New and little – known stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Albania and the neighbouring countries Author Murányi, Dávid text Zootaxa 2007 1533 1 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.177757 d052bb53-49f7-4c55-b4e3-83fb1b0f5a6e 1175-5326 177757 Nemoura brevipennis group Nemoura brevipennis Martynov , N. elegantula Martynov , N. martynovia Claassen and N. taurica Zhiltzova were already treated as a species group by Zhiltzova (2003) . I also integrate herein N. uncinata Despax , N. dromokeryx Theischinger , N. aetolica Zwick and Nemoura asceta sp. n. This group differs from the other members of the genus by the apical part of the epiproct ring bearing two distinct lobes ending in lateral horns and by cerci having a strong, acute apical hook. The latter character also demonstrates affinity of the brevipennis group with the N. marginata group sensu Aubert (1946) ; however, the members of this group have less distinct lobes on the epiproct ring. The group has a circum–Pontic distribution, excepting N. uncinata , which is distributed in the European Mediterranean area. Nemoura elegantula is known from the Caucasus, N. brevipennis and N. martynovia from the Caucasus and Anatolia , N. dromokeryx from Anatolia , N. taurica from the Crimean Peninsula, Anatolia and the Aegean islands, N. aetolica from the Greek mainland and N. asceta from northern Albania ( Fig 103 ).