimen fixed in alcohol (lateral view). Scale bars: 1 mm. FIGURE 62A–G. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. : head; A , Ant III apical organ (lateral view); B , left Ant I chaetotaxy (dorsal side); C , clypeus chaetotaxy; D , chaetotaxy of prelabral and labral posterior row; E , labial papillae E (right side), arrow indicates l.p.; F , dorsal chaetotaxy (left side); G , complete postlabial chaetotaxy (right side). FIGURE 63A–D. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. : dorsal chaetotaxy; A , Th II; B , Th III; C , Abd I; D , Abd II. FIGURE 64A–C. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. : dorsal chaetotaxy; A , Abd III, B , Abd IV; C , Abd V. Thorax chaetotaxy ( Fig. 63 A–B). Th II projected anteriorly, a , m and p series with 6–7, 8 and 9–11 mac, respectively, and about 20 secondary psp. Th III a , m and p series with 5–6, 1 and 7 mac, respectively, and about 10 secondary psp. Ratio Th II: III = 2.93–1.95: 1 (n=4), holotype 2.93: 1. Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 63 C–D, 64A–C). Abd I a , m and p series with 0–1, 2–3 and 0 mac, respectively, and about 5 secondary psp. Abd II a , m and p series with 1, 3–4 and 0 mac, respectively, and about 11 secondary psp. Abd III a , m and p series with 0, 3 and 1 mac, respectively, and about 16 secondary psp. Abd IV with 10–12 central mac on A–T series and 14–16 lateral mac on E–Fe series; about 11 secondary psp, at least 6 posterior sens ( ps type I, others type II) and 5 posterior mes. Abd V a , m and p series with 1, 4 and 6 mac, respectively. Ratio Abd III: IV = 1: 6.65–4.78 (n= 4), holotype 1: 4.78. Legs. Subcoxa I with 6 chaetae on a row, 12 anterior chaetae and 2 psp; subcoxa II with an anterior row of 17 chaetae, posterior row of 10 chaetae and 4 psp; subcoxa III with one row of 13 chaetae and 2 posterior psp ( Fig. 65 A–C). Trochanteral organ with about 68 spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 65D ). Tibiotarsus III sometimes subdivided on distal two thirds, outer side with 3 proximal large chaetae apically acuminate, inner side with 7 mac weakly ciliated. Unguis with 3 inner teeth, b.t. smaller than m.t., a.t. absent. Unguiculus with all lamellae smooth and acuminate, except pe with a small proximal tooth; ratio unguis: unguiculus = 1: 0.49. Tibiotarsal smooth chaeta 1.12 larger than unguiculus and tenent hair 0.51 smaller than unguis outer edge ( Fig. 65E ). FIGURE 65A–E. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. : legs chaetotaxy; A–C , subcoxa I–III (outer side), respectively; D , trochanteral organ (inner side); E , distal tibiotarsus and empodial complex III (posterior side). Collophore. Anterior side with 20 chaetae, 9 proximal spine-like chaetae, 1 thin ciliated chaeta, 4 ciliated chaetae apically acuminate and 6 mac distally; posterior side with 28 chaetae (3 unpaired), 10 spines, 17 thin ciliated chaetae widely distributed and 1 smooth chaetae distally; lateral flap with about 88 chaetae, 11 smooth and 77 ciliated ( Fig. 66A ). FIGURE 66A–C. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. : A , collophore chaetotaxy (lateral view); B , manubrium ventral chaetotaxy; C , chaetotaxy of the manubrial plate and proximal dens (lateral view). Furcula. Manubrium ventral formula with 0, 0, 0, 0/4 (subapical), 14–16 (apical) ciliated chaetae plus approximately 35 elongated apical scales per side ( Fig. 66B ); manubrial plate with 2–3 blunt mac ciliated abruptly acumi-nate at apex, 17 ciliated chaetae of different sizes and 2 psp. Dorsal dens with one row of 1–12 blunt mac weakly ciliated, 3 proximal apically bullet-like and up to 9 abruptly acuminate at the apex, holotype with 3+9 ( Fig. 66C ). Etymology . The epithet “andevo” is proposed to honor the black slaves that constituted about a third of the Merina society of Madagascar during the 19th century. Remarks. Lepidocyrtinus andevo sp. nov. resembles other species from Madagascar ( Table 5 ). See the comparison among them in the remarks of L. iegoi sp. nov.