Description of a new species of Terminalichus (Acari: Trombidiformes: Tenuipalpidae) from China Author Xu, Yun Author Fan, Qing-Hai Author Huang, Jian text Zootaxa 2014 3753 3 233 250 journal article 46744 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.3.3 3cedcd85-017f-4dca-9b40-ad60ddd0946d 1175-5326 226373 0D39C0B0-FB32-480A-AC9B-CA11688A79C7 Terminalichus sanya Xu & Fan sp. nov. ( Figs 1–15 ) Type . Holotype female. China : Hainan province: Sanya city: Fenghuang Road: Egret Park, 18°14′54.12″ N, 109°30′57.82″E, ex. Terminalia catappa , 12, March, 2013, by Yun Xu. Paratype . 26 females , 3 deutonymphs, 4 protonymphs, 5 larvae , same data as holotype . The holotype and 3 paratype females will be deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China , Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing ( NZMC ); paratypes , 20 females , 2 deutonymphs, 3 protonymphs, 3 larvae are deposited in the Department of Plant Protection, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China ( FAFU ); 3 females , 1 deutonymph, 1 protonymph and 2 larvae are deposited in New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand ( NZAC ). Adult female ( Figs 1–3 ; n=4) Gnathosoma ( Fig. 1 C, 2A, 2C). Gnathosoma reaching middle of genua I, subcapitular setae m setiform, m = 11–12 (12), m–m = 10–16 (14). Palp 3-segmented, setal formula: 0, 1, 1; tibia with a long serrate seta near distal portion, tarsus with one eupathidium. Idiosoma ( Fig. 1 A, 1B, 13A, 14A). 230–245 (245) long, 120–125 (120) wide, about twice as long as wide. Rostral shield bifurcate. PRODORSUM covered with longitudinal and oblique broken wrinkles in central and marginal area, respectively. Two pairs of porose patches transversely situated in middle area, another pair near distal portion. Prodorsal setae v 2 absent; sc 1 and sc 2 thick, strongly barbed, sc 1 nearly twice as long as sc 2; lengths: sc 1 50–52 (52), sc 2 25–32 (30); distances: sc 1– sc 1 75–80 (76), sc 1– sc 2 13–17 (15), sc 2– sc 2 100–105 (100). HYSTEROSOMA covered with oblique and longitudinal wrinkles as shown in Fig. 1 A; bearing a pair of distinct pores between d 3 and c 3, 9–10 pairs of porose patches longitudinally situated in submarginal area, and one pair of humeral setae and four pairs of dorsolateral setae, all hysterosoma setae barbed. Setae d 3 and e 3 subequal in length, about three times as long as h 1 and h 2. Lengths: c 3 17–26 (26), d 3 42–50 (44), e 3 46 –55 (46), h 2 15–17 (15), h 1 13–15 (14); distances: c 3– d 3 18–22 (18), d 3– e 3 27 –32 (30), h 2– h 1 15–25 (24), h 1– h 1 30 (30–31). Venter ( Fig. 2 A, 2B, 15A). Venter with a few broken oblique striations between coxa II and III, and longitudinal striation on ventral opisthosoma. All coxal setae setiform except 1b and 2b flagelliform. Setae 1a and 4a flagelliform, 3a setiform. Length of 1a approximately four times as long as distance 1a–1a . Setae 2b and 4a subequal and about four times as long as setae 3a ( Fig. 2 B). Coxal-sternal chaetotaxy: 3, 2, 2, 2. Lengths: 1a 80–87 (85), 1b 35–39 (39), 1c 13–15 (14), 2b 52–57 (57), 2c 17–20 (18), 3a 12–15 (12), 3b 17–22 (22), 4a 50–61 (61), 4b 15–20 (20). Distances: 1a–1a 19–23 (19), 3a–3a 37–42 (41), 4a–4a 12–17 (15). Genital and ventral plates contiguous, extending up to posterior margin of coxae IV, considerably longer than broad, bearing one pair of aggenital setae and two pairs of gential setae, which are setiform and subequal. Setal lengths: ag 11–12 (11), g 1 11– 12 (11), g 2 11–12 (11), ps 1 10–12 (12), ps 2 10–14 (10). Distances: ag–ag 25–27 (27), g 1– g 1 27–30 (30), g 1– g 2 5–8 (5), ps 1– ps 2 4–7 (4). Legs ( Fig. 3 A–D). Lengths of legs I–IV: 78–87 (78), 74–80 (76), 68–74 (73), 72–81 (72). Chaetotaxy (from trochanter to tarsus): I 1 , 3, 2, 5, 6 + ω ; II 1 , 3, 2, 5, 6 + ω ; III 2 , 2, 0, 2, 3; IV 1 , 2, 0, 2, 3. Most dorsal and lateral setae on femora and genua pectinate. Femoral dorsal seta d and ventral seta v subequal in length. Ventral setae v on tibiae pectinate and subequal. Tibial dorsal setae stick-shaped, about as long as length of tibia and absent on leg III and IV. Tarsal setae ft ′ζ flagelliform, much longer than others and about three times length of tarsus; ft ′′ setiform; unguinal setae u pectinate and equal in length. Lengths of solenidia: I ω′′ 4–5 (5), II ω′′ 4–5 (5). Claws developed with tenent hairs on each side. Adult male. Unknown. Deutonymph ( Figs 4–6 ; n=2) Gnathosoma ( Fig. 4 C, 5A, 5C). Subcapitular setae m setiform, m= 7–8, m–m= 10. Palp 3-segmented, setal formula: 0, 1, 1; tibia with a long pectinate seta near distal portion, tarsus with one eupathidium. Idiosoma ( Fig. 4 A, 4B, 13B, 14B). Idiosoma 200–210 long, 120–125 wide. Rostral shield round and smooth, dorsal cuticle relatively smooth. PRODORSUM mostly smooth, with a broad band of transverse striations anterior to setae d 3; bearing two pairs of thick, strongly barbed setae sc 1 and sc 2, setae sc 1 longer than sc 2, approximately as long as distance to base of opposite member and nearly 2.5 times length of sc 2. Lengths: sc 1 77–80, sc 2 30; distances: sc 1– sc 1 72–75, sc 1– sc 2 20–23 , sc 2– sc 2 100–105. HYSTEROSOMA bearing one pair of humeral setae and four pairs of dorsolateral setae, all hysterosoma setae barbed except setae h 2 and h 1 setiform. Humeral setae c 3 27– 30 , dorsolateral setae d 3 longer than e 3, setae h 1 and h 2 minute and equal in length. Lengths of dorsolateral setae: d 3 66–67, e 3 52 –55, h 2 2–3, h 1 2–3; distances: c 3– d 3 22–27 , d 3– e 3 24 –25, h 2– h 1 10–15 , h 1– h 1 15–17. FIGURE 2. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (adult female). A, ventral view of idiosoma; B, ventral setae; C, subcapitulum. FIGURE 3. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov (adult female). A, leg I; B, leg II; C, leg III; D, leg IV. Venter ( Fig. 5 A, 5B, 15B). Ventral and coxal region covered with fine transverse striae, and longitudinal striae anterior to setae 1a and surrounding anal region. All ventral setae setiform except 1a flagelliform. Length of seta 1a approximately twice as long as distance to base of opposite member. Setae 1b , 1c , 2 c , 3a , 3 b and 4b subequal and half of length of seta 4a ( Fig. 5 B). Coxal-sternal chaetotaxy: 3, 2, 2, 2. Lengths: 1a 42–45, 1 b 9–10, 1 c 7–8, 2 b 10–13, 2 c 7–8, 3 a 7–8, 3 b 7–8, 4 a 17–20, 4 b 7–8. Distances: 1a–1a 17–20, 3 a–3a 25–30, 4 a–4a 17–25. Genital area with one pair of genital setae; a pair of aggenital setae ag and two pairs of anal setae ps 1 and ps 2 setiform and subequal. Setal lengths: ag 4–5, g 1 6–7, ps 1 4–5, ps 2 4–5. Distances: ag–ag 22–23, g 1– g 1 12–15 , ps 1– ps 2 5–7. Legs ( Fig. 6 A–D). Legs I–IV: 59–63, 57–60, 50–51, 49–50. Chaetotaxy (from trochanter to tarsus): I 1 , 3, 2, 5, 6 + ω ; II 1 , 3, 2, 5, 6 + ω ; III 2 , 2, 0, 2, 3; IV 0, 2, 0, 2, 3. Most dorsal setae on femora, genua and tibia pectinate and lateral setae setiform. Genua dorsal seta d and lateral seta l equal in length. Ventral setae v on tibiae pectinate and subequal. Tibial dorsal setae d pectinate and absent on leg III and IV. Tarsal setae ft ′ζ flagelliform, much longer than others and about three times of length of tarsus; ft ′′ setiform; unguinal setae u barbed and equal in length. Lengths of solenidia: I ω′′ 3, II ω′′ 3. Claws developed with tenent hairs on each side. FIGURE 4. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (deutonymph). A, dorsal view of idiosoma; B, dorsal setae; C, chelicerae and collar. FIGURE 5. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (deutonymph). A, ventral view of idiosoma; B, ventral setae; C, subcapitulum. FIGURE 6. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (deutonymph). A, leg I; B, leg II; C, leg III; D, leg IV. Protonymph ( Figs 7–9 ; n=3) Gnathosoma ( Fig. 7 C, 8A, 8C, 13C, 14C). Subcapitular setae m setiform, m= 7–8, m–m= 8–9. Palp 3- segmented, setal formula: 0, 1, 1; tibia with a long pectinate seta near distal portion, tarsus with one eupathidium. Idiosoma ( Fig. 7 A, 7B, 13C, 14C). Idiosoma 140–160 long, 100–110 wide. Rostral shield smilar to that of deutonymph. PRODORSUM covered with light oblique striae, and transverse striations between setae sc 2 and d 3. Bearing two pairs of thick, strongly barbed setae sc 1 and sc 2, setae sc 1 nearly three times longer than sc 2. Lengths: sc 1 65–80, sc 2 20–22 ; distances: sc 1– sc 1 57–62, sc 1– sc 2 14–15 , sc 2– sc 2 80–90. HYSTEROSOMA covered with one pair of humeral setae and four pairs of dorsolateral setae, all hysterosoma setae barbed except setae h 2 and h 1 setiform. Humeral seta c 3 17–27 , dorsolateral setae d 3 longer than e 3, setae h 1 and h 2 minute and equal in length. Lengths of dorsolateral setae: d 3 49–50, e 3 30 –37, h 2 2–3, h 1 2–3; distances: c 3– d 3 22–25 , d 3– e 3 17 –20, h 2– h 1 10–12 , h 1– h 1 10–12. Venter ( Fig. 8 A, 8B, 15C). Ventral and coxal region covered with fine transverse striae. All ventral setae setiform except 1a flagelliform. Length of seta 1a approximately twice as long as distance to base of opposite member. Setae 1b , 1c , 2c , 3a and 3b subequal ( Fig. 8 A). Coxal-sternal chaetotaxy: 3, 1, 2, 0. Lengths: 1a 32–37, 1 b 4–5, 1 c 4–5, 2 c 4–5, 3 a 4–5, 3 b 4–5. Distances: 1a–1a 15–17, 3 a–3a 27–30. One pair of aggenital setae ag minute, and two pairs of anal setae ps 1 and ps 2 setiform and equal in length. Setal lengths: ag 2–3, ps 1 3–5, ps 2 3–5. Distances: ag–ag 15–17, ps 1– ps 2 4–5. FIGURE 7. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (protonymph). A, dorsal view of idiosoma; B, dorsal setae; C, chelicerae and collar. FIGURE 8. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (protonymph). A, ventral view of idiosoma; B, ventral setae; C, subcapitulum. Legs ( Fig. 9 A–D). Legs I–IV: 50–59, 45–51, 41–42, 36–37. Chaetotaxy (from trochanter to tarsus): I 0, 3, 1, 5, 6 + ω ; II 0, 3, 1, 5, 6+ ω ; III 1 , 2, 0, 2, 3; IV 0, 2, 0, 2, 3. Most dorsal, ventral and lateral setae on femora, genua and tibia setiform. Dorsal seta d on femora I and II pectinate. Tarsal setae ft ′ζ flagelliform, much longer than others and about three times of length of tarsus; ft ′′ setiform; unguinal setae u setiform and equal in length. Lengths of solenidia: I ω′′ 2, II ω′′ 2. Claws developed with tenent hairs on each side. Larva (Figs 10–12, 13D, 14D, 15D; n=3) Gnathosoma (Fig. 10C, 11A, 11C). Subcapitular setae m setiform, m= 6–7, m–m= 13–14. Palp 3-segmented, setal formula: 0, 1, 1; second segment bearing a long pectinate seta near distal portion, tarsus with one eupathidium. Idiosoma (Fig. 10A, 10B, 13D, 14D). Idiosoma 120–125 long, 85–90 wide. Rostral shield smilar to deutonymph. PRODORSUM covered with fine oblique longitudinal striae anteriorly and mesally, and a broad band of transverse striations between setae sc 2 and c 3. Bearing two pairs of thick, strongly barbed setae sc 1 and sc 2, setae sc 1 nearly 2.5 times longer than sc 2. Lengths: sc 1 40–45, sc 2 14–17 ; distances: sc 1– sc 1 49–52, sc 1– sc 2 12–15 , sc 2– sc 2 75–80. HYSTEROSOMA covered with oblique and longitudinal wrinkles between c 3 and d 3, and light longitudinal striations laterad to setae d 3, forming 0-shaped pattern, posteriomedial opisthosoma cuticle longitudinal around 0- shaped area. Hysterosoma bearing one pair of humeral setae and four pairs of dorsolateral setae, all dorsal hysterosoma setae barbed except setae h 2 and h 1 setiform and minute. Humeral seta c 3 12–15. Lengths of dorsolateral setae: d 3 21–23 , e 3 17 –20, h 2 2–3, h 1 2–3; distances: c 3– d 3 17–20 , d 3– e 3 12 –13, h 2– h 1 7–8, h 1– h 1 7–8. FIGURE 9. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov (protonymph). A, leg I; B, leg II; C, leg III; D, leg IV. Venter ( Fig. 11 A, 11B, 15D). Ventral and coxal region covered with fine transverse striae similar to deutonymph. All ventral setae setiform except 1a flagelliform. Length of seta 1a approximately twice as long as distance to base of opposite member. Coxal-sternal chaetotaxy: 2, 0, 1. Lengths: 1a 27–30, 1 b 4–5, 3 a 5–7. Distances: 1a–1a 11–13, 3 a–3a 22–25. Two pairs of anal setae ps 1 and ps 2 setiform and equal in length, ps 1 2–3, ps 2 2–3, ps 1– ps 2 4–5. FIGURE 1 0. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (larva). A, dorsal view of idiosoma; B, dorsal setae; C, chelicerae and collar. Legs ( Fig. 12 A–C). Legs I–III: 36–37, 35, 31–33. Chaetotaxy (from trochanter to tarsus): I 0, 3, 1, 5, 5+ ω ; II 0, 3, 1, 5, 5 + ω ; III 0, 2, 0, 2, 3. All setae on trochanter femora, genua, tibia and tarsus setiform except tarsal ft ′ζ flagelliform. Lengths of solenidia: I ω′′ 2, II ω′′ 2. Claws developed with tenent hairs on each side. Etymology. The species is named after the city Sanya where it was collected. FIGURE 11. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. (larva). A, ventral view of idiosoma; B, ventral setae; C, subcapitulum FIGURE 12. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov (larva). A, leg I; B, leg II; C, leg III FIGURE 13. Terminalichus sanya sp. nov (prodorsum). A, female; B, deutonymph; C, protonymph; D, larva. Remarks. Adult female of Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. is readily distinguished from the other six species by the absence of the first pair prodorsal setae v 2 , setae 1a and 4a flagelliform, setae 4a about four times as long as setae 3a , and tarsi I–IV with 6+ω, 6+ω, 3, 3, respectively. The ontogeny of Terminalichus has not previously been reported. Based on the study of Terminalichus sanya sp. nov. the dorsal idiosomal setae ( sc 1, sc 2, c 3, d 3, e 3, h 2 and h 1) and pseudanal setae ( ps 1 and ps 2) are present throughout all stages. Ventral setae 1c , 2c and 3b are added in protonymph, 2a , 4a and 4b are added in the deutonymph. Aggenital setae ag appears in the protonymph; the first pair of genital setae g 1 appears in the deutonymph and the second pair are added in the adults. The palpal chaetotaxy (0, 1, 1 ( ω )) is unchanged from larva to adult. The changes of chaetotaxy of leg segments are listed in Table 1 . All larval leg setae are setiform, except ft ζ is flagelliform; dorsal setae d on femora I and II are pectinate in the protonymph and following stages, as it is on femora III and tibiae I–II in the deutonymph and adult and on femora IV in the adult; ventral setae v on the tibiae are pectinate and the unguinals on the tarsi are barbed in the deutonymph and adult and setiform in the protonymph and larva; lateral setae l on the femora and genua are pectinate in the adult.