The genus Goera Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) in Japan Author Nozaki, Takao Author Tanida, Kazumi text Zootaxa 2006 1339 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.174356 f885c72a-33f4-46b1-a139-57e1c34b8103 1175-5326 174356 Goera nigrosoma Nozaki and Tanida sp. nov. Fig. 12 Goera sp. GB: Tsuda and Akagi 1962 , 140, larva; Tanida 1985 , 198, larva. Diagnosis. This species is related to G. tungusensis , but easily distinguishable by mesal processes of distal segment of inferior appendage in male; the process triangular in lateral aspect in this species, but very slender in G. tungusensis . In female, spermathecal plate rather broad and about 2/3 length of gonopod plate in this species, but slender and slightly longer than gonopod palate in G. tungusensis . Adult. Body, wings, antennae mostly dark brown to black. Head short; ocelli absent; anterior setal warts round; posterior setal warts large, round. Antennae 7–8 mm long; scape ca. 1 mm long, with long setae. In male, maxillary palpi, distal segment long oval, membranous and elastic, with long setae on outer surface and relatively long scales on mesal surface. Male abdominal sternite VI with 2 finger-like spines, usually bearing a few shorter spines at each side. Female abdominal sternite VI with a few tiny spines. Forewings 7–9 mm long in male, 8–10 mm long in female. Male genitalia. Segment IX relatively short, oblique in lateral aspect, produced posteriorly, long triangular in ventral aspect. Dorsal process of tergum X club-like, sometimes concave at apex in dorsal aspect; having pair of unpigmented lower processes, slender, approximately same length as dorsal process, with a few setae at apices. Paired ventrolateral processes strongly sclerotized; slender, tapering to acute apices, slightly curved ventromesad ( Fig. 12 b1); or distal 2/5 broad with acute apices in lateral aspect, strongly curved ventromesad ( Fig. 12 b2). Preanal appendage club-like. Basal segment of inferior appendage short; distal segment with 2 processes, dorsal process triangular in lateral aspect, acute apex directed ventrad; mesal process finger-like, curved laterad, basal part usually with 1–3 short acute process or angulated in lateral aspect. Phallus arcuate in lateral aspect, flanged dorsolaterally in basal half and ventrolaterally at middle part, phallic apodeme triangular in lateral aspect. Female genitalia. Tergum IX distinct, semi-circular in dorsal aspect. Tergum X long oval in lateral aspect, sometimes apices with angular ventral margin. Lamellae oval, with dark pigmented plate dorsolaterally. Gonopod plate rounded, protruded apicomesally, lateral boundary distinct, bearing screlotized plate anterolaterally. Spermathecal plate 2/3 length of gonopod plate; anterior part wide rectangular or wide heart-shaped. Larva. Goera sp. GB described by Tsuda and Akagi (1962) is the larval stage of this new species. The adult and larval association of this species was established by Kagaya et al . (1998) . Holotype male: JAPAN : Osaka: Chihaya-gawa, Chihayaakasaka-mura, 34°24’N , 135°40’E , larva collected on 19.xii.1996 , adult emerged on 10.iv.1997 , reared by M. Aoyagi (pinned, CBM-ZI 130495 ). Paratypes . 1 female , same data as the holotype excepting emergence on 17.iv.1997 (CBM-ZI 130496 ); 4 males , 1 female , Yanogawa Rindo, Kumano-shi, Mie, 4.v.1989 , H. Morita ( 1 male , 1 female : USNM ; 3males : TN). Other specimens examined. Kanagawa: 1 male , Kadotoguchi, Terayama, Hadano-shi, 28.iv.1983 , T. Nozaki (TN); 1 male , Sawai-gawa, Wada, Fujino-machi, 30.iv.1989 , T. Tashiro and T. Nozaki (TN); 1 male , Shiraishi-zawa, Yamakita-machi, 6.vii.1984 ; Ya m a n a s h i: 1 male and 1 female , Nagamata, Doshi-mura, Yamanashi, 15.v.1992 , H. Moriya (TN); 2 pupae , Shiraito-no- sawa, 830 m a.s.l., Kosuge-gawa, Kosuge-mura; Nagano: 5 males , 1 female , a small stream, Okubo, Hase, Ina-shi, , N. Kuhara (NK); 5 females , Shiozawa, Sugishima, Hase, Ina-shi, , N. Kuhara (NK); Gifu: 1 male , 2 females , Hatsushika-dani, ca. 300m a.s.l., Neo-shimoosu, Motosu-shi, 4.v.1996 , T. Hattori (TN); Shizuoka: 2 males , 1 females , Abe-toge, ca. 1400m a.s.l., Umegashima, Shizuoka-shi, , T. Hattori ( BJA ); 2 males , Nakazato, Fujieda-shi, 22.iv.2004 , T. Torii and A. Yoshinari (TN); Kyoto: 1 male , Azo-dani, Kibune, Kyoto-shi, pupae collected on 15.iv.1984 , adults emerged on 30.iv.1984 by K. Tanida (KT); Wakayama: 1 male , 1 female , Hirai, Kozagawa-cho, 3–4.v.1993 , T. Ito (NK); Okayama: 1 male pupa, Hiruzen-kogen, Maniwa-shi, 25.iv.1989 , N. Kobayashi (TN); Kagawa: 27 males , 6 females , Kojikawa, Shionoe-cho, Takamatsu-shi, , E. Yamamoto (TN); Ehime: 9 males , 10 females , Hondani, Odami-yama, Uchiko-cho, Ehime, 1005 m a.s.l., 10–21.v.2001 , E. Yamamoto (TN); 1 female , a small stream, Sekimon, Wakayama, Kumakogen-cho, 23–25.v.1999 , A. Ohkawa and T. Ito (TN); 1 female , Namakusa-dani, Odami-yama, Uchiko-cho, 29.v.1999 , E. Yamamoto (TN); 1 female with larval and pupal exuviae, ibid., pupa collected on 21.iv.2004 , emerged on 20.v.2004 , by T. Ito and A Ohkawa (TN); 2 males , 15 females , Koya-yama, Uchiko-cho, 29.v.2000 , E. Yamamoto and M. Doi (TN); Kochi : 1male , 1 female , Tengu-ike, Tsuno-cho, 8.v.2004 , M. Takai (TN); 1 female , a headwater of Shimanto-gawa, Tsuno-cho, 8.v.2004 , M. Takai (TN); 1 male , Befu-kyo, Kami-shi, 5.v.2002 , M. Takai (TN). FIGURES 12–13. 12, Goera nigrosoma . Male sternite VI: a, ventral view. Male genitalia: b, lateral view (b1, Honshu, Osaka; b2, Shikoku, Ehime); c, dorsal view; d, ventral view; e, phallus, lateral view; f, phallus, dorsal view. Female genitalia: g, lateral view; h, dorsal view; i, ventral view (i1, Honshu; i2, Shikoku). 13, Goera tajimaensis . Male sternite VI: a, ventral view. Male genitalia: b, lateral view; c, dorsal view; d, ventral view; e, phallus, lateral view; f, phallus, dorsal view. Female genitalia: g, lateral view; h, dorsal view; i, ventral view. Etymology. The specific name refers to the black wings and body of adults. Distribution. Japan (central to western Honshu, Shikoku). Japanese name. Kuro-ningyo-tobikera. Remarks . Ventrolateral processes of males and spermathecal plates of females of specimens collected from Shikoku ( Figs. 12 b2, 12 i2) are slightly different from those from Honshu (12b1, 12 i1). We tentatively treat them as variations in the same species, but examination of additional specimens, especially collected from western Honshu and Kyushu, may be needed.