The genus Amegilla (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Anthophorini) in Australia: A revision of the subgenera Notomegilla and Zonamegilla Author Leijs, Remko South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia Author Batley, Michael Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia Author Hogendoorn, Katja School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia text ZooKeys 2017 2017-02-08 653 79 140 journal article 1313-2970-653-79 290982231A1C48E1B607C0BA37BA66B3 FFDDFF9B6C55FF8BFFA2FF8C611B2605 275311 Subgenus Zonamegilla Popov, 1950 Zonamegilla Popov, 1950, p. 260. Type . Apis zonata Linnaeus, 1758 (original designation). Diagnosis. Length 10-14 mm; most species with blue, green, white, or occasionally orange, metallic hair bands on metasomal terga; pale paraocular markings present in both sexes; maxiliary palpus with 6 segments; S5 of male apicomedially broadly to narrowly emarginate; S6 of male with lateral depressions on apical third, sometimes with a median protuberance, tuft of black hair apicomedially. Description. The following description refers to the Australian species of Zonamegilla (see Brooks 1988 for a full description of the subgenus). Female. Structure. Head: wider than long; inner orbits diverging above; f3-9 about equal in length. Coloration . Integument black, except yellow or pale yellow marks on labrum, mandibles, clypeus, scape, paraocular and supraclypeal area (marks are ivory in Amegilla pulchra ). Pubescence . Head: gena with white hairs. Legs: forecoxa and femur posteriorly light ginger in Amegilla paeninsulae , white in all other species, hair of anterior face of femur and tibia white or ginger; mid and hind legs dark or black, but lighter coloured on apex of femur, on outer surface of tibia and on base of basitarsus. Metasoma: apical hair bands on T1-T4; parts not covered by hair bands dark brown or black in A. alpha , black in all other species. Punctation . Head: clypeus somewhat shiny, close to dense punctation, interspaces pit-reticulate; labrum interspaces almost smooth in Amegilla murrayensis and Amegilla adelaidae , reticulate in other species. Thorax: scutum with small, shallow punctures; interspaces almost smooth. Metasoma: T1-T5 somewhat shiny, with fine, shallow punctures, interspaces pit-reticulate. Male. Structure. Head: wider than long; inner orbits diverging above; f3-10 about equal in length. Metasoma: apicomedial margin of T7 bilobed. Coloration . Integument black, except yellow or pale yellow marks on labrum, mandibles, clypeus, scape, paraocular and supraclypeal area (marks are ivory in Amegilla pulchra ). Pubescence . Head: gena with white hair. Thorax: sterna pale orange in Amegilla paeninsulae , white in all other species. Legs: forefemur posteriorly with long, light coloured hairs; coxa greyish white in Amegilla paeninsulae , white in all other species; mid and hind legs: dark or black, with lighter coloured hairs on apex of femur, outer surface of tibia and basitarsus. Metasoma: apical hair bands on T1-T5; parts not covered by hair bands dark brown in Amegilla walkeri , black in all other species. S6 dark except in Amegilla paeninsulae , Amegilla thorogoodi and Amegilla cingulata . Punctation . Head: clypeus dull, with open shallow punctures, interspaces rough pit-reticulate in Amegilla karlba , pit-reticulate in all other species; labrum somewhat shiny, interspaces pit-reticulate; scutum: interspaces almost smooth. Metasoma: interspaces pit-reticulate. Distribution. India, South East Asia including southern China, and Australia. Included Australian species. Amegilla adelaidae , Amegilla alpha , Amegilla asserta , Amegilla cingulata , Amegilla thorogoodi , Amegilla indistincta , Amegilla karlba , Amegilla murrayensis , Amegilla paeninsulae , Amegilla pulchra , Amegilla viridicingulata and Amegilla walkeri .