Taxonomic notes on Hydroidomedusae (Cnidaria) from South China Sea III: Family Rathkeidae and Zancleopsidae Author Wang, Chunguang Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, China Author Xu, Zhenzu College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China Author Huang, Jiaqi College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China Author Guo, Donghui College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China Author Lin, Mao Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, China & Collaborative Innovation Center of Deep Sea Biology, Hangzhou 310012, China Author Xia, Zhen Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China Geological Survey, Guangzhou 510760, China Corresponding author, E-mail: guodh @ xmu. edu. cn text Zoological Systematics 2016 41 4 392 403 journal article 10.11865/zs.201644 2095-6827 5366513 DDA913E3-9578-476B-AFFB-E6C5392C430D Family Zancleopsidae Bouillon, 1978 Zancleopsidae Bouillon, 1978: 284–285 ; Bouillon & Boero, 2000: 125; Bouillon et al , 2006: 216 ; Xu et al ., 2014: 362 . Type species: Zancleopsis Hartlaub, 1907 . Diagnosis. Umberlla conical or dome-shaped, without apical chamber; 2–4 capitate marginal tentacles, with or without lateral capitate branches; marginal bulbs clasping umbrella margin, with four or two adaxial hemispherical projection armed with cnidocysts; manubrium broadly flask-shaped, with quadratic or cruciform base; mouth square or circular, with or without fain lips; gonads 4, interradial with deep interradial grooves which may divided them into 8 adradial patches or gonads surrounding manubrium; with or without ocelli on marginal bulbs or on proximal part of tentacles. Hydroids unknown. Remarks. Before the family was erected by Bouillon (1978) , several families were proposed for the genus, such as Cladonematidae ( Hartlaub, 1907 ; Mayer, 1910 ), Zancleidae ( Kramp, 1959 , 1961 ) and Pandeidae ( Kramp, 1965 , 1968 ). The systematic position of the Zancleopsis was outlined by Bouillon (1978) , because of without exumbrellar cnidocyst pouches or tracks and tentacles capitate wand without branches, which are different with the latter three families. Thus, Bouillon (1978) erected a new family Zancleopsidae in the order Capitata for the genus Zancleopsis and another new genus Dicnida . Key to medusa of all known Zancleopsidae genera. 1. With ocelli; gonads interradial, with deep interradial grooves ................................................................ Zancleopsis Hartlaub, 1907 * Without ocelli; gonads surrounding manubrium in adults................................................................................ Dicnida Bouillon, 1978 * Present in China Sea.