Further additions to the guardstone spider fauna from China (Araneae: Phrurolithidae) Author Mu, Yannan The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Developed, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & 15188605531 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2504 - 673 X Author Zhang, Feng The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Developed, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-25 5338 1 1 104 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5338.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5338.1.1 e7148a02-ac1a-4172-9071-606bd1e703fc 1175­5334 8283738 CAA37212-3008-43F4-98DE-94D7A3FFD3B6 Xilithus wangi sp. nov. (ƗOiẇdzff) Figs 82–84 Type material. Holotype ♁, CHINA : Sichuan Province , Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture , Mao County , Mountain Ecosystem Positioning Station ( 31°41.539´N , 103°53.809´E , 1885 m a.s.l. ), 26 May 2015 , leg. Luyu Wang. Paratypes : 2 ♁ 2 ♀ , with same data as holotype . Etymology. The specific name is taken from the family name of Luyu Wang, the collector of this new species. Diagnosis. This new species resembles X. pseudostella ( Fu, Jin & Zhang, 2014 ) in having a similarly shaped embolus and large epigynal atrium, but can be recognized by: 1) the wider and shorter prolateral tegular apophysis (vs thin and long, cf. Fig. 83B and fig. 4B in Fu et al. [2014] ), 2) the absence of a retroventral tibial apophysis (vs presence, cf. Fig. 83B, C and fig. 4B, C in Fu et al. [2014] ), and 3) the smaller and rectangular-shaped bursa (vs large and oval, cf. Fig. 83G and fig. 4E in Fu et al. [2014] ). FIGURE 82. Habitus of Xilithus wangi sp. nov. : A. Male holotype, dorsal view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Female paratype, dorsal view; D. Same, ventral view. FIGURE 83. Copulatory organs of Xilithus wangi sp. nov. : A. Male left palp, prolateral view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Same, retrolateral view; D. Same, dorsal view; E. Same, retro-dorsal view; F. Epigyne, ventral view; G. Same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: E—embolus; PTA—prolateral tegular apophysis; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; SD—sperm duct; B— bursa; CO—copulatory opening; CD—copulatory duct; FD—fertilization duct; GA—glandular appendage; S—spermathecae. Description. Male ( Holotype ): total length 3.26, carapace 1.62 long, 1.44 wide; abdomen 1.64 long, 1.23 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances:AME 0.10, ALE 0.09, PME 0.13, PLE 0.10; AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.01, ALE– ALE 0.24, PME–PME 0.06, PME–PLE 0.06, PLE–PLE 0.37, ALE–PLE 0.05. EAW 0.52, CRW 0.82, EAW/CRW 0.65, CRW/CW 0.56. MOA 0.27 long, anterior width 0.22, posterior width 0.25. CH 0.15, CH /AME 1.50. Labium 0.22 long, 0.27 wide. Sternum 0.93 long, 0.89 wide. Leg measurements: Ⅰ 5.78 (1.59, 0.62, 1.53, 1.26, 0.78), II 4.83 (1.36, 0.54, 1.14, 1.08, 0.71), III 4.22 (1.16, 0.49, 0.84, 1.06, 0.67), IV 6.30 (1.73, 0.56, 1.40, 1.67, 0.94). Spination: femora I–IV d 1, femur Ⅰ pl 3, femur II pl 1, tibia Ⅰ pv 7 rv 7, tibia II pv 7 rv 6, metatarsus Ⅰ–II pv 4 rv 3. FIGURE 84. Copulatory organs of Xilithus wangi sp. nov. : A. Male left palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view; C. Same, dorsal view; D. Same, retro-dorsal view; E. Epigyne, ventral view; F. Same, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Coloration. Carapace red brown, with several shapes resembling flowing water droplets beside fovea. Abdomen lighter color than carapace, with large dorsal scutum covered nearly entire abdomen ( Fig. 82A, B ). Palp as in Figs 83A–E , 84A–C . Retrolateral tibial apophysis base wide, narrower tip digit-shaped and curved towards cymbium; retroventral tibial apophysis absent. Tegulum wider than cymbium, pyriform-shaped; tegular apophysis absent. Sperm duct indistinct, tapering from retrolateral of tegulum to embolus. Embolus long, needle-like, transverse but curved upwards at end. Conductor absent. FIGURE 85. Habitus of Xilithus xiaojing Liu & Li, 2022 : A. Male, dorsal view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Female, dorsal view; D. Same, ventral view. Female ( Paratype ): total length 4.41, carapace 1.85 long, 1.68 wide; abdomen 2.56 long, 1.63 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.11, ALE 0.14, PME 0.11, PLE 0.11; AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.01, ALE–ALE 0.28, PME–PME 0.08, PME–PLE 0.06, PLE–PLE 0.39, ALE–PLE 0.08. EAW 0.58, CRW 0.90, EAW/CRW 0.64, CRW/CW 0.54. MOA 0.29 long, anterior width 0.25, posterior width 0.29. CH 0.15, CH /AME 1.36. Labium 0.22 long, 0.31 wide. Sternum 1.14 long, 1.07 wide. Leg measurements: Ⅰ 7.03 (1.91, 0.66, 1.95, 1.60, 0.91), II 5.91 (1.63, 0.62, 1.48, 1.29, 0.89), III 5.01 (1.34, 0.57, 0.99, 1.30, 0.81), IV 7.72 (2.10, 0.65, 1.79, 2.07, 1.11). Spination: femora I–IV d 1, femora Ⅰ–II pl 3, tibia Ⅰ pv 7 rv 8, tibia II pv 7 rv 5, metatarsus Ⅰ pv 4 rv 4, metatarsus II pv 4 rv 3. Other characters as for male, except dorsal scutum absent, color darker and body larger ( Fig. 82C, D ). Epigyne as in Figs 83F–G , 84D–E .Epigynal plate weakly sclerotized,with pair of shallow concavities.Copulatory openings small, located at anterior of atrium. Copulatory ducts slender, slightly curved. Bursa nearly rectangular. Glandular appendages mastoid-shaped. Connecting tubes short, wider than copulatory ducts. Spermathecae globular, widely separated. Fertilization ducts located at anterior margin of spermathecae. Distribution. China ( Sichuan Province ).