Systematics of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Notidobiella Schmid (Trichoptera, Sericostomatidae), with the description of 3 new species Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. Author Blahnik, Roger J. text ZooKeys 2010 71 23 47 journal article 1313-2970-71-23 Notidobiella chacayana Schmid Figs 11-12 Notidobiella chacayana Schmid 1957 : 392 [Type locality: Chile, Maule, Chacay; NMNH; male]. Flint 1967: 63 [larva, pupa]; 1974 : 91 [distribution]. Description. This Chilean species is most similar to Notidobiella brasiliana because of the similarly shaped inferior appendages, with their similar elongate mesal processes. It differs from that species in the much shorter posteromesal processes of sternum IX. Adult. Forewing length 6.8-7.5 mm male (n=3); 7.2-9.0 mm female (n=3). Color brown, palps and legs stramineous; forewings brown, with scattered golden setae. Sternum VII of male with broad, fingernail-like, posteromesal process. Male genitalia (Fig. 11). Segment IX with anterior margin produced ventrolaterally; tergum IX slightly elevated, mound-like; sternum IX with pair of short, posteromesal processes, bearing long apical setae. Tergum X simple, triangular in lateral view, with dorsomesal excavation, setose. Preanal appendage short, ovate, setose. Inferior appendage prominent, heavily setose, broadly spatulate, narrow basally, with elongate mesal process on ventromesal margin. Phallic apparatus simple, tubular, curved from base to apex; endophalic membranes prominent, but simple; phallotremal sclerite not apparent. Female genitalia (Fig. 12). Tergum VIII quadrate; pleural membranes extensive, highly folded; sternum VIII broad, anterior margin with apodemal ridge, extending dorsolaterally; posterolateral corners rounded, heavily setose, especially posteriorly. Tergum IX with heavily setose, posterolateral lobes, rounded to subtriangular in dorsal view; with lateral, microsetose, elevated ridge; sternum IX highly membranous, the membranes with parallel pleats or folds; dorsally tergum IX semimembranous. Tergum X with short setose projection. Internal vaginal sclerites complex (no discernable differences among the species); bursa copulatix subspherical, semisclerotized; pair of small, oval sclerites lying in membranes above vaginal sclerites (position variable). Figures 11-12. Notidobiella chacayana Schmid. 11 Male genitalia A segments IX, X, inferior appendages, lateral B segments IX, X, dorsal C segment IX, inferior appendages ventral D phallus, lateral E phallus, ventral. 12. Notidobiella chacayana Schmid. Female genitalia, segments IX, X, dorsal. Material Examined: CHILE: Cauquenes, Tregualeme, 35°56'S, 72°43'W, 11-12.xii.1993, C. and O. Flint Jr., 1 male, 1 female (pinned) (NMNH); X Region de los Lagos, Isla de Chiloe , Rio Verde, 1.9 km W Puntra, 42°07.078'S, 73°50.364'W, el. 40 m, 3.ii.2005, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Chamorro, 2 males, 2 females (pinned) (UMSP); XIV Region de los Rios , Monumento Nacional Alerce Costero, unnamed trib., trail to Alerce Milenario, 40°11.874'S, 73°26.217'W, el. 895 m, 5.ii.2008, Holzenthal, Pauls, Mendez, 1 male (pinned) (UMSP).