Brief review of the Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 species group (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) with descriptions of three new species from western Africa Author Yakovlev, R. V. Author László, Gy. M. Author Müller, G. C. Author Kravchenko, V. D. text Russian Entomological Journal 2020 2020-12-31 29 3 289 294 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.29.3.08 0132-8069 13166181 40D81469-42F2-4BDB-9361-8B393F3F1264 Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 Yakovlev, Saldaitis, 2011: 86 TYPE MATERIAL: holotype male in coll. RMCA, examined. TYPE LOCALITY: Cameroun , Adamaoua , nr. Ngaoundéré , Ngaoundaba . ADDITION MATERIAL: 1 ♂ , [ Congo ], Lulua , Kapanga, 8.1933, F.G. Overlaet ( RMCA ) ; 1 ♀ , [ Congo ], Lubumbashi , 12.06.1934 ( RMCA ) ; 1 ♂ , [ Congo ], Katanga , Zilo, 3.1968, Rec. V. Allard ( RMCA ) ; 1 ♂ , Congo Belge , Lusinga 1760 m , 31.03.1947 , Mis. G.F. de Witte ( RMCA ) ; 3 ♂♂ , Congo Belge , P. N.G. , Miss H. De Saeger , 3.12.1951 , Rec. H. De Saeger ( RMCA ) ; 3 ♂♂ , [ Congo ], Kivu , Mweza , 27.03.1957 , R.P. de Caters ( RMCA ) ; 1 ♂ , Cameroon , North Region , Wack ( La Falaise ), 900m , 07°40´16.5´´N , 13°33´18.4´´E , 2–21.x.2018 , General coll. Safian, Sz. , Simonics, G. leg., ANHRT 2018.36 , unique number ANHRTUK 00057994, gen. slide No. : LG 5187 ( ANHRT ) . DIAGNOSIS. The species clearly differs from the closely related other taxa of the A. legraini species group by its relatively small size, conspicuously dense black pattern consisting of short streaks on the hind wing, and the relatively long and narrow uncus. DISTRIBUTION: Cameroon , Democratic Republic of the Congo .