Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Nematoda, Enoplida, Oncholaimidae) from intertidal sediments in the East China Sea Author Shi, Benze Author Xu, Kuidong text Zootaxa 2016 4126 1 97 106 journal article 38803 10.11646/zootaxa.4126.1.4 7979dcb7-22d9-4ab0-9078-e9c15227b812 1175-5326 271730 D65C154D-9709-40E5-86F9-885F820466B5 Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov. , sp. nov. (Figs 2, 3, 4; Table 1 ) Diagnosis. Body length 3516–4750 µm. Six lips with six inner labial papillae. Six outer labial setae and four cephalic setae in one circle, equal in length. Buccal cavity armed with one very large left ventrosublateral tooth, one right ventrosublateral and one dorsal tooth of medium-size, and about 27 small teeth distributed on the wall of buccal cavity. Amphidial fovea pocket-like with transverse slit-like aperture, in middle portion of buccal cavity. Cardia conspicuous and conical. Dorsolateral and ventrolateral orthometanemes not observed. Two ovaries opposed and reflexed. Demanian system absent. Two testes opposed and outstretched. Spicules short and straight without gubernaculum. About 10 wart-like precloacal supplements in two subventral rows. Tail conical-cylindrical. Type material. Holotype : one male on slide NJ-20140513-93. Paratypes : four males on slides NJ-20140513- 23, -31 and -92, and two females on slides NJ-20140513-31 and -73, and one juvenile on slide NJ-20140513-92. All type slides have been deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Type locality. Intertidal sandy sediment in the Dasha’ao Beach of the Nanji Islands in the East China Sea ( 27°27'46"N , 121°3'29"E ). The temperature of interstitial water was 22°C and salinity at 28 psu during sampling. The median particle diameter of sediment was about 612 µm (coarse sand) and sediment organic matter content was about 2.5%. Etymology. The species name is derived from the type locality where the new species was discovered: the Nanji Islands. Measurements. See Table 1 . TABLE 1. Morphometrics (measurements in µm) of Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov. , sp. nov.
Characters Holotype Paratypes
Males (n=4) Females (n=2)
Body length 4083 3892–4388 (4104) 4516–4750
Body length/maximum body diameter 86.9 81.1–87.8 (83.7) 86.8–96.9
Body length/pharynx length 6.2 5.9–6.4 (6.1) 6.5–6.7
Body length/tail length 34 32.3–34.2 (33.4) 32.5
Tail length / anal body diameter 3.3 3.1–3.5 (3.3) 3.5–3.7
Head diameter 39 39–40 (39.3) 40
Outer labial setae, length 18 16–17 (16) 16–17
Cephalic setae, length 18 16–17 (16) 16–17
Buccal cavity length 50 50–52 (51) 55
Buccal cavity width 24 23–27 (25) 27–28
Amphid from anterior end 30 25–35 (28) 30–33
Nerve ring from anterior end 242 250–265 (260) 251–268
Pharynx length 660 658–683 (673) 675–733
Maximum body diameter 47 48–50 (49) 49–52
Vulva from anterior end 2930–3058
Vulva from anterior end × 100/body length % 64.4–64.9
Spicule length 41 40–46 (42)
Cloacal body diameter 36 35–40 (38)
Anal body diameter 40–41
Tail length 118 118–130 (123) 139–146
Description. Body length 3516–4750 µm. Cuticle smooth. Six rounded lips with six inner labial papillae. Six outer labial setae and four cephalic setae in one circle, equal in length (Figs 2A–D, 3A–C). Buccal cavity large and spacious, with wall strongly sclerotized and only posterior end surrounded by pharyngeal tissue (Figs 2A–D, 3A– C, E). Three typical oncholaimid teeth composed of one dorsal and two ventrosublateral large teeth, with the left ventrosublateral tooth apparently the largest and the right ventrosublateral tooth slightly larger than the dorsal one; about 27 additional small teeth (or denticles) distributed on the wall of buccal cavity (Figs 2A–D, 3A–C, E). Amphidial fovea pocket-shaped with transverse slit-like aperture, situated in middle portion of buccal cavity (Figs 2A–D, 3D, E). Six subcephalic setae at the base of buccal cavity. Cervical setae roughly in four longitudinal rows FIGURE. 2. Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov. , sp. nov. A, B, E, F: Anterior and posterior region of the male holotype , showing the strongly sclerotized and spacious buccal cavity with the posterior end surrounded by pharyngeal tissues, a dorsal and a pair of ventrosublateral teeth and many small teeth, the many precloacal supplements, two stout setae at the cloacal region, the short and straight spicules, the conical-cylindrical tail and caudal setae; C, D: Anterior region of a female paratype , showing the same structures as the male holotype ; G, H: Posterior region of the same female paratype , showing the reflexed ovaries, three caudal glands and the conical-cylindrical tail. Scale bars: 30 µm. FIGURE 3. Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov. , sp. nov. Males. A–D: Head of the male holotype, showing the sclerotized buccal cavity with three large teeth with the left ventrosublateral tooth the largest and many additional small teeth on the wall of buccal cavity, each lip with one outer labial seta (arrowhead) and the transverse slit-like aperture of the amphidial fovea (arrow); E: Head of a male paratype, showing the largest left ventrosublateral tooth and the dorsal view of the amphidial fovea (arrow); F–H: Posterior region and overview of the male holotype, showing the body outline, the short and straight spicules, many wart-like supplements (arrows) and the conical-cylindrical tail. Scale bars: A–G = 30 µm; H = 100 µm. at pharyngeal region (Figs 2A–D, 3D). Pharynx cylindrical with smooth outline (Figs 2A–D, 3A–C, E). Nerve ring at approximately the anterior third of pharynx. Cardia conspicuous and conical (Fig. 2A, C). Excretory pore not observed. Three caudal glands, with cells extending 60–130 µm anterior to cloaca. Spinneret present. Tail conicalcylindrical. Dorsolateral and ventrolateral orthometanemes not observed. Male. Two opposed and outstretched testes situated on right side of intestine. Spicules short and straight, dagger-shaped (Figs 2E, F, 3G). Gubernaculum absent. About ten wart-like precloacal supplements in two subventral rows (Figs 2E, 3F, G). Two thick, relatively short subventral setae present in cloacal region (Fig. 2E, F). Posterior region of male strongly bent ventrally. Tail composed of anterior conical half and posterior cylindrical half, with several setae at cylindrical region and four subterminal setae (Figs 2E, F, 3H). Tail tip slightly swollen. Female. Two opposed and reflexed ovaries on right side of intestine (Figs 2G, 4A, C). Vulva transverse slitlike, situated at 64.4–64.9% of body length; vagina short and muscular, with many small glandular cells around (Figs 2G, 4B). Uterus indistinct. Demanian system not observed. Tail composed of conical anterior third and cylindrical posterior two thirds, with only four subterminal setae (Figs 2H, 4D). FIGURE 4. Paroctonchus nanjiensis gen. nov. , sp. nov. Female paratype. A: The reflexed anterior ovary; B: Vulva, short vagina and many small glandular cells; C: Overview of the two reflexed ovaries without demanian system; D: The conicalcylindrical tail. Scale bars: A, B = 30 µm; C, D = 50 µm. FIGURE 5. Juveniles of Paroctonchus nanjiensis sp. nov. (A, B), Octonchus marinus (C, D), Patagonema iubatum (E, F) and four representative genera/subfamilies of the families Oncholaimidae (G–I) and Enchelidiidae (J). A, B: Juvenile of Paroctonchus nanjiensis sp. nov. with three large teeth and many additional small teeth and a conical-cylindrical tail; C, D: Juvenile of Octonchus marinus with one large tooth and eight small teeth and a conical tail (after Schulz 1932); E, F: Juvenile of Patagonema iubatum with three large teeth and three mandibular ridges with small teeth (after Pastor de Ward et al. 2015); G: Oncholaimelloides , representing the subfamily Oncholaimellinae , typically with three teeth: one large and two slightly smaller teeth (after Murphy 1966); H: Eurystomina , representing the family Enchelidiidae , with three teeth and many denticles (after de Man 1907); I: The three teeth are either very small or absent in the subfamily Pelagonematinae , in which Phaenoncholaimus has a well-developed dorsal tooth and an inconspicuous left ventrosublateral tooth (after Kreis 1934); J: No teeth exist in Krampia of the subfamily Krampiinae (after Belogurov & Dashenko 1981). Juvenile. Only one juvenile specimen was observed. Body length about 2146 µm, much shorter and stouter than adults ( a about 53.7 vs. 81.1–96.9), with relatively longer tail ( c about 16.5 vs. 32.3–34.2, c’ about 4.5 vs. 3.1– 3.7). Buccal cavity structure and the pattern of teeth similar to that of adults, but with only about 20 teeth including three large oncholaimid teeth ( Fig. 5 A, B).